United Kingdom and Ireland
January 2, 2021

Sunday Bulletin 3 Jan 21

Thank you to all for this past CHRISTMAS!   Frs de Malleray, Verrier, Stewart and Jolly thank you for your many cards, gifts, bottles, cooked dishes, and prayers at Christmas. It was uplifting to see so many at Midnight Mass and on the following days. Let us keep up this good attendance and tell our friends about the grace of daily Mass.

St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin 3 Jan 21 (fortnightly)

Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool. 01925 635664 – warrington@fssp.org

fssp.co.uk/warrington/ – facebook.com/fssp.england

Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP malleray@fssp.org

Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP (also Choir & Organ) iverrier@fssp.org

Assistant: Fr Alex Stewart, FSSP astewart@olgseminary.org

Visiting Priest: Fr Andrew Jolly

Shrine Secretary: Mrs Jane Wright

Opening Times:

Sundays: 10:00am-1:00pm & 5:00pm-7:00pm (Holy Masses 11:00am & 6:00pm; Sung Vespers 5:00pm; Confessions 10:30am-11:00am & 5:30pm-6:00pm)

Weekdays: 11:00am-1:30pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)

Saturdays: 10:00am-1:30pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with ongoing Confessions; Holy Mass 12:10pm)

Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on LiveMass.net > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7days for Sunday Mass.

To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.

All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Chest and limbs must be covered down to elbows and knees at least. No sportswear. Sunday best should be worn by all on Sundays and feasts: suit and tie for men and boys, dresses for women and girls. Men keep their heads uncovered within church; women are encouraged to wear a scarf, hat or mantilla. Thank you.

Switch OFF your mobile phone before you enter our church. Letting it ring inside the church gravely disturbs the quiet of the sacred place. Thank you for your consideration.

Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.

Our Warrington Vocations: Welcome back to our Second Year seminarian Henry. We pray that he might spend a restful time in his family. We also pray for our First Year seminarian David, who was prevented from travelling home this time. We keep our two seminaries in America and Europe in our prayer. Sister Mari Caritas sent her Christmas greetings from America. Let us keep her and her community in our prayer. Lastly, we pray for our young people currently discerning God’s Holy Will for them.

 Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: https://fssp.co.uk/donate/.

Ask us for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 20% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds Bank ; Sort Code: 30-80-27 ; Account number: 30993368 ; Account name: FSSP Warrington

COVID: Please observe social distancing, sanitizing and one-way system as signed, and kindly cover your face with a mantilla, scarf or mask unless exempt.

We thank our stewards who generously give their time to secure a safe environment for all visitors to St Mary’s. Please make sure to follow their instructions and abide by the regulations (unless exempt from some), including social distancing and one-way system.

 Use Priory Court Car Park through automated gates. NEW: additional keypad for pedestrians to exit: same code as Entrance + letter A. Do ask the clergy for the access code on your next visit. Do NOT share the codes with anyone (unless they are personally known to you as regular Massgoers at St Mary’s). Please park on any spaces to the FRONT & RIGHT of the pedestrian wooden gate into the Presbytery garden and church, as the spaces on the LEFT of that gate are for office users.

Holy Mass booklets, rosaries for sale. Ask us after Holy Mass. Cash only. Baronius hand missals: we await the publisher’s confirmation for our latest order.

St Mary’s logo on mugs and coasters: £7/mug & £3/coaster. Profit goes to support St Mary’s Shrine.

Tues 5th Jan 1pm-2pm: Blessing of Epiphany Water. Please bring containers filled with water and preferably labelled to your name. Before 12:10pm Mass, leave them for blessing on the bench near the Little Organ. This blessing of water is the most powerful after the Ester Vigil one. Bring your container(s) back home for private devotional use all year long.

To date, Covid-19 vaccination is optional civilly and morally. No one should be forced to take it. Furthermore, even though the production of one such vaccine be proven to have no connection with the “abominable crime of abortion” (Vatican Council II, Gaudium et Spes, 51), UK mortality rate so far doesn’t justify more stringent precautions against Covid than against flu. In addition, the Government and vaccine producers have warned against negative side-effects including serious risks to pregnant women and persons with severe disabilities. Classical moral theology teaches that remote material cooperation in evil (in this case, for vaccination with abortion-connected vaccines) could be justified if: 1) There must be no realistic alternative; 2) One must make known the moral objections; 3) There must be a sufficiently grave, proportionate reason. Since the UK mortality rate has not exploded so far compared with past years, and since a vaccine totally free from connection with abortion is to be hoped, conditions 1) and 3) are not met in the present UK situation. Currently one might choose to take a vaccine free from any connection with abortion if the threat of Covid contamination were felt greater than the known and unknown side-effects of Covid vaccines.

Launching St Mary’s YouTube channel: to make LiveMass recordings available permanently, visit https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_NVY7jpDIhANiwjng1gN0w. Homilies for Sundays and major feasts will be uploaded regularly. Thank you to our LiveMass/YouTube operators.

Annual Vocation Weekend: Fri 29 Jan 2021 at 17:00 – Sun 31 Jan 2021 at 14:00. For single Catholic men 18-30. St Mary’s Priory, Smith Street, Warrington WA1 2NS, England. Contact malleray@fssp.org. [Obviously subject to Covid regulations in late January: check our website for updates.]

Prayer intentions for our sick: Hilda Creagan, John Sunderland, Steve Humphrey. R.I.P. Mrs Frances Fawcett, mother of our Shrine Secretary Mrs Jane Wright, who passed away last week. We assure all her family of our prayer.


Masses will be offered this month in private for Kevin Mcluskey; Kate O’Donoghue (RIP); Luciano Deluca; FSSP; Theresa Raynard; Thomas Parkinson; Paul Allen’s Family; Special Intention; Francine Hanna; Rosa: Thanksgiving; Bernadette Keenan; Reparation for sac. act; Malarchy Cardiff (RIP); Margaret Parkinson (RIP); Holy Souls; Miguel Casado; Mary Doyle (RIP); Reconversions of France/all French; Intentions of Knights of Our Lady in France, England, German, world; Luciana Robinson; Josh Langley; Leigh Keenan; Harry Leach; David Harris; Healing for Kilsby family; Winnie Davis; Repose of souls Covid victims; Joyce Drury; Holy Soul; Leonard Keenan; Patrick Keenan (RIP); Fr Robert; Holy Souls; Mary Ashley (RIP); Dr Gordon Bowden (RIP);  Edmund Whithall (RIP); Des Delamere (RIP); Andrew Robinson; Bridie Ford (RIP); Deceased Mcnally/white families

Sun 3 Most Holy Name of Jesus, II Class 5pm Sung Vespers 11:00am 6:00pm All St Mary’s Faithful Rocco Robinson
Mon 4 Feria, IV Class 12:10pm Romeo Robinson
Tue 5 Feria, IV Class – Blessing of Epiphany Water 1pm 12:10pm Fr Doyle (RIP)
Wed 6 Epiphany of the Lord, I Class 12:10pm  Hilda O’brien
Thu 7 Feria, IV Class 12:10pm Nikki Heywood
Fri 8 Feria, IV Class 12:10pm All St. Mary’s penitents of the week
Sat 9 Saturday of Our Lady, IV Class Adoration & Confessions 10:00am-12noon  12:10pm James McLuskey
Sun 10 Feast of the Holy Family (1st Sunday after Epiphany) 5pm Sung Vespers 11:00am 6:00pm All St Mary’s Faithful Rafael Rozo (RIP)
Mon 11 Feria, IV Class 12:10pm Bridger McLuskey
Tue 12 Feria, IV Class 12:10pm Liam O’neill
Wed 13 Commemoration of the Baptism of Our Lord, II Class 12:10pm 7:00pm Poor Sinners All men of St. Mary’s
Thu 14 St. Kentigern, Bishop, III Class 12:10pm Priestly souls in need
Fri 15 St. Paul the Hermit, Confessor, III Class 12:10pm All St. Mary’s penitents of the week
Sat 16 St. Marcellus, Pope, Martyr, III Class Adoration & Confessions 10:00am-12noon  12:10pm For FSSP
Sun 17 II Sunday after the Epiphany, II Class 5pm Sung  Vespers 11:00am 6:00pm All St Mary’s Faithful Moughton family

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