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June 20, 2024

New priest for FSSP Warrington!

Fr Homolya has been appointed to be Assistant Priest at St Mary’s, replacing Fr Evans, who has been sent by our superiors to undertake further studies. Fr Homolya’s Solemn First Mass at St Mary’s will be on Sunday 4 August at 11am. The Apostolic Penitentiary, by mandate of Pope Francis, grants a plenary indulgence to those who faithfully assist at this Mass.

June 1, 2024

St Mary’s Shrine Bulletin, 2-15 Jun 2024

Read the latest fortnightly bulletin here. PARISHES OF BLESSED JAMES BELL, AND SACRED HEART & ST ALBANCORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSIONthrough Warrington town centreSun 2 Jun, beginning at 2pm at St Mary’s,ending with Benediction at St Alban’s (Bewsey Street) The garden of the Priory will be available to use, for those who’d like to stay on after the 11am Mass to eat their own picnic lunches, prior to the Procession! Congratulations… …to Bronagh, Cecily, David and Jessica, who will receive their First Holy Communion at the 11am Mass on Sun 2 […]

May 5, 2024

St Mary’s Shrine Bulletin, 5-18 May 2024

Read the latest fortnightly bulletin here. Liturgical Calendar: 5-18 May 2024 ASCENSION DAY: Thu 9 May The Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord is a holy day of obligation in the UK, when all Catholics are obliged to assist at Holy Mass, as well as “to abstain from those works and affairs which hinder the worship to be rendered to God, the joy proper to the Lord’s day, or the suitable relaxation of mind and body”, unless “family needs or important social service” so […]

April 6, 2024

St Mary’s Shrine Bulletin, 7-20 Apr 2024

Read the latest fortnightly bulletin here. Liturgical Calendar: 7-20 April 2024 GIFT AID ENVELOPES for the new tax year are now available to collect from the narthex. If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider increasing your regular donations by Gift Aid. You can increase the value of your donation by 25% at no extra cost or inconvenience to yourself. Either pick up a ‘one-off’ envelope from the church porch, or contact the office if you’d like to start using the numbered envelopes […]

March 24, 2024

St Mary’s Shrine Bulletin, 24 Mar – 6 Apr 2024

Read the latest fortnightly bulletin here. Liturgical Calendar: 24 March – 6 April 2024 N.B. Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. All Catholics aged 18-59 inclusive are obliged to fast (one meal & two small snacks permitted); and, as usual on Fridays, all Catholics aged 14+ must abstain from meat. PLENARY INDULGENCES DURING SACRED TRIDUUM (usual conditions apply) Thank you… …to the children from our shrine community, who raised £315.21 at their home-made cakes and crafts sale on Lætare Sunday!The proceeds will be split between the Life charity and […]