United Kingdom and Ireland
November 18, 2023

Bedford & Chesham Bois Sunday Bulletin 19 Nov 2023

FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin, 19 Nov 2023

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese  of Northampton

Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF

Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE

fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham     


Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org

Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho: pe.miguelcoelho@protonmail.com

Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org

Receive this newsletter by email https://fssp.org.uk/manageprofile/index.php

Watch daily Mass by the FSSP with homily on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html

Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl

Vespers: https://www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/horas/officium.pl


BEDFORD: Sunday: 8:30am

Mon 10:00am

Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:00am

Sat 10:00am

CHESHAM BOIS: Sunday: 12noon

Hoy Days: 11:00am (check website before travelling)


Sat 11:00am-12noon. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.

Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Department or speak with Christ the King Church’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.

This month of November, please remember to pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.

Read the short Treatise on Purgatory, by St Catherine of Genoa: www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/treatise-on-purgatory-9820

‘An Angel Frees the Souls of Purgatory’, by Ludovico Carracci

Frs de Malleray and Coelho (pronounce “Father Co-Hello”) have started visiting families at home. It is a great joy to see the eagerness for the household to meet with clergy, who take part in the family prayer and give blessings. Feel welcome to invite the priests at home, even just for coffee or tea.

In addition, two spiritual conferences by Fr Coelho are now scheduled, one for all on Sat 25 Nov in Chesham Bois, 7pm; the other for mothers near Bedford on 20Nov. We would like to start such groups monthly, for men and for ladies.

We also need to begin altar servers’ sessions.

Fr de Malleray will offer Holy Mass at Regina Caeli Academy as new Chaplain, on Mon 20 Nov, 2:20pm.

Fr de Malleray has his first meetings scheduled for converts, Baptism and Marriage preparations.


Please kindly email us the full details of candidates for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation (includes date of birth). Also for Holy Matrimony (if any), and Baptism. Once we know the size of each group we can schedule meetings.

Thank you to the generous men from our congregations who gave their Saturday morning to build the platform for the future chapel at St Alban House. An altar has been ordered and next month the priests will have a decent setting to pray Lauds, Vespers and Compline, offer private Masses and do meditation.

Also, thank you to the ladies who are putting together a rota for cooking for the clergy.

Fr de Malleray thanks you for your prayers during his  annual retreat last week. He kept you in his prayers as well.

Improving the website: Unlike on desktops, information was poorly displayed on mobile phone screens. This was improved. Send us feedback.

Internet: theoretically installed this past Friday, its signal proves very low and will need fixing. Therefore, sadly we are not yet able to communicate well online.

Telephone: A landline number will be communicated soon.

Fr de Malleray attended the monthly Juventutem Youth Group in London, of which he is the chaplain, last 10 Nov. 70 young adults were present, including as always new faces and converts. Visit facebook.com/londonjuventutem/ and instagram.com/juventutemlondon/. The next date is Friday 1 Dec. Confessions 6-7pm, Sung Mass with homily 7-8pm, social with Q&As 8-9:30pm.

1 to 1 helper (practicing Catholic) sought for a seven-year-old autistic boy at the Regina Caeli Academy in Meppershall. Mon and Thurs in term time, 8.45-15.15, starting Jan. Call 07737 020188 if interested.

Martin, Barbara and Peter Kay would like to thank the community for the Spiritual Bouquet offered for them on their move to Rutland and for their friendship over the past eight years.

FINANCES: Thank you to the families who have now shifted their standing order from the Reading bank account to the newly created Bedford one with Lloyd. Kindly proceed with the change if you have not done so already, since two priests full time implies ongoing expenses, which are not covered by Reading or by the diocese. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Sort code: 30-80-27   Account number: 44025960

GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.

MAILING LIST: Please subscribe for free to the newly created Mailchimp list, now the official medium of information for the Northampton FSSP Chaplaincy. Click on this link: https://facebook.us11.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=c6ff52282548a1c81708fb5ef&id=adabc6323e

Or simply visit the Chaplaincy’s dedicated webpage via fssp.org.uk/bedford, or fssp.org.uk/chesham, and click to the right of the screen on “Subscribe to our Bedford and Chesham Bois bulletin”.

ADVENT FAMILY GATHERING in Bedford Sat 2 December.

Feel welcome to bring and sell good books, Christmas cards and other items. Special guest: St Nicholas!                    


10:00am Holy Mass

11:00am Confessions and Eucharistic adoration for the intention families.

12noon-2pm: Picnic lunch in hall with stalls of books and devotional articles to buy as Christmas presents, while chatting with priests and families.

2:00pm Spiritual Conference by Fr de Malleray on Why God became Man. Followed by Q&As. Simultaneously, talk for children and/or learning a few simple hymns.

3:00pm Onward: Coffee, tea.

Members of our congregations in Bedford and Chesham Bois attended the successful ball of the Good Counsel Network last Saturday in London. Learn more about this deserving pro-life charity here: www.goodcounselnet.co.uk.

Envelopes for Holy Mass intentions are being ordered. Meanwhile, you can write on any envelope the intention, contact details, and preferred date if any, and your stipend (average £10.00).

Parish Christmas Fayre on 26 Nov 1-3 pm. There will be a Latin Mass table. Also raffle tickets available with cash prizes, which will be drawn at the Christmas Fayre.

Pray  for  the sick in our congregations. Email their names for insertions in next bulletins.


Sun198.30amVI Sunday after Epiphany (II)Ireneusz Oledzki RIP (Bedford)Monica Oledzka
Sun1912pmVI Sunday after Epiphany (II)Michael O’Donnell RIP Chesham)Chakrabarti
Mon2010amSt Edmund K M (III)Ireneusz Oledzki RIPMonica Oledzka
Tue218amPresentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (III)Souls of the Barrett & Wardell families & friendsBarrett
Wed228amSt Cecilia V M (III)Holy SoulsAnon
Thu238amSt Clement I P M (III)Holly Anne ChakrabartiChakrabarti
Fri248amSt John of the Cross C D (III)Maria ZiebaZieba
Sat2510amSt Catherine V M (III)Maria ZiebaZieba

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