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In this issue:
Editorial: Woodcarving As Worship
Reflecting on the importance of sacred architecture as a medium of evangelisation that touches even non-believers (as the fire of Notre-Dame showed), Fr de Malleray rejoices at the new altarpiece commissioned by a traditional Dominican community in France.
A Queen For All Seasons
Aidan Harvey-Craig praises Queen Catherine of Aragon’s courageous witness to the inviolability of marriage and to the Catholic faith as a timely example for our times of matrimonial breakdown and religious relativism. Could she be declared a heavenly intercessor?
Coercion and Belief: Compelle Intrare
Fr Brendan Gerard, FSSP (who holds a licence in Sacred Scripture from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome) examines whether the use of coercion to bring people into the Church is authorised by Christ’s mandate to “make disciples of all nations.”
Tintin and the Secret of the Elusive Priests
Despite being a cradle Catholic, world-famous author Hergé included almost no priest characters in his numerous comic strips; and yet, multiple priestly influences have inspired or guided the creator of Tintin―finds Fr de Malleray (Head of Tintinology at St Alban House in Bedford).
Why the Film Nefarious Is Atheists’ Nightmare
Avoiding any gory or horrible display, the supernatural thriller Nefarious cleverly depicts an atheistic doctor trying to persuade a possessed inmate that God and Satan are not real. Fr de Malleray praises this battle of wits that can prompt non-believers to ask salutary questions.
Spoiler Alert: Life Wins In The End
Young adult Sophia Rumpus took part in the joyful and peaceful March for Life, the largest event in the UK every year to celebrate the sacredness of human life, particularly in its unborn stage: an initiative worthy of support as the “legal” termination of the elderly and sick looms ahead.
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship across three churches:
Sunday 8:30am: All Saints, Church End, Kempston, Bedford MK43 8RH
Sunday 12noon: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Weekdays: Our Lady of Ransom, 307 Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8QB: Mon 9:30am ; Tue 6:30am ; Wed 7:15pm ; Thu 9:30am ; Fri 11:30am ; Sat 11:30am (following Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions from 10:00am & Eucharistic Benediction ending by 11:20am)
fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Assistant: Fr Miguel Coelho, FSSP-Associate :
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP Northampton Safeguarding officer William Currie: Tel: 07825 089 336. Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me. Reminder: NO child must be left unsupervised at any time.
Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html
Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl
For the sake of confidentiality please whisper rather than speak. Our Lady of Ransom (for anyone): Sat 10:00am-11:15am, and 20mins before every weekday Mass. At All Saints: during Sunday Mass in the room behind the organ. Chesham Bois: after the Sunday 12noon Mass if not before.
What a lovely day we spent at Buckden Towers the other Saturday! Over one hundred children and adults from our two congregations attended, plus many visitors. Thank you to all for supporting the event, to the adults who led children’s activities, the altar servers, and for doing well at the family quiz despite tricky questions. Send us more feedback if you have further ideas after our morning session about growing as a community. See the lovely pictures on our Flickr page: flickr.com/photos/138056205@N08/albums/.
EXPAND: Please email us if you become aware of a redundant church building, a school, a warehouse, a garage, or other with parking for sale…
Bishop David Oakley will confer the sacrament of Confirmation again to our Chaplaincy candidates next Spring or Summer. Please email us this week the names of candidates, and also for First Holy Communion.
Join the chaplaincy children (scouts and guides) and Fr de Malleray at the ROSARY CRUSADE in LONDON on Sat 12th Oct (starts 1:45pm, outside Westminster Cathedral.) This is the largest Marian event in London every year. Come and pray the holy Rosary in public, walking leisurely from Westminster Cathedral to the Brompton Oratory for the reparation of sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The roads are shut to allow the procession through and we walk behind a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima whilst praying the rosary and singing hymns. It is a great opportunity for public witness to the faith and is a joyful event.
The evening before, if you are 18-35, come on Friday 11th Oct to the monthly Juventutem 7pm sung holy Mass with homily by chaplain Fr de Malleray, FSSP (6pm confessions; 8pm social) at St Mary Magdalene, 96 North Side Wandsworth Common SW18 2QU London (12 mins walk from Clapham Junction). Meet the about 70 young adults coming from far and wide for that event.
Thank you to our little choir who envisages now singing the Mass every Sunday.
Servers’ training on Saturday morning 26/10/24 at Our Lady of Ransom.
Contact Francis Ibabu or Rita Carroll to take part.
Monthly talk for all in Chesham Bois: Sat 5th Oct, 7:00pm by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, at parishioners’ house near church, on the theme: “Interpreting the axiom No salvation outside the Church”. Bring wine & cheese.
Finance Update: £1,401.00/week (based on £5,604.00/month). Such is the ongoing cost to be met by the Bedford & Chesham Bois FSSP Chaplaincy, consisting chiefly of the rents for four buildings (St Alban House and the three churches where we serve weekly). Since Sunday 28th July 2024 when we started in the new Bedford location at All Saints, absolutely every penny you put in the Offertory collection basket goes to us, the FSSP Chaplaincy.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960.
The Osborn family will host the statue of Our Lady of Walsingham this Sunday and the Harvey-Craig family next week. We thank them for praying the litany of Loreto in front of the statue to the intentions of their household and of our two congregations.
DO YOU HAVE A SPARE ROOM to give him a start? Young English Catholic man seeks room in Bedford, moving back from FSSP Vancouver 1st December-1st January. Best with local Catholic family or fellow Catholic men in a faith-filled environment, including attending daily Mass: Paul Capon ; paulcapon11@gmail.com ;+1 416 645 8018 (WhatsApp/Telegram).
Sunday Bedford practicalities:
NO MORE PARKING in car park in front of the parish hall. That space is needed by the village inhabitants and by the worshippers coming to the service after our Mass. Please park in the church car park on the road before the church (go through yellow gate), or on the smaller car park to the right of the parish hall if you have a van too high to pass under the yellow barrier of the main car park.
Use every space in all pews along the central aisle to allow best sight of the sanctuary during Sunday Mass at All Saints Church. You will see even better on weekday Masses at Our Lady’s Church.
Host count at All Saints: BEFORE MASS please could each communicant put one host in the container by the church entrance door when walking into the church. Thank you.
Thank you to volunteers for setting up chairs in church by 8:15am before Sunday Mass, and for setting up and cleaning the hall after Mass.
Children safety: Because of no fence along the steep riverbank, children are strictly forbidden from being in the churchyard or hall yard unsupervised. The same applies of course for access during holy Mass to the lavatories situated in the parish hall.
Collection of food items for the Bedford Food Bank on Sunday 13th Oct. You may bring dried food or tinned items if you wish to donate.
Monday 7th Oct, feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, monthly Mass at Regina Caeli Academy by chaplain. Pray for the essential work of Catholic education achieved by the trustees, staff and parents for over 80 young children.
All Saints & All Souls Masses will take place both in Bedford & Chesham Bois. Schedule to be announced next week. All Saints children party at All Saints parish hall in Kempston on 1st Nov.
Pray for the sick in our congregations: four-year-old Eliah Isaac, Baby Vincent Jones, Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Baby Joseph Osborn. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.
Gregorian Chaplaincy, served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship across three churches:
Sunday 8:30am: All Saints, Church End, Kempston, Bedford MK43 8RH
Sunday 12noon: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Weekdays: Our Lady of Ransom, 307 Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8QB: Mon 9:30am ; Tue 6:30am ; Wed 7:15pm ; Thu 9:30am ; Fri 11:30am ; Sat 11:30am (following Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions from 10:00am & Eucharistic Benediction ending by 11:20am)
fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Assistant: Fr Miguel Coelho, FSSP-Associate :
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP Northampton Safeguarding officer William Currie: Tel: 07825 089 336. Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me. Reminder: NO child must be left unsupervised at any time.
Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html
Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl
For the sake of confidentiality please whisper rather than speak. Our Lady of Ransom (for anyone): Sat 10:00am-11:15am, and 20mins before every weekday Mass. At All Saints: during Sunday Mass in the room behind the organ. Chesham Bois: after the Sunday 12noon Mass if not before.
2pm Colouring and singing workshops for children / Eucharistic servers’ practice
2pm Conference by FSSP Chaplain on Fidelity, Joy, and Merit in Marriage
3pm Eucharistic adoration with public recitation of the Rosary, and Confessions
3:45pm Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
4pm Coffee/tea & biscuits
4pm At car park: blessing of all vehicles (and of dogs)
4pm Children workshop : The traditional way of visiting a Catholic church
4:15pm In “King’s Room”: Blessing of any items sorted (better tag your name on them): rosaries, holy statues, holy pictures, crucifixes, medals, scapulars, holy water
Monthly talk for all in Chesham Bois: Sat 5th Oct, 7:00pm by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, at parishioners’ house near church, on the theme:
“Interpreting the axiom No salvation outside the Church”.
Bring wine & cheese.
Contact us for address (5mins walk from church).
Finance Update: £1,401.00/week (based on £5,604.00/month). Such is the ongoing cost to be met by the Bedford & Chesham Bois FSSP Chaplaincy, consisting chiefly of the rents for four buildings (St Alban House and the three churches where we serve weekly). Since Sunday 28th July 2024 when we started in the new Bedford location at All Saints, absolutely every penny you put in the Offertory collection basket goes to us, the FSSP Chaplaincy. However, standing orders are quicker and easier for us to process. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960.
Thank you to the parishioner who donated money to help cover expenses connected with the move to our new church locations. A vestment press has now been delivered to Our Lady of Ransom where we offer Mass Mon-Sat. It allows us to store vestments and linens properly, rather than having them pile up on a chair.
We don’t have vestments in each colour yet, nor for Benediction, nor up-to-date altar missals, nor altar frontals. Some of those items are being purchased and should be delivered soon. The requiem Low Mass set and black cope have just arrived: so we are all geared up well ahead of All Souls!
A beautiful set of six candlesticks and matching crucifix were purchased second hand for All Saints: they greatly enhance the sight of the high altar during holy Mass.
Young English Catholic man seeks room in Bedford, moving back from FSSP Vancouver 1st December-1st January. Best with local Catholic family or fellow Catholic men in a faith-filled environment, including attending daily Mass: Paul Capon ; paulcapon11@gmail.com ;+1 416 645 8018 (WhatsApp/Telegram).
Sunday Bedford practicalities:
NO MORE PARKING in car park in front of the parish hall. That space is needed by the village inhabitants and by the worshippers coming to the service after our Mass. Please park in the church car park on the road before the church (go through yellow gate), or on the smaller car park to the right of the parish hall if you have a van too high to pass under the yellow barrier of the main car park.
Use every space in all pews along the central aisle to allow best sight of the sanctuary during Sunday Mass at All Saints Church. You will see even better on weekday Masses at Our Lady’s Church.
Host count at All Saints: BEFORE MASS please could each communicant put one host in the container by the church entrance door when walking into the church. Thank you.
Thank you to volunteers for setting up chairs in church by 8:15am before Sunday Mass, and for setting up and cleaning the hall after Mass.
Children safety: Because of no fence along the steep riverbank, children are strictly forbidden from being in the churchyard or hall yard unsupervised. The same applies of course for access during holy Mass to the lavatories situated in the parish hall.
Two young sisters in our congregation share impressions of their recent trip-pilgrimage: “We were lucky enough to have a week in Paris for B.’s thirteenth birthday. There were lots to see which meant lots of walking! Our favourite part was seeing St Catherine Labouré [at the Rue du Bac convent of the Miraculous Medal]. The chapel was beautiful and it felt very special kneeling in front of a saint, H. wanted to stay there all day. Some of the other places we visited were the Sacré-Cœur, the Eiffel tower and the Louvre.”
Come to London on Sat 12th Oct for the great Rosary Crusade (starts 1:45pm, outside Westminster Cathedral.)
Your FSSP priests try to go on an excursion once a month. This past week we were blessed with no rain for our visit of Peterborough Cathedral…
where we venerated the tomb of Queen Catherine of Aragon.
On our way back we visited Fotheringhay, where Queen Mary Stuart was executed. RIP. In both places (cathedral and village church) we prayed some of the breviary: it must have been centuries since the Roman divine office was last recited over there.
Come to London on Sat 12th Oct for the great Rosary Crusade (starts 1:45pm, outside Westminster Cathedral.)
Pray for the sick in our congregations: four-year-old Eliah Isaac, Baby Vincent Jones, Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Baby Joseph Osborn. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.
By the way, can you forward this to any priest, deacon, seminarian you think might be interested? Thank you ! RETREAT FOR CLERGY
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship across three churches:
Sunday 8:30am: All Saints, Church End, Kempston, Bedford MK43 8RH
Sunday 12noon: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Weekdays: Our Lady of Ransom, 307 Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8QB: Mon 9:30am ; Tue 6:30am ; Wed 7:15pm ; Thu 9:30am ; Fri 11:30am ; Sat 11:30am (following Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions from 10:00am & Eucharistic Benediction ending by 11:20am)
fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Assistant: Fr Miguel Coelho, FSSP-Associate :
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP Northampton Safeguarding officer William Currie: Tel: 07825 089 336. Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me. Reminder: NO child must be left unsupervised at any time.
Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html
Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl
For the sake of confidentiality please whisper rather than speak. Our Lady of Ransom (for anyone): Sat 10:00am-11:15am, and 20mins before every weekday Mass. At All Saints: during Sunday Mass in the room behind the organ. Chesham Bois: after the Sunday 12noon Mass if not before.
Congratulations to Fr Miguel Coelho who begins as FSSP-Associate. After his time as a guest priest Fr Coelho received permissions to minister in Bedford and Chesham Bois in an official capacity with the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter.
Well done to the 25 ladies and gentlemen who attended our two monthly group events. Further dates will be announced shortly, including for Chesham Bois talks.
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Alex Windo married at Christ the King Church by Fr de Malleray on Sat 21st September. We assure them of our prayer and look forward to welcoming them on their return from honeymoon.
2pm Colouring and singing workshops for children / Eucharistic servers’ practice
2pm Conference by FSSP Chaplain on Fidelity, Joy, and Merit in Marriage
3pm Eucharistic adoration with public recitation of the Rosary, and Confessions
3:45pm Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
4pm Coffee/tea & biscuits
4pm At car park: blessing of all vehicles (and of dogs)
4pm Children workshop : The traditional way of visiting a Catholic church
4:15pm In “King’s Room”: Blessing of any items sorted (better tag your name on them): rosaries, holy statues, holy pictures, crucifixes, medals, scapulars, holy water
Finance Update: £1,401.00/week (based on £5,604.00/month).
Such is the ongoing cost to be met by the Bedford & Chesham Bois FSSP Chaplaincy. It includes the rents for four buildings (St Alban House and the three churches where we serve weekly); the salaries, travel allowances, and retirement fund contributions for the two priests; the admin fees (secretariat, accountancy); the utilities, local borough tax, church consumables (hosts, wine, candles), food. It does not include occasional expenses such as liturgical items and vestments, nor the furniture and utensils purchased when we had to start from scratch in our rented house last October.
A big thank you to YOU for allowing us to meet this substantial weekly cost through your Offertory gifts and bank transfers. A bit less than 300 of you attend our Masses each week, but most are unwaged (scores of pious and energetic children, plus incredibly hard-working but unpaid housewives), which narrows significantly the number of contributors to spread the weekly £1,401.00 cost across.
The good news is that since Sunday 28th July 2024 when we started in the new Bedford location at All Saints, absolutely every penny you put in the Offertory collection basket goes to us, the FSSP Chaplaincy. Yes, 100% comes to us now. Please make sure you realise this important change: up to then in Bedford, the entire Offertory collection went to the diocesan parish, not to us the FSSP Chaplaincy. Now, as per the Chaplaincy agreement signed with Bishop Oakley, all that you give reaches us. This is only fair, considering that, unlike all diocesan or religious priests serving diocesan churches, we FSSP priests receive no salary, no housing, no allowances or stipends of any kind from the Northampton diocese. From A to Z, money is to be raised from the generosity of our benefactors in Bedford and Chesham Bois. Your ongoing financial support is a strong sign of your commitment to the FSSP Chaplaincy.
Thank you to the Offertory collectors and counters for their discreet but vital role. In addition, please consider setting up standing orders if you have not done so yet, as it is quicker and simpler to process than cash. Also, do contact today Rita Carroll to obtain a Gift Aid number to increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. That will help us a lot.
Remember us in your will. Contact us for guidance to bequest some of your estate to our FSSP England Registered Charity (No.1129964), stating whether you wish it used for the Bedford and/or Chesham Bois apostolates, rather than for England in general. Finally, tell your friends about us, our work and our needs (send them the online newsletter, share posts from our Facebook pages). In the past, some donations have come to other FSSP apostolates from people who did not attend Mass there but wished to support the work and community. Needless to say, if you become aware of ways for you to give more, your generosity will not be wasted, since we need proactively to make plans for the future – about which more at Buckden Towers on 28th Sept. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960.
Pray for our children who have now started school or Regina Caeli Academy again, and for our cubs, wolvets, scouts and guides resuming their activities.
Young English Catholic man seeks room in Bedford, moving back from FSSP Vancouver 1st December-1st January. Best with local Catholic family or fellow Catholic men in a faith-filled environment, including attending daily Mass: Paul Capon ; paulcapon11@gmail.com ;+1 416 645 8018 (WhatsApp/Telegram).
Sunday Bedford REMINDERS:
Use every space in all pews along the central aisle to allow best sight of the sanctuary during Sunday Mass at All Saints Church. You will see even better on weekday Masses at Our Lady’s Church.
Host count at All Saints: BEFORE MASS please could each communicant put one host in the container by the church entrance door when walking into the church. Thank you.
Thank you to volunteers for setting up chairs in church by 8:15am before Sunday Mass, and for setting up and cleaning the hall after Mass.
Children safety: Because of no fence along the steep riverbank, children are strictly forbidden from being in the churchyard or hall yard unsupervised. The same applies of course for access during holy Mass to the lavatories situated in the parish hall.
Come to London on Sat 12th Oct for the great Rosary Crusade (starts 1:45pm, outside Westminster Cathedral.)
The feast of Our Lady of Walsingham falls on Tuesday. It is the Mass of Our Lady of Ransom, which is also the title of the church where we offer daily Mass. Cf Baronius missal p. 1498. Let us pray ardently our heavenly Mother for the welfare of our families and community, for the diocese, and for England and the Church universal.
Pray for the sick in our congregations: four-year-old Eliah Isaac, Baby Vincent Jones, Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Baby Joseph Osborn. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship across three churches:
Sunday 8:30am: All Saints, Church End, Kempston, Bedford MK43 8RH
Sunday 12noon: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Weekdays: Our Lady of Ransom, 307 Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8QB:
Mon 9:30am ;
Tue 6:30am ;
Wed 7:15pm ;
Thu 9:30am ;
Fri 11:30am ;
Sat 11:30am (following Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions from 10:00am & Eucharistic Benediction ending by 11:20am)
fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org
Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho: pe.miguelcoelho@protonmail.com
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP Northampton Safeguarding officer William Currie: Tel: 07825 089 336. Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me. Reminder: NO child must be left unsupervised at any time.
Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html
Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl
For the sake of confidentiality please whisper rather than speak.
Our Lady of Ransom (for anyone): Sat 10:05am-11:15am, and 20mins before every weekday Mass. At All Saints: during Sunday Mass in the room behind the organ. Chesham Bois: right after the Sunday 12noon Mass, if not before or during it.
Sat 14th :Ladies’ Group at Our Lady of Ransom after 11:30am Mass. Bring shared lunch 12:30pm, with Talk following by Fr de Malleray at 1:30pm on: Balancing meal and sacrifice as aspects of Holy Mass. Open to any ladies. Bring your friends along!
Arrive earlier if you can for Eucharistic adoration (men welcome as well!) from 10am, with Confessions.
Wed 18th: 8pm Men’s Group at Our Lady of Ransom after 7:15pm Mass. Talk following by Fr de Malleray on: Balancing meal and sacrifice as aspects of Holy Mass.
Sat 21st : Wedding of Alex Windo, and Miss Alejandra Lopez at Christ the King Church, 11:00am (Celebrant: Fr A. de Malleray)
Sat 28th: 10am-5pm community gathering at Buckden Towers, High St, Buckden, Saint Neots PE19 5TA. The schedule will include Holy Mass, conference, family quiz, games, music workshop, colouring workshop, picnic.
Sung Mass every Sunday? Children love it!
It is simpler than it seems even for those who cannot read the notes. Most people in the pews would be able to join in the Kyrie, the Gloria, and the Creed led by the schola. It would not take long to grow more confident so that those parts can be sung well by all every Sunday. Why not contact Katherine Smith our Music coordinator and attend a couple of sessions with her: katie.peddie@gmail.com? Anyone with a desire to learn more can also ask her about the parts of Gregorian chant that change at every Mass, unlike Kyrie, the Gloria, and the Creed just mentioned.
A well-served Sung Mass will also give men (young or not) more opportunities to serve as thurifer, acolytes, or master of ceremony – unless they start with simpler functions such as cross-bearer or incense boat-bearer. Ask our servers’ coordinator Francis Ibabu when is the next practice.
Ongoing catechism for children and adults? How beautiful is our Catholic faith! And yet, opportunities are scarce while work, family, and secular entertainments claim most of our time. Ask yourself: how confident would you be to explain any article of the creed to a non-Christian friend asking you? Would a weekly catechism session for adults, and another for children help? Would you attend? Do you know anyone who may? Send us your feedback – and please make sure you come to what is already available, such as the Men’s and Ladies’ groups, and the Chaplaincy gathering on 28th Sept.
Sunday Bedford REMINDERS:
Use every space in all pews along the central aisle to allow best sight of the sanctuary during Sunday Mass at All Saints Church. You will see even better on weekday Masses at Our Lady’s Church.
Host count at All Saints: BEFORE MASS please could each communicant put one host in the container by the church entrance door when walking into the church. Thank you.
Thank you to volunteers for setting up chairs in church by 8:15am before Sunday Mass, and for setting up and cleaning the hall after Mass.
Children safety: Because of no fence along the steep riverbank, children are strictly forbidden from being in the churchyard or hall yard unsupervised. The same applies of course for access during holy Mass to the lavatories situated in the parish hall.
SAVING BABIES: Well done all of us who travelled to London on Sat 7th September for the March for Life, in support of unborn children and vulnerable human life. It was a great joy to see a significant number of parishioners from Bedford and from Chesham Bois.
Please consider funding part of their heavy logistical costs. Would you believe it, they need to pay for their own traffic and safety staff as it is not standardly made available by the city authorities anymore. Plus the many flyers, truck with screen and sounds, etc. Visit www.marchforlife.co.uk/donate.
Thank you to those who spent the morning in adoration at Our Lady of Ransom for the success of the March and pro-life cause in general.
Further: on Saturday 9 November, 12 noon: traditional Latin High Mass offered in reparation for abortion at The Holy Child and St Joseph Church, 2 Brereton Road MK40 1HU, Bedford.
Come to London again on Fri 13th Sept for the Juventutem 7pm Mass and 8pm social (18-35) at St Mary Magdalen’s Wandsworth, SW18 2QU (confessions from 6pm);
or on Sat 12th Oct for the great Rosary Crusade (starts 1:45pm, outside Westminster Cathedral.)
Pray for expecting mums in our congregations.
Sponsoring offered for Regina Caeli Academy by benefactors willing to assist parents in our congregations of Bedford and Chesham Bois who would like to send their child(dren) to RCA. Please contact Fr de Malleray: malleray@fssp.org.
FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960 Thank you in advance.
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Pray for the sick in our congregations: Baby Vincent Jones, Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Baby Joseph Osborn. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship across three churches:
Sunday 8:30am: All Saints, Church End, Kempston, Bedford MK43 8RH
Sunday 12noon: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Weekdays: Our Lady of Ransom, 307 Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8QB: Mon 9:30am ; Tue 6:30am ; Wed 7:15pm ; Thu 9:30am ; Fri 11:30am ; Sat 11:30am (following Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions from 10:00am & Eucharistic Benediction ending by 11:20am)
fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP Northampton Safeguarding officer William Currie: Tel: 07825 089 336. Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me. Reminder: NO child must be left unsupervised at any time.
Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html
Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl
Our Lady of Ransom (adults only): Sat 10:00am-11:15am, and 20mins before every weekday Mass. At All Saints: during Sunday Mass in the room behind the organ. Chesham Bois: after the Sunday 12noon Mass if not before. For the sake of confidentiality please whisper rather than speak.
Our Fresh Start!
[Copyright Malleray]
On this Nativity of Our Lady, welcome back to all our families and individuals after a well-earned summer break. Please God we are all refreshed and eager to start anew with work, school, academy, scouts, family and chaplaincy. However, some of us may be less confident, or even apprehensive about the state of the world, and perhaps confronted with personal trials. Take courage, for you are not alone! The great thing about being part of a Catholic community is that we journey together. Yes, our relationship is first between our individual soul and God. But God created us as social beings, and He favours our mutual attention, our brotherly support, and fraternal charity.
This starts with putting the good of our fellow-worshippers to the forefront of our thoughts and intercession. This Sunday at All Saints Church in Bedford, and at Our Lady’s Church in Chesham Bois, each of us can pray for the needs he or she becomes aware of: Sweet Jesus, please help this family, this sick baby, this unemployed dad. Holy Ghost, cleanse our hearts from whatever may have hindered our relationships before the summer, and make us docile, humble, joyful in your service as we pray and meet together on Sunday and on weekdays. Our Lady, on this your birthday, help us grow as a forgiving, trusting, and loving community.
But Our Lord warns us to take steps, after we have prayed. Thus, each of us could make a practical resolution such as: I confirm attendance at the Men’s or Ladies’ group next week. Or: I email the chaplaincy to suggest a workshop or activity for the family day at Buckden Towers next 28th Sept. Or: I attend a weekday Mass this week in loving intercession for our young couple getting married next 21st Sept. Or: I put this non-Catholic in touch with my priests for possible instruction.
God bless you all! Fr de Malleray, FSSP – Chaplain
Sunday Bedford REMINDERS:
Use every space in all pews along the central aisle to allow best sight of the sanctuary during Sunday Mass at All Saints Church. You will see even better on weekday Masses at Our Lady’s Church.
Host count at All Saints: BEFORE MASS please could each communicant put one host in the container by the church entrance door when walking into the church. Thank you.
Thank you to volunteers for setting up chairs in church by 8:15am before Sunday Mass, and for setting up and cleaning the hall after Mass.
Children safety: Because of no fence along the steep riverbank, children are strictly forbidden from being in the churchyard or hall yard unsupervised. The same applies of course for access during holy Mass to the lavatories situated in the parish hall.
Well done children and staff at our two summer camps in the Peak District last month. See the great pictures here:
Well done all of us who travelled to London on Sat 7th September for the March for Life, in support of unborn children and vulnerable human life.
Come to London again on Fri 13th Sept for the Juventutem 7pm Mass and 8pm social (18-35) at St Mary Magdalen’s Wandsworth, SW18 2QU (confessions from 6pm);
or on Sat 12th Oct for the great Rosary Crusade (starts 1:45pm, outside Westminster Cathedral.)
Mary Wooldridge will host the community statue of Our Lady of Walsingham this week.
Congratulations to Francis and Celia Ibabu on the baptism of their baby boy Maximiliano last 24th August.
Pray for expecting mums in our congregations.
Sponsoring offered for Regina Caeli Academy by benefactors willing to assist parents in our congregations of Bedford and Chesham Bois who would like to send their child(dren) to RCA. Please contact Fr de Malleray: malleray@fssp.org.
Sat 14th :Ladies’ Group at Our Lady of Ransom after 11:30am Mass. Bring shared lunch 12:30pm, with Talk following by Fr de Malleray on:
Balancing meal and sacrifice as aspects of Holy Mass.
Open to any ladies.
[Copyright Juventutem London]
Wed 18th: 8pm Men’s Group at Our Lady of Ransom after 7:15pm Mass. Talk following by Fr de Malleray on: Balancing meal and sacrifice as aspects of Holy Mass.
Sat 21st : Wedding of Alex Windo, and Miss Alejandra Lopez at Christ the King Church, 11:00am (Celebrant: Fr A. de Malleray)
Sat 28th: 10am-5pm community gathering at Buckden Towers, High St, Buckden, Saint Neots PE19 5TA.
FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960 Thank you in advance.
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Pray for the sick in our congregations: Baby Vincent Jones, Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Baby Joseph Osborn. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship across three churches:
Sunday 8:30am: All Saints, Church End, Kempston, Bedford MK43 8RH
Sunday 12noon: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Weekdays: Our Lady of Ransom, 307 Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8QB: Mon 9:30am ; Tue 6:30am ; Wed 7:15pm ; Thu 9:30am ; Fri 11:30am ; Sat 11:30am (following Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions from 10:00am & Eucharistic Benediction ending by 11:20am)
fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP Northampton Safeguarding officer William Currie: Tel: 07825 089 336. Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me. Reminder: NO child must be left unsupervised at any time.
Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html
Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl
Our Lady of Ransom (adults only): Sat 10:00am-11:15am, and 20mins before every weekday Mass. At All Saints: during Sunday Mass in the room behind the organ. Chesham Bois: after the Sunday 12noon Mass if not before.
Please note that the current configuration at Our Lady of Ransom does not meet safeguarding criteria for minors. For the time being, children’s confessions are to be heard only on Sundays at All Saints.
If at Our Lady’s, then in the confessional at the back of the chapel, but for the sake of confidentiality one would need to whisper. If trying that option in the coming weeks, would parishioners please not sit in the 6 pews closer to the confessional?
Pictures of the Confirmation of our 36 candidates last 27 July on our Flickr page.
HOST COUNT at All Saints: BEFORE MASS please could each communicant put one host in the container by the church entrance door when walking into the church. Thank you.
Congratulations to Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll whose son Declan will marry Hattie Allen on 22nd August in the Clifton Diocese.
CHILDREN BEWARE: Safeguarding/Health & Safety awareness at All Saints Kempston. As stressed by our safeguarding officer William Currie last week: Because of no fence along the steep riverbank, children are strictly forbidden from being in the churchyard or hall yard unsupervised. The same applies of course for access during holy Mass to the lavatories situated in the parish hall.
Please direct all questions about this to the Safeguarding Representative William Currie telephone: 07825089336 or safeguardingfssp@pm.me
Watch this new short video by English Catholics in response to the bad Olympics official launch show: https://youtu.be/-g-TB8-K7LM?feature=shared.
Congratulations to Francis and Celia Ibabu on the birth of their baby boy Maximiliano last 10th August.
Marriage Banns:
Marriage is scheduled on Saturday 21st September 2024 between two members of the FSSP Chaplaincy congregation in Bedford, Mr Alex Windo, and Miss Alejandra Lopez. If anyone knows of a grave reason why these persons should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, let they contact the chaplain. Let us pray for the young couple in these last six weeks until they become husband and wife.
Sponsoring offered for Regina Caeli Academy by benefactors willing to assist parents in our congregations of Bedford and Chesham Bois who would like to send their child(dren) to RCA. Please contact Fr de Malleray: malleray@fssp.org.
St Peter’s Summer Camp for Boys 5-10 August.
St Petronilla’s Summer Camp for Girls 12-17 August.
Sat 7th: March for Life, London: www.marchforlife.co.uk/2024-event-page/. Meet Fr de Malleray and Chaplaincy parishioners at Emmanuel Centre, Marsham St, SW1P 3NT by 1:00pm, to walk together in procession to Parliament Square.
Sat 14th :Ladies’ Group at Our Lady of Ransom after 11:30am Mass. Bring shared lunch 12:30pm, with Talk following. Open to any ladies.
Wed 18th: 8pm Men’s Group at Our Lady of Ransom after 7:15pm Mass.
Sat 21st : Wedding of Alex Windo, and Miss Alejandra Lopez at Christ the King Church, 11:00am (Celebrant: Fr A. de Malleray)
Sat 28th: 10am-5pm community gathering at Buckden Towers, High St, Buckden, Saint Neots PE19 5TA.
FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960 Thank you in advance.
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Pray for the sick in our congregations: Baby Vincent Jones, Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Baby Joseph Osborn. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship across three churches:
Sunday 8:30am: All Saints, Church End, Kempston, Bedford MK43 8RH
Sunday 12noon: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Weekdays: Our Lady of Ransom, 307 Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8QB: Mon 9:30am ; Tue 6:30am ; Wed 7:15pm ; Thu 9:30am ; Fri 11:30am ; Sat 11:30am (following Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions from 10:00am & Eucharistic Benediction ending by 11:20am)
fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP Northampton Safeguarding officer William Currie: Tel: 07825 089 336. Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me. Reminder: NO child must be left unsupervised at any time.
Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html
Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl
Our Lady of Ransom: Sat 10:00am-11:15am, and 20mins before every weekday Mass. At All Saints: during Sunday Mass in the room behind the organ. Chesham Bois: after the Sunday 12noon Mass if not before.
Pictures of the Confirmation of our 36 candidates last 27 July on our Flickr page.
Holy Masses on the ASSUMPTION of OUR LADY. Thursday 15thAugust is a holy day of obligation, meaning that every able Catholic (from First Communion onward) must attend Holy Mass that day under penalty of grave sin. Please ask your priest in advance if you foresee an impediment and are not sure whether it dispenses you from the obligation.
Holy Mass will be offered
at Our Lady of Ransom at 7:30am,
and at Chesham Bois at 11:00am.
(Those times are selected as the ones more accessible for all, the “prime time” evening weekday slots being booked for English parish Masses in Bedford and Chesham.)
[Picture Malleray]
HOST COUNT at All Saints: BEFORE MASS please could each communicant put one host in the container by the church entrance door when walking into the church. Thank you.
Sunday All Saints: men wanted by 8:15am to set up benches and chairs, and after Mass to put them back where they were. Adults wanted to serve tea and coffee from 9:30am, and tidy up hall at 11:30am. Thank you!
CHILDREN BEWARE: Safeguarding/Health & Safety awareness at All Saints Kempston. As stressed by our safeguarding officer William Currie last week: Because of no fence along the steep riverbank, children are strictly forbidden from being in the churchyard or hall yard unsupervised. The same applies of course for access during holy Mass to the lavatories situated in the parish hall.
Please direct all questions about this to the Safeguarding Representative William Currie telephone: 07825089336 or safeguardingfssp@pm.me
Weekday Mass Times at Our Lady of Ransom
Mon 9:30am (Confessions 9:10am-9:25am)
Tue 6:30am (Confessions 6:10am-6:25am)
Wed 7:15pm (Confessions 6:55pm-7:10pm)
Thu 9:30am (Confessions 9:10am-9:25am)
Fri 11:30am (Confessions 11:10am-11:25am)
Sat 11:30am (following 10am Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions & Eucharistic Benediction all ended by 11:20am.
Congratulations to Daniel and Silvia Renwick on the happy birth of their first child Theodore last 19th July, and on his holy Baptism scheduled on Sunday 11th August at 1pm in Chesham Bois.
Congratulations to Eamon and Beata Long, whose newborn child Simon was baptised by Fr Coelho on Sat 3 August at Our Lady of Ransom.
Marriage Banns:
Marriage is scheduled on Saturday 21st September 2024 between two members of the FSSP Chaplaincy congregation in Bedford, Mr Alex Windo, and Miss Alejandra Lopez. If anyone knows of a grave reason why these persons should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, let they contact the chaplain. Let us pray for the young couple in these last six weeks until they become husband and wife.
Sponsoring offered for Regina Caeli Academy by benefactors willing to assist parents in our congregations of Bedford and Chesham Bois who would like to send their child(dren) to RCA. Please contact Fr de Malleray: malleray@fssp.org.
St Peter’s Summer Camp for Boys 5-10 August. See pics here.
St Petronilla’s Summer Camp for Girls 12-17 August.
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 28th September 10am-5pm community gathering at Buckden Towers, High St, Buckden, Saint Neots PE19 5TA.
The chaplaincy pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Walsingham is staying at the home of the Kelliher family this week.
FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960 Thank you in advance.
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Pray for the sick in our congregations: Baby Vincent Jones, Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Baby Joseph Osborn. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP Northampton Safeguarding officer William Currie: Tel: 07825 089 336. Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me. Reminder: NO child must be left unsupervised at any time.
Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html
Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl
Our Lady of Ransom: Sat 10:00am-11:15am, and 20mins before every weekday Mass. At All Saints: during Sunday Mass in the room behind the organ. Chesham Bois: after the Sunday 12noon Mass if not before.
Holy Masses on the ASSUMPTION of OUR LADY. Thursday 15thAugust is a holy day of obligation, meaning that every able Catholic (from First Communion onward) must attend Holy Mass that day under penalty of grave sin. Please ask your priest in advance if you foresee an impediment and are not sure whether it dispenses you from the obligation.
Holy Mass will be offered at Our Lady of Ransom at 7:30am, and at Chesham Bois at 11:00am.
(Those times are selected as the ones more accessible for all, the “prime time” evening weekday slots being booked for English parish Masses in Bedford and Chesham.)
36 CONFIRMED! Thank you from our hearts to His Excellency Bishop David Oakley of Northampton who confirmed our 36 candidates on Sat 27 July. The Bishop wrote: “It was a joy for me to be able to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation to your young people.” Thank you to the Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll who worked very hard behind the scenes to get all the paperwork ready and also attended the Confirmation classes. Thank you to the sponsors, families, clergy, singers, servers, photographer, and buffet arrangers (link to picture album soon.)
Thank God for a joyful first Sunday Mass at our new place of worship in Bedford West, All Saints on 28 July. The church was full and everyone was pleased with the beauty of the medieval architecture, with the spacious car park and the light-filled parish hall by the river.
Note below the rare example of a rood screen (a life-size depiction of Our Lord on the Cross, or “rood”, flanked by Our Lady and Saint John, as a powerful visual reminder that Holy Mass is the very sacrifice of the Cross re-enacted.)
HOST COUNT at All Saints: Because the Blessed Sacrament cannot be reserved in a tabernacle after Holy Mass, the priest must consecrate just the right number of hosts. Therefore, BEFORE MASS please could each communicant put one host in the container by the church entrance door when walking into the church. Thank you.
All Saints: men wanted by 8:15am to set up benches and chairs, and after Mass to put them back where they were. Adults wanted to serve tea and coffee from 9:30am, and tidy up hall at 11:30am.
CHILDREN BEWARE: Safeguarding/Health & Safety awareness at All Saints Kempston. As stressed by our safeguarding officer William Currie last week:
Because of no fence along the steep riverbank, children are strictly forbidden from being in the churchyard or hall yard unsupervised. The same applies of course for access during holy Mass to the lavatories situated in the parish hall. Please direct all questions about this to the Safeguarding Representative William Currie telephone: 07825089336 or safeguardingfssp@pm.me
Weekday Mass Times at Our Lady of Ransom
Mon 9:30am (Confessions 9:10am-9:25am)
Tue 6:30am (Confessions 6:10am-6:25am)
Wed 7:15pm (Confessions 6:55pm-7:10pm)
Thu 9:30am (Confessions 9:10am-9:25am)
Fri 11:30am (Confessions 11:10am-11:25am)
Sat 11:30am (following 10am Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions & Eucharistic Benediction all ended by 11:20am.
The site made available to us every Sunday consists of the church, a church car park for about 40 cars, the parish hall, and the hall car park for about 20 vehicles (priority to family vans).
We thank Bishop Oakley of Northampton for granting us canonical “permission to celebrate the sacraments” at All Saints by letter dated 5th July 2024. We are also grateful to Canon Seamus Keenan from Our Lady of Ransom, and to the Parochial Church Council of All Saints for the use of their respective churches.
Congratulations to Eamon and Beata Long, whose newborn child Simon will be baptised by Fr Coelho on Sat 3 August at Our Lady of Ransom, 12:30pm.
Sponsoring offered for Regina Caeli Academy by benefactors willing to assist parents in our congregations of Bedford and Chesham Bois who would like to send their child(dren) to RCA. Please contact Fr de Malleray: malleray@fssp.org.
Marriage is scheduled on Saturday 21st September 2024 between two members of this FSSP Chaplaincy congregation, Mr Alex Windo, and Miss Alejandra Lopez. If any one knows of a grave reason why these persons should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, let they contact the chaplain. Let us pray for the young couple in these last two months until they become husband and wife.
Save the date: March for Life in London on Sat 7 September. We hope to have a large delegation from our FSSP chaplaincy to this family-friendly event.
Juventutem annual Summer Weekend in Ampleforth 2-4 August.
St Peter’s Summer Camp for Boys 5-10 August.
St Petronilla’s Summer Camp for Girls 12-17 August.
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 28th September 10am-5pm community gathering at Buckden Towers, High St, Buckden, Saint Neots PE19 5TA.
The chaplaincy pilgrim statue of Our Lady of Walsingham is staying at the home of the Baderko family this week.
FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960 Thank you in advance.
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Pray for the sick in our congregations: Baby Vincent Jones, Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Baby Joseph Osborn. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.
BOOKINGS STILL OPEN: HURRY UP! Juventutem Summer Weekend on 2-4 August at Ampleforth Abbey for 18-35s: £165/person including all accommodation, food, and a space on the coach to/from York Station if required. Simply complete the form at bit.ly/juventutem2024 or email juventutemldn@gmail.com if you have any queries!
FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin, 28 July 2024
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship across three churches:
Sunday 8:30am: All Saints, Church End, Kempston, Bedford MK43 8RH
Sunday 12noon: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Weekdays: Our Lady of Ransom, 307 Bedford Rd, Kempston, Bedford MK42 8QB: Mon 9:30am ; Tue 6:30am ; Wed 7:15pm ; Thu 9:30am ; Fri 11:30am ; Sat 11:30am (following Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions from 10:00am & Eucharistic Benediction ending by 11:20am)
Subscribe to this newsletter scanning the QR code below:
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP Northampton Safeguarding officer William Currie: Tel: 07825 089 336. Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me. Reminder: NO child must be left unsupervised at any time.
Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html
Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl
Pray for the sick in our congregations: Baby Vincent Jones, Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Baby Joseph Osborn. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.
Our Lady of Ransom: Sat 10:00am-11:15am, and 20mins before every weekday Mass.
At All Saints: during the 8:30am Sunday Mass in the room behind the organ.
Chesham Bois: after the Sunday 12noon Mass if not before.
CONFIRMATIONS: We are grateful to Bishop David Oakley of Northampton for conferring the sacrament to our candidates on Sat 27 July.
Full report and pictures next week.
COUNT HOSTS at All Saints: The building at our new Sunday location is a pre-Reformation church dating back to the 11th century. Because the Blessed Sacrament cannot be reserved in a tabernacle after Holy Mass, the priest must consecrate just the right number of hosts. Therefore, BEFORE MASS please put one host per communicant in the container by the church entrance door as you walk into the church. Thank you.
Weekday Mass Times at Our Lady of Ransom
Mon 9:30am (Confessions 9:10am-9:25am)
Tue 6:30am (Confessions 6:10am-6:25am)
Wed 7:15pm (Confessions 6:55pm-7:10pm)
Thu 9:30am (Confessions 9:10am-9:25am)
Fri 11:30am (Confessions 11:10am-11:25am)
Sat 11:30am (following 10am Eucharistic Exposition, Confessions & Eucharistic Benediction all ended by 11:20am; if 2nd confessor present, Confessions carry on during Mass, e.g. First Saturday)
CHILDREN BEWARE: Safeguarding/Health & Safety awareness at All Saints Kempston.
A word from our safeguarding officer William Currie:
All Saints churchyard: The church is surrounded on all sides by a churchyard bordered by trees and bushes. At the far end of the churchyard there is a gap in the greenery leading directly to the River Ouse. The river is wide, deep and cloudy. All Children whilst in the churchyard must be accompanied by an adult and supervised at all times.
All Saints toilets: there are no toilets in the church. The church hall toilets will be available during Mass. Children must be accompanied by an adult to the toilet at all times.
Church hall: at the rear of the church hall there is an open area of grass bordered by trees and bushes. There are three gaps in the greenery that lead directly to the River Ouse, which as stated above, is wide, deep and cloudy. All children playing in this area must at all times be supervised by a parent or an adult authorised by the parent. Parents must take personal responsibility for their children.
Please accept this advice in the spirit in which it is meant. It is not designed to lecture parents about their responsibilities. It is given out of love and concern for the most vulnerable in our community and we all have a responsibility to safeguard our children and those at risk. Please direct all questions about this to the Safeguarding Representative William Currie telephone: 07825089336 or safeguardingfssp@pm.me
The site made available to us every Sunday at 8:30am at All Saints in Kempston Rural consists of the church, a church car park for about 40 cars, the parish hall, and the hall car park for about 20 vehicles (priority to family vans).
[Thank you to the fine artist for this modern-style illustrated map!]
We thank Bishop Oakley of Northampton for granting us canonical “permission to celebrate the sacraments” at All Saints by letter dated 5th July 2024. We are also grateful to Canon Seamus Keenan from Our Lady of Ransom, and to the Parochial Church Council of All Saints for the use of their respective churches.
Thank you to Martin Kay, a former parishioner skilled in joinery, who prepared a wider altar top for our Masses at Our Lady of Ransom; to Rita Carroll who is putting together frontals, and to the family who lends a pair of altar servers’ simple black cassocks & cottas (any hidden ones left anywhere else, or any sowing projects?).
Sponsoring offered for Regina Caeli Academy by benefactors willing to assist parents in our congregations of Bedford and Chesham Bois who would like to send their child(dren) to RCA. Please contact Fr de Malleray.
Congratulations to Very Rev John Berg, FSSP, who was elected Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter last week for six years. Fr Berg has already served twice in that capacity between 2006 and 2012.
Dowry Mag online: read articles on varied topics such as Chaste Sleuths Win, Vocations, Challenges in Marriage, Vermeer, Tolkien and more. Visit https://fssp.org.uk/dowry-mag-summer-issue-now-online/
Save the date: March for Life in London on Sat 7 September. We hope to have a large delegation from our FSSP chaplaincy to this family-friendly event.
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 28th September 10am-5pm community gathering at Buckden Towers, High St, Buckden, Saint Neots PE19 5TA. We look forward to spending a splendid day together with families, children and single adults. There will be activities for every age, including workshops for children, Holy Mass, conference by chaplain on Fidelity, Joy, and Merit in Marriage (the mansion is the last-but-one place of internment of Queen Catherine of Aragon), and picnic.
Our Lady of Walsingham’s statue is staying at the home of Karen Kelly this week.
MORE BOOKS at Sunday repository: Just arrived: Know Your Mass comic book: £10.00/copy. FSSP colouring books on the Gospels at the heavily discounted price of £5.00/copy.
FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960 Thank you in advance.
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.