Chesham Bois
3 new videos on Vocation, Marriage, Conversion.
- Vocation in general;
- Marriage, the 007th sacrament;
- Love the world, i.e. convert it to Christ!
Reading parish activities resume!
Our regular monthly activities in St John Fisher Parish resume this week:
Thursday 5 September: St Bruno Men’s Group
6:30pm, Holy Mass at St John Fisher House (optional)
7:15pm, time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, with opportunity for Confession; followed by rosary, short spiritual talk, and refreshments.
8:45pm, finish
Friday 6 September: First Friday Devotions
7pm, Holy Mass at St William of York Church
Followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, with Litany of the Sacred Heart, and opportunity for Confession. Concludes with Benediction.
Saturday 7 September: First Saturday Pro-Life Witness and St Margaret Clitherow Ladies’ Group
8am, Holy Mass at St William of York Church
Followed by Rosary outside BPAS, London St, Reading
10am, St Margaret Clitherow Ladies’ Group
10am, Holy Mass at St John Fisher House
Followed by breakfast, and a spiritual talk; opportunity for Confession.
12:15, finish.
Looking ahead:
St Dominic Savio Youth Group, Saturday 14 September (13-18 year olds, meets every second Saturday, usually at St John Fisher House – please contact Fr Phipps if interested)
Saturday 21 September – Parish trip to Stonor House *fully booked*.
Altar servers’ practice – date and time to be confirmed, usually meets every 3rd Saturday, 2-4pm at St William of York Church.
St Petronilla Summer Camp for Girls 2019 now underway!!!
Photos available here
Follow the FSSP Summer Camp via Flickr!
Follow the FSSP Summer Camp via Flickr!
This album will be updated as the week goes on. Click on the following link:…/138056205…/albums/72157710116559637
Reading Mass Times, 4th-17th August
One space now available on the Summer Camp for Boys!

Reading Mass Times – 21st July to 3rd August
The summer camp for boys is now fully booked, and only 15 spaces are remaining on the camp for girls, which is from 12th-17th August. For booking forms, contact
Amazing Ordinations pictures
11 FSSP priests ordained this year:
and more here:
Video of Nebraska ordinations last month here:
Deo gratias!