United Kingdom and Ireland

Chesham Bois

February 5, 2019

St Bruno’s Men’s Group in Reading

Thursday, 7th February at 7:15pm

in St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading, RG1 5RU


– (preceded by optional Mass at 6:30pm)

– Time for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament

– Rosary & opportunity for Confession

– Short spiritual talk on the role of Catholic men

– Refreshments and finish at 8:45pm



February 1, 2019

Candlemas and Ladies’ Group

This Saturday, February 2, is the Feast of the Presentation (Candlemas). In Reading there is a special schedule:

9am Rosary in defence of the unborn outside BPAS on Southampton Row

10am Sung Mass at St William of York, with blessing of candles and procession

c. 11:15 St Margaret Clitherow Ladies Group, meeting in the Annex of St William of York – convivial breakfast followed by a talk by Fr Phipps on the capital vices (this week, avarice and gluttony).

January 23, 2019

Catechism Day on Saturday 26th January

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church
30 Amersham Road
Chesham Bois

All welcome.

2pm Altar Serving Practice
3pm Post-Confirmation Catechism
3.20pm Post-First Holy Communion Catechism
3.40pm Pre-First Holy Communion Catechism
4 –4.30pm Holy Rosary & Benediction
Families are invited to stay for as much of the above programme as they wish. Tea & coffee will be available in an adjacent room.
 ——— —————————
7pm Talk for Adults at the home of a local family–contact us for their address)



January 1, 2019

St Bruno’s Men’s Group in Reading

Thursday, 3rd January at 7:15pm

in St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading, RG1 5RU


– (preceded by optional Mass at 6:30pm)

– Time for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament

– Rosary & opportunity for Confession

– Short spiritual talk on the role of Catholic men

– Refreshments and finish at 8:45pm

December 15, 2018

Visit to Tyburn Convent on 19th January

On Saturday 19th January the Reading branch of Juventutem (for ages 18 to 35) will visit Tyburn in London, the famous site of martyrdom from the Reformation era.
The timetable is as follows:
10am – Meet outside Marble Arch Tube Station & walk to site of Tyburn Tree
10.40am – Arrive at Tyburn Convent
11am Holy Mass at Tyburn Convent
12pm – Historical talk on the Martyrs
1pm – Pizza Lunch nearby
2pm  Finish
December 2, 2018


As Advent begins, we are delighted to share with you the 40th issue of our quarterly magazine Dowry (December 2008-December 2018).

thumbnail of 2018-12-01 Dowry 40 WEB

Click here to read:

In this issue:

Editorial: There Was A Great Earthquake

The Doctrine Of Indulgences

Disappeared: Christian Slaves in Islamic Lands

Good Books For Children

Two Novels On Martyred Priests

The Egyptian Guide – From Jihad To Joy

On Clerical Abuse: Handling The Right Body

Three Complementary Educational Initiatives

Forthcoming Events

Support our apostolate

Data protection laws prevent us from sending the printed magazine to you unless you subscribe (for free) HERE. We encourage you do do so (as well as reading Dowry online) and share your printed copy with people around you, as a powerful way of evangelising.