United Kingdom and Ireland

Chesham Bois

April 25, 2018

Practice Chant for Saturday’s Family Catechism Day in Chesham Bois

All families are welcome for this Saturday’s Catechism Day in Chesham Bois (details below). If you have a moment in advance, please practice this version of Ave Verum Corpus which we will sing during exposition:

…or with audio…

Family Catechism Days 2018

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church
30 Amersham Road
Chesham Bois

Dates (on 4th Saturdays)
24 Feb, 24 March, 28 April, 26 May, 23 June 2018

2 – 4pm: Catechism for Children*
followed by Altar Server Practice
4 – 4.30pm: Rosary & Benediction
7pm: Talk for Adults (at the home of a local family–contact us for address).

* Approximate schedule for catechism sessions: fiirst the children under 7 years-old (for about 10 minutes); then children aged about 7 to 12 years-old (for about 20 minutes); then teenagers 13 to 18 years-old (for about 40 minutes); then altar server training until 4pm, followed by the Holy Rosary and Benediction.

Families are invited to stay for as much of the programme as they wish. Tea and coffee will be available in an adjacent room.

The themes for the five Saturdays will be as follows:

Date Theme for Catechism (from 2pm) Theme for Evening Talk for Adults (from 7pm)
24 Feb The Holy Trinity Holy Mass–the greatest treasure on Earth
24 March The Incarnation Salvation is from the Jews”–Jn 4:22
28 April The BVM, the Apostles, the Angels Denying supernatural Revelation–the 1st beast of the Apocalypse?
26 May The Sacraments & the Church Denying natural Revelation–the 2nd beast of the Apocalypse?
23 June Sacred Scripture & Prayer Love Defeats the anti-Christ


April 17, 2018

Young Adults Group–5pm, Saturday 21 April, Bedford

Young Adults (18 to 35 years-old) are invited to join us for a social evening this Saturday. We will meet at 5pm in the parish room at the eastern end of the Church of Christ the King in Bedford (MK42 0SP). After a 10-minute video and discussion about the Book of Esther, we will head to a local venue for dinner and drinks. Please email james.mawdsley@fssp.org if you plan to join us, or else simply turn up.

The short video linked in the image above is superb quality but it seems the guts are missing. A Protestant team (The Bible Project) has worked hard to produce technically excellent videos explaining the various books of the Bible. It is all done with impressive learning and expertise, but as non-Catholics they have missed the best part.

The image above illustrates a wonderful symmetry in the Book of Esther, and the Bible Project identifies as the pivot of the whole story the stake (or gallows) upon which Mordecai is to hang. But being Protestant, they are unable to interpret the hidden, salvific meaning of the Book: that Mordecai & Queen Esther stand for Jesus & the Virgin Mary; that the giant gallows foreshadows the Cross of Calvary; that we share in their temporal victory for eternity through Holy Mass. Positively the video succeeds in emphasising that plot to murder the innocent Jew upon the gallows resulted, by God’s design, not only in the defeat of evil (which fell into the very pit it had dug) but also the glorification of the holy victim and the salvation of all God’s People. And elsewhere, in another excellent video, the Bible Project does point to Jesus as the key to all the Scriptures. But as they reject the authority of the Church, and reject the full canon, then they miss both the full significance of the whole and also crucial parts, for example the enduring centrality of sacrifice and Mary as Co-redemptrix.

What Mordecai & Esther did for the Jews at one point in history, Jesus & Mary do for the whole world for all generations. Before we die, the closest we can get to Mordecai & Esther, and to sharing in their achievement, is by assisting at Holy Mass. Inspiring everlasting praise and love of God, this is the ultimate reason why the Book of Esther was written and still exists. The command to perpetually keep the Feast of Purim is an admonishment for Christians to attend the living memorial of Calvary–namely, Holy Mass.

Protestants are welcome to join us on Saturday for the discussion, dinner & drinks.

March 20, 2018

Family Catechism Day–Saturday 24 March

REMINDER: Those bringing children to this Saturday’s Family Catechism Day (24th March, Chesham Bois) are asked if possible to prepare your children by giving them a prayer card with an image of Jesus’ Holy Face on the Shroud of Turin and one of Our Lady of Guadalupe as miraculously produced and preserved on St Juan Diego’s tilma. If prayer cards cannot be found, then a little while studying the images below will help.

How much God desires to be close to us, to give us everything we need, so that He has arranged most tenderly that we have to this day an image of His incarnate Face, and a true image too of His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary! Both images show peace, humility, suffering, strength and an astonishing majesty–not the world’s version of power, but God’s.

As the theme for the Family Catechism Days on 3rd & 24th March will be the Incarnation, it is a perfect preparation for children or adults to gaze on these two beautiful faces of Jesus & Mary. The doctrines are very high, and the pictures very close; thought the greatest mind on earth cannot fathom them, even a child of five can love them.

Ecce mater tua” (Jn 19:27)
Qui videt me, videt et Patrem” (Jn 14:9)

Behold thy mother” (Jn 19:27)
Whoever has seen Me, has seen the Father” (Jn 14:9)

Non relinquam vos orphanos” (Jn 14:18)
I will not leave you orphans


Family Catechism Days 2018

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church
30 Amersham Road
Chesham Bois

Dates (on 4th Saturdays)
24 Feb, 24 March, 28 April, 26 May, 23 June 2018

2 – 4pm: Catechism for Children*
followed by Altar Server Practice
4 – 4.30pm: Rosary & Benediction

7pm:              Talk for Adults on Love Defeats the anti-Christ (at the home of a local family–contact us for their address).


* Approximate schedule for catechism sessions: fiirst the children under 7 years-old (for about 10 minutes); then children aged about 7 to 12 years-old (for about 20 minutes); then teenagers 13 to 18 years-old (for about 40 minutes); then altar server training until 4pm, followed by the Holy Rosary and Benediction.

Families are invited to stay for as much of the programme as they wish. Tea and coffee will be available in an adjacent room.

The themes for the five Saturdays will be as follows:

Date Theme for Catechism (from 2pm) Theme for Evening Talk for Adults (from 7pm)
24 Feb The Holy Trinity Holy Mass–the greatest treasure on Earth
24 March The Incarnation Salvation is from the Jews”–Jn 4:22
28 April The Virgin Mary, the Apostles, the Angels Denying supernatural Revelation–the 1st beast of the Apocalypse?
26 May The Sacraments & the Church Denying natural Revelation–the 2nd beast of the Apocalypse?
23 June Sacred Scripture & Prayer Love Defeats the anti-Christ


March 14, 2018

Great Servers’ Weekend

FSSP Servers’ Training a Great Success

See article in The Universe below.

By Józef Łopuszyński

A very successful Altar Servers Training Weekend was held at St Mary’s Shrine Church, Warrington from March 2nd to March 4th.

The course was attended by people from across the country wishing to learn to serve the Traditional Roman Mass, especially the Low Mass.

The weekend was packed with information as students worked hard practising how to assist the Priest at the Altar during Holy Mass and Benediction.

An added bonus was the meals which were beautifully cooked by Choir Member Kirsty.

One of the younger trainee severs said, “I thought the training I received from the F.S.S.P. at Warrington was first class.  Superior Father de Malleray was very clear on what he wanted the trainee altar servers to do, i.e. what to carry, directions to walk around the altar, etc.. It was very enjoyable and I consistently prayed to St Stephen to make a success of the training.”

“Sancte Stephane, ora pro nobis!”

Men and youg men interested are invited to contact Fr Loewenstein, FSSP (email: padrek@libero.it) to book for a lesson

March 8, 2018

Join us for 36th Chartres Pilgrimage!

Plans are afoot for a delegation from the FSSP communities in Reading and Warrington to participate in the Chartres pilgrimage on Pentecost weekend. The theme of this year’s pilgrimage is “St Joseph, Pilgrim and Servant”.

We will be going with the Latin Mass Society. Departure is from London on Friday, 18 May 2018 at 7:30am. Arrival back in London about 8pm on the following Tuesday, 22 May 2018.

The pilgrimage consists of a walk from Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, to Notre-Dame Cathedral, Chartres, covering 70 miles in three days. This involves long hours of walking, early morning starts, arriving at the campsite late in the evenings and requires a reasonable level of fitness.

Payment in full by 25 March (Palm Sunday this year). Bursary may be available for young people to reduce costs.

Contact Fr O’Donohue for more information: fatherodonohue@gmail.com

March 2, 2018

Dowry Mag Online!

Dowry 37 now online!

Click here to open the 24-page pdf, or on the picture below.

thumbnail of 2018-02-22 Dowry 37 Online
(Dowry is the quarterly magazine of the FSSP in the UK & Ireland)

Forward the link to your acquaintances and post it on your own media.

This is a simple way to help us spread the Good News!

In this issue:

Editorial: Overlooked Migrants
Let This Not Be Your Last Dowry!
Should Priests Marry To Be Merry?
Thirsting for Truth
The Veil of Saint Veronica
Young Adults Fall for Old Rite
Filming God?
Prayers for a fruitful General Chapter
Forthcoming events
His + Hers = Heirs
Support our apostolate


February 26, 2018

“I will not leave you orphans” (Jn 14:18) — Family Catechism Days

Those brining children to the Family Catechism Day either on 3rd March (in Bedford) or 24th March (in Chesham Bois) are asked if possible to prepare your children by giving them a prayer card with an image of Jesus’ Holy Face on the Shroud of Turin and one of Our Lady of Guadalupe as miraculously produced and preserved on St Juan Diego’s tilma. If prayer cards cannot be found or brought along, then a few minutes studying the result of a Google search is another option.

How much God desires to be close to us, to give us everything we need, so that He has arranged most tenderly that we have to this day an image of His incarnate Face, and a true image too of His Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary! Both images show peace, humility, suffering, strength and an astonishing majesty–not the world’s version of power, but God’s.

As the theme for the Family Catechism Days on 3rd & 24th March will be the Incarnation, it is a perfect preparation for children or adults to gaze on these two beautiful faces of Jesus & Mary. The doctrines are very high, and the pictures very close; thought the greatest mind on earth cannot fathom them, even a child of five can love them.

Ecce mater tua” (Jn 19:27)
Qui videt me, videt et Patrem” (Jn 14:9)

Behold thy mother” (Jn 19:27)
Whoever has seen Me, has seen the Father” (Jn 14:9)

Non relinquam vos orphanos” (Jn 14:18)
I will not leave you orphans

February 23, 2018

Catechism for Children & Talks for Adults in Chesham Bois

UP-DATE: The first of the Family Catechism Days announced below will take place tomorrow, Saturday 24 Feb. All welcome.

For five “4th Saturdays” from February through to June 2018 there will be catechism classes offered to children (all ages) and talks given for adults as part of the FSSP’s apostolate in Chesham Bois. The details given below can also be found by selecting “Activities” from the navbar above, and then clicking on “in Chesham” from the dropdown box. Please note on Saturday 24 Feb the programme begins at 2:30pm, not the usual 2pm.

Family Catechism Days 2018

Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church
30 Amersham Rd
Chesham Bois

Dates (on 4th Saturdays)
24 Feb, 24 March, 28 April, 26 May, 23 June 2018

2 – 4pm: Catechism for Children 
followed by Altar Server Practice
4 – 4.30pm: Rosary & Benediction

7pm:              Talk for Adults on Love Defeats the anti-Christ (at the home of a local family–contact us for their address).

Please note on Saturday 24 Feb the programme begins at 2:30pm, not the usual 2pm.

Approximate schedule for catechism sessions: fiirst the children under 7 years-old (for about 10 minutes); then children aged about 7 to 12 years-old (for about 20 minutes); then teenagers 13 to 18 years-old (for about 40 minutes); then altar server training until 4pm, followed by the Holy Rosary and Benediction.

Families are invited to stay for as much of the programme as they wish. Tea and coffee will be available in an adjacent room.

The themes for the five Saturdays will be as follows:

Date Theme for Catechism (from 2pm)
24 Feb The Holy Trinity
24 March The Incarnation
28 April The Virgin Mary, the Apostles, the Angels
26 May The Sacraments & the Church
23 June Sacred Scripture & Prayer


Date Theme for Evening Talk for Adults (from 7pm)
24 Feb Holy Mass–the greatest treasure on Earth
24 March Salvation is from the Jews”–Jn 4:22
28 April Denying supernatural Revelation–the 1st beast of
the Apocalypse?
26 May Denying natural Revelation–the 2nd beast of
the Apocalypse?
23 June Love Defeats the anti-Christ
February 20, 2018

Chair of St Peter–1st Class Feast

By concession of the Holy See, the Chair of St Peter (22 Feb) is a Feast of the First Class in FSSP apostolates. And by decree of the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary, dated June 7, 2008, a plenary indulgence is granted under the usual conditions to the members of the Confraternity of St Peter on this feast (22 Feb). The conditions are:

– to have the intention of gaining the indulgence
– to make a Sacramental Confession (within several days before or after the feast)
– receive the Holy Eucharist (within several days before or after the feast)
– to pray for the intentions of the Holy Father, for example a Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
– to be free from all attachment to venial sin. This last is difficult, but if it can’t be fulfilled, a partial indulgence may be gained.

Members of the Confraternity can also gain plenary indulgences on the day of their admission into the CSP and on the Feast of SS Peter & Paul (29 June). To sign up, please visit the “Confraternity” tab above. And for information on indulgences click here.