United Kingdom and Ireland

Chesham Bois

March 25, 2024


Traditional Roman Rite (1962) Facebook page for this event: https://fb.me/e/1VKGlsOVy
(Attention: not at Christ the King Church, but at Saints Philip & James Church, 2 Severn Way, Brickhill, Bedford MK41 7BX):

Maundy Thursday 28 March: 8:00pm Holy Mass, followed by adoration at Altar of Repose until midnight.
Extra confession times: Thur 28th March 9:30pm-11:30pm, during adoration.
Please sign up for 30mins of adoration: 9:30pm/10pm/10:30pm/11pm/11:30pm.

Download to your phone the prayers here.

Holy Saturday 30 March: 7:00pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday 31 March: 8:30:am Holy Mass (not at Sts Philip and James, but back at Christ the King Church, Harrowden Rd, Bedford MK42 for our usual 8:30am Mass there.) Usual 12noon Sunday Mass time for Easter Mass in Chesham Bois. (Beware of waking up 1hr earlier, as British Summer Time begins in the night of the Resurrection.)

•Maundy Thursday: at the singing of Tantum ergo after the Procession;
•Good Friday: by adoring and kissing the Cross at the Solemn Liturgy;
•Holy Saturday: by joining with renewal of baptismal promises at the Vigil.

We are grateful to the parish priest at Sts Philip & James Fr. Alexander Ibe, SMMM and to his parishioners for welcoming our congregation; and also to FSSP seminarian Benjamin with us during this Triduum, as well as to Fr Thomas Crean OP who will act as sacred minister.
Volunteers are invited to contact Rita Carroll (bedford@fssp.org) to discuss practicalities such as setting up the altar of repose on Maundy Thursday and lighting the New Easter Fire on Holy Saturday.

Have you served or sung any Holy Week liturgies before? Please contact us URGENTLY to make sure your talents are put to good use with us.

Sunday 24 March 2024

FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin,

24-31 March 2024
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham     
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org

Receive this newsletter by email https://fssp.org.uk/manageprofile/index.php

Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html

Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl


BEDFORD: Sunday: 8:30am; Mon 10:00am; Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:00am; Sat 10:00am
CHESHAM BOIS: Sunday: 12noon
Holy Days: (check website before travelling)

Sat 9:00am-9:55am. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.

Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP England Safeguarding Lead, Fr Matthew Goddard: Tel: 07825 089 336; Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me. Reminder: Children must be accompanied to the loo by a parent.

Traditional Roman Rite (1962)
(Attention: not at Christ the King Church, but at Saints Philip & James Church, 2 Severn Way, Brickhill, Bedford MK41 7BX):

Maundy Thursday 28 March: 8:00pm Holy Mass, followed by adoration at Altar of Repose until midnight.
Extra confession times: Thur 28th March 9:30pm-11:30pm, during adoration.
Please sign up for 30mins of adoration: 9:30pm/10pm/10:30pm

Good Friday 29 March: 3:00pm Solemn Liturgy (ends by 5pm). Compulsory fast & abstinence.
N.B. Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. All Catholics aged 18-59 inclusive are obliged to fast (one meal & two small snacks permitted); and, as usual on Fridays, all Catholics aged 14+ must abstain from meat.

Holy Saturday 30 March: 7:00pm Easter Vigil

Easter Sunday 31 March: 8:30:am Holy Mass (not at Sts Philip and James, but back at Christ the King Church for our usual 8:30am Mass there.) Usual 12noon Sunday Mass time for Easter Mass in Chesham Bois. (Beware of waking up 1hr earlier, as British Summer Time begins in the night of the Resurrection.)

•Maundy Thursday: at the singing of Tantum ergo after the Procession;
•Good Friday: by adoring and kissing the Cross at the Solemn Liturgy;
•Holy Saturday: by joining with renewal of baptismal promises at the Vigil.

We are grateful to the parish priest at Sts Philip & James Fr. Alexander Ibe, SMMM and to his parishioners for welcoming our congregation; and also to FSSP seminarian Benjamin with us during this Triduum, as well as to Fr Thomas Crean OP who will act as sacred minister.
Volunteers are invited to contact Rita Carroll to discuss practicalities such as setting up the altar of repose on Maundy Thursday and lighting the New Easter Fire on Holy Saturday.
Welcoming visitors this Holy Week: you may live at a distance, even outside the Northampton Diocese, and plan to attend our Holy Week ceremonies. You are very welcome as those are open to all and approved by Bishop David Oakley within the provision of the FSSP Chaplaincy in the Northampton Diocese. Have you served or sung any Holy Week liturgies before? Please contact us URGENTLY to make sure your talents are put to good use with us.

Dowry magazine, Spring issue now online:

In this issue:

Pro Life Chain Sat 27th April, 11am-1pm
SPUC Northampton is holding a Pro-Life Chain on St Peters Way Northampton. This act of silent witness is to remember the millions of lives lost to abortion since the Abortion Act 1967. Please consider joining us at this important event. We will stand together to proclaim the pro-life message. Abortion is a tragedy for babies, mothers, fathers, and society as a whole. We have a moral duty to speak out against the horror of abortion. If you can join us or want more information, then please contact William on 0739 396 5643 (text is fine) or wpcurrie@btinternet.com. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us.

Next Juventutem London evening for young adults 18-35: Fri 12 Apr 7pm, Wandsworth, St Mary Magdalene Church, London

Congratulations to George and Heather Tyldesley whose newborn son Giles will be baptised in Chesham Bois on Sat 13th April, 3pm.

Watch the third and last episode of Guardians of Tradition, a remarkable film explaining the aspirations of traditional Catholics. Access it via the supportive article of the Catholic Herald here:

Chaplaincy Council is being set up to offer advice and assistance to the Chaplain. It includes for the time being the Chaplaincy Secretary and several fathers of family in our congregations in Bedford and Chesham Bois.

SAVE THE DATE: Sat 20th April. Chaplaincy day-Pilgrimage to Walsingham.
Tell Rita Carroll (bedford@fssp.org) how many people you bring.

Tyburn Convent, 8 Hyde Park Place, London, W2 2LJ. Includes: Holy Mass and shared lunch, conferences on holy matrimony, religious life, the three vows; Rosary at nearby Tyburn Tree, presentation by an enclosed nun, etc. By exception, participants aged 13-17 can apply provided they are accompanied by a responsible adult. Compulsory booking with Fr de Malleray: malleray@fssp.org

Catholic Community Spring Dance near Tring
Saturday 27th April 1-8pm. BOOKINGS: georgetyldesley@gmail.com for tickets.

Summer Camps 2024: This year’s summer camps will once again take place at Savio House in Bollington, near Macclesfield. Boys 5-10 Aug. Girls 12-17 Aug. Booking forms will be available soon.

FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27   Account number: 44025960 Thank you in advance.

GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.

Pray  for  the sick in our congregations: Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Vincent Jones, Joseph Osborn, Rod Henry. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.


March 23, 2024

Dowry No61 now online

In this issue:


March 16, 2024

Sunday 17 March 2024

FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin, 17-23 March 2024

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton

Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF

Landline: 01234 954 316

Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE

fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham     

facebook.com/bedfordlatinmass; facebook.com/fssp.england

Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org

Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho: pe.miguelcoelho@protonmail.com

Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org

Receive this newsletter by email https://fssp.org.uk/manageprofile/index.php

Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html

Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl


BEDFORD: Sunday: 8:30am; Mon 10:00am; Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:00am; Sat 10:00am

CHESHAM BOIS: Sunday: 12noon

Holy Days: (check website before travelling)


Sat 9:00am-9:55am. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.

Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP England Safeguarding Lead, Fr Matthew Goddard: goddard@fssp.org. Reminder: Children must be accompanied to the loo by a parent.

Saint Patrick - Wikipedia

We recommend this Lent to donate to the Good Counsel Network, a deserving charity assisting mothers under pressure to abort: https://www.goodcounselnet.co.uk/donate

Traditional Roman Rite (1962)

  • Maundy Thursday 28 March 2024: 8:00pm Holy Mass, followed by adoration at Altar of Repose until midnight.
  • Good Friday 29 March 2024: 3:00pm Solemn Liturgy (ends by 5pm). Compulsory fast & abstinence.
  • Holy Saturday 30 March 2024: 7:00pm Easter Vigil
  • Easter Sunday 31 March 2024: 8:30:am Holy Mass (not at Sts Philip and James, but back at Christ the King Church for our usual 8:30am Mass there.) Usual 12noon Sunday Mass time for Easter Mass in Chesham Bois. (Beware of waking up 1hr earlier, as British Summer Time begins in the night of the Resurrection.)

Extra confession times to be announced – but please make use now of the usual times advertised.

We are grateful to the parish priest at Sts Philip & James Fr. Alexander Ibe, SMMM and to his parishioners for welcoming our congregation; and also to seminarian Benjamin with us during this Triduum, as well as to Fr Thomas Crean OP who will act as sacred minister.

Volunteers are invited to contact Rita Carroll to discuss practicalities such as setting up the altar of repose on Maundy Thursday and lighting the New Easter Fire on Holy Saturday. Anyone able to serve the liturgy, please contact Francis Ibo for practice, and anyone able to sing, please contact Katherine Peddie.

First Holy Communions & Confirmations: Preparation begins after Easter,


First Holy Communion: from Sat 27th April to Sat 1st June, with ceremony on Sunday 2nd June, 8:30am.

Confirmations: from Sat 15th June to Sat 20th July, with ceremony on Sat 27th July 2024, 3pm.

Please kindly email Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll (bedford@fssp.org) the full details of candidates for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation (including date of birth).

Last week the Men’s group was attended by 13.

Last Friday about 70 attended the Juventutem Mass in London, and about 20 young adults attended the pro-life vigil outside the Brixton abortuary (Fr de Malleray took part in both events as chaplain.)

SCOUTS: On Saturday 9 March, Fr de Malleray attended the outdoor gathering of the Scouts. All three groups met after separate treks. Songs and games followed while sausages were roasting on the camp fire. Fr de Malleray later led the recitation of the Holy Rosary. The children were very pleased with their day, even though muddy and tired.

Update on Bedford relocation of Chaplaincy congregation:  the meeting with Fr Aladics, Fr de Malleray and the Vicar General at the latter’s invitation took place last Thursday. Our ministry and Masses carry on as usual for the time being (check newsletter for any schedule variation) until a suitable venue is found for the Chaplaincy to relocate in Bedford, hopefully by August 2024.

A Chaplaincy Council is being set up to offer advice and assistance to the Chaplain. It includes for the time being the Chaplaincy Secretary and several fathers of family in our congregations in Bedford and Chesham Bois.

Feel welcome to send any comments, questions or suggestions to the Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll at bedford@fssp.org. We will keep you updated as soon as we are able to.

SAVE THE DATE: Sat 20th April. Chaplaincy day-Pilgrimage to Walsingham.

Detailed schedule communicated soon (from about 10am to about 5pm). Includes Holy Mass, holy Mile walk, convivial picnic, devotions, and conferences by Fr de Malleray. Let Rita Carroll know if you need a lift, or can offer one (no coach hired this time).

Stations of the Cross after 8am Mass on FRIDAY.


Tyburn Convent, 8 Hyde Park Place, London, W2 2LJ. Includes: Holy Mass and shared lunch, conferences on holy matrimony, religious life, the three vows; Rosary at nearby Tyburn Tree, presentation by an enclosed nun, etc. By exception, participants aged 13-17 can apply provided they are accompanied by a responsible adult. Compulsory booking with Fr de Malleray: malleray@fssp.org

Summer Camps 2024

This year’s summer camps will once again take place at Savio House in Bollington, near Macclesfield.

The St Peter’s Summer Camp for Boys will be 5-10 August. The St Petronilla’s Summer Camp for Girls will be 12-17 August.

Booking forms will be available soon.

Great news: the very episcopal ring of St John Fisher will be displayed for veneration during the retreat. Tell your priest, seminarian or friar friends:

CLERGY RETREAT by Fr de Malleray at STONYHURST 14-18 Oct 2024

In the Footsteps of the Great Saintly Priests

Reflections on St John Fisher, St John Vianney and St Padre Pio. Details and bookings on https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/in-the-footsteps-of-the-great-saintly-priests/

Traditional Pilgrimage of Pentecost Paris-Chartres in France 18-20 May: join the Brits among 16,000 pilgrims. Email chartres@duc-in-altum.co.uk

TUTORS WANTED: Regina Caeli UK are employing part-time tutors at their Bedfordshire centre. Please contact them for further information and to apply: info@rcahybrid.co.uk

Our Lady of Seven Sorrows this Friday, 22 March: a timely reading, short book written by Fr de Malleray: www.ctsbooks.org/product/meditations-on-the-stabat-mater/

Next Altar servers training: Saturdays 23, 30 March. Book with Francis Ibabu, our Servers’ Coordinator on: ibabu10@proton.me. Serving is an honour and brings many graces. One can start with just a Low Mass with one server. Everyone under 18 must have a signed parental consent form (ask Rita Carroll).

FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27   Account number: 44025960 Thank you in advance.

GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.

Pray  for  the sick in our congregations: Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Vincent Jones, Joseph Osborn, Rod Henry. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.


March 13, 2024

Summer Camps 2024

This year’s summer camps will once again take place at Savio House in Bollington, near Macclesfield.

The St Peter’s Summer Camp for Boys will be 5-10 August. The St Petronilla’s Summer Camp for Girls will be 12-17 August.

Booking forms will be available soon.

March 9, 2024

Sunday 10 March 2024

FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin,

10-16 March 2024

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton

Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF

Landline: 01234 954 316

Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE

fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham     



Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:


Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:


Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org

Receive this newsletter by email https://fssp.org.uk/manageprofile/index.php

Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html

Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl

Vespers: https://www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/horas/officium.pl

NEW PayPal button on our webpage in support of the Chaplaincy: https://fssp.org.uk/donate/


BEDFORD: Sunday: 8:30am; Mon 10:00am; Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:00am; Sat 10:00am

CHESHAM BOIS: Sunday: 12noon

Holy Days: (check website before travelling)


Sat 9:00am-9:55am. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.

Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP England Safeguarding Lead, Fr Matthew Goddard: goddard@fssp.org. Reminder: Children must be accompanied to the loo by a parent.

LAETARE SUNDAY & Mothers’ Day. To honour all ladies in our two congregations who carried life (grandmothers welcome!), we invite them to line up at the Communion rail right after Mass to receive a rose from the priest on behalf of all.

Congratulations to George and Heather Tyldesley on the happy birth of their fourth child Giles on Monday 4th March.

LENTEN EFFORT: DESERT SOCIAL MEDIA! A healthy diet and a meritorious mortification: cut down or even cancel your daily hours on so many blogs, platforms and official Church gossips. Make history on your knees this Lent: why not at weekday Masses?

We recommend this Lent to donate to the Good Counsel Network, a deserving charity assisting mothers under pressure to abort: https://www.goodcounselnet.co.uk/donate

  • First Holy Communion: from Sat 27th April to Sat 1st June, with ceremony on Sunday 2nd June, 8:30am.
  • Confirmations: from Sat 15th June to Sat 20th July, with ceremony on Sat 27th July 2024, 3pm.

Monthly groups in the Donegan Room on the theme: How the Passion of Christ saves us.

Men’s : Thu 14 March at 7:30pm tea/biscuits, 8pm talk, Q&As follows.  

Ladies’: Sat 23 March, 11am coffee/biscuits; 11:30am talk. Q&As, ending before 1pm.

The Chesham Bois talk last month was attended by about 40:

Update on Bedford relocation of Chaplaincy congregation:  the meeting with Fr Aladics, Fr de Malleray and the Vicar General at the latter’s invitation will take place next Thursday. Our ministry and Masses carry on as usual for the time being (check newsletter for any schedule variation.)

The EASTER TRIDUUM SCHEDULE will be announced next week. Feel welcome to send any comments, questions or suggestions to the Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll at bedford@fssp.org. We will keep you updated as soon as we are able to.

SAVE THE DATE: Sat 20th April. Chaplaincy day-Pilgrimage to Walsingham. Detailed schedule communicated soon (from about 10am to about 5pm). Includes Holy Mass, holy Mile walk, convivial picnic, devotions, and conferences by Fr de Malleray. Let Rita Carroll know if you need a lift, or can offer one (no coach hired this time).

Stations of the Cross after 8am Mass on FRIDAY.


Tyburn Convent, 8 Hyde Park Place, London, W2 2LJ. Includes: Holy Mass and shared lunch, conferences on holy matrimony, religious life, the three vows; Rosary at nearby Tyburn Tree, presentation by an enclosed nun, etc. By exception, participants aged 13-17 can apply provided they are accompanied by a responsible adult. Compulsory booking with Fr de Malleray: malleray@fssp.org

Great news: the very episcopal ring of St John Fisher will be displayed for veneration during the retreat. Tell your priest, seminarian or friar friends:

CLERGY RETREAT by Fr de Malleray at STONYHURST 14-18 Oct 2024

In the Footsteps of the Great Saintly Priests

Reflections on St John Fisher, St John Vianney and St Padre Pio. Details and bookings on https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/in-the-footsteps-of-the-great-saintly-priests/

Traditional Pilgrimage of Pentecost Paris-Chartres in France 18-20 May: join the Brits among 16,000 pilgrims. Email chartres@duc-in-altum.co.uk

TUTORS WANTED: Regina Caeli UK are employing part-time tutors at their Bedfordshire centre. Please contact them for further information and to apply: info@rcahybrid.co.uk

The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst sent us the following: Recruiting students in year 12 (16-17) for the 2024 Christian Leadership Formation programme. www.christianleadershipformation.com

Lent with Our Lady: a timely reading, short book written by Fr de Malleray: www.ctsbooks.org/product/meditations-on-the-stabat-mater/

Next Altar servers training: Saturdays 23, 30 March. Book with Francis Ibabu, our Servers’ Coordinator on: ibabu10@proton.me. Serving is an honour and brings many graces. One can start with just a Low Mass with one server. Everyone under 18 must have a signed parental consent form (ask Rita Carroll).

FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27   Account number: 44025960 Thank you in advance.

GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.

Pray  for  the sick in our congregations: Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Vincent Jones, Joseph Osborn, Rod Henry. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.


March 2, 2024

Sunday Bulletin 3 March 2024

FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin,

3-9 March 2024

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton

Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF

Landline: 01234 954 316

Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE

fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham     



Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:


Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:


Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org

Receive this newsletter by email https://fssp.org.uk/manageprofile/index.php

Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html

Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl

Vespers: https://www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/horas/officium.pl

NEW PayPal button on our webpage in support of the Chaplaincy: https://fssp.org.uk/donate/


BEDFORD: Sunday: 8:30am; Mon 10:00am; Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:00am; Sat 11:00am

CHESHAM BOIS: Sunday: 12noon

Holy Days: 11:30am (check website before travelling)


Sat 10:00am-10:55am. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.

Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP England Safeguarding Lead, Fr Matthew Goddard: goddard@fssp.org. Reminder: Children must be accompanied to the loo by a parent.

In general Lent should be a time of penance, almsgiving, and prayer. Please be generous with your sacrifices and mortifications for Our Lord. We recommend this Lent to donate to the Good Counsel Network, a deserving charity assisting mothers under pressure to abort: https://www.goodcounselnet.co.uk/donate

 Official communiqué of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter – Fribourg, March 1st, 2024.

Following a request from the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter, Pope Francis invited Fr Andrzej Komorowski, Superior General of the FSSP, to meet with him. He received him in private audience at the Vatican on Thursday, February 29, 2024, accompanied by Fr Benoît Paul-Joseph, Superior of the District of France, and Fr Vincent Ribeton, Rector of St Peter’s Seminary in Wigratzbad.

The meeting was an opportunity for them to express their deep gratitude to the Holy Father for the decree of February 11, 2022, by which the Pope confirmed the liturgical specificity of the Fraternity of St Peter, but also to share with him the difficulties encountered in its application. The Pope was very understanding and invited the Fraternity of St Peter to continue to build up ecclesial communion ever more fully through its own proper charism. Fr Komorowski informed the Holy Father that the decree of February 11, 2022 had been given on the very day of the Fraternity of St. Peter’s consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. The Holy Father hailed this coincidence as a providential sign.

Tell your priest, seminarian or friar friends:

CLERGY RETREAT by Fr de Malleray at STONYHURST 14-18 Oct 2024

In the Footsteps of the Great Saintly Priests

Reflections on St John Fisher, St John Vianney and St Padre Pio. Details and bookings on https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/in-the-footsteps-of-the-great-saintly-priests/

Chaplaincy Pilgrimage to Walsingham next Spring: With the national Marian Shrine only two hours from Bedford, there is interest for as many as possible to travel there in Eastertide. Please let Rita Carroll know whether you prefer: Day trip; Stay overnight, one/two nights; coach/car.

Traditional Pilgrimage of Pentecost Paris-Chartres in France 18-20 May: join the Brits among 16,000 pilgrims. Email chartres@duc-in-altum.co.uk

Update on Bedford relocation of Chaplaincy congregation:  Fr Aladics met with lay representatives from our congregation, and will meet this week with Fr de Malleray and the Vicar General at the latter’s invitation to specify the smooth running of parish and chaplaincy activities until the summer.

Feel welcome to send any comments, questions or suggestions to the Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll at bedford@fssp.org. We will keep you updated as soon as we are able to.

Stations of the Cross after 8am Mass on FRIDAY.


On Saturday 13 April, Tyburn Convent, 8 Hyde Park Place, London, W2 2LJ. Includes: Holy Mass and shared lunch, conferences on holy matrimony, religious life, the three vows; Rosary at nearby Tyburn Tree, presentation by an enclosed nun. etc Bookings/info: malleray@fssp.org

TUTORS WANTED: Regina Caeli UK are employing part-time tutors at their Bedfordshire centre. Please contact them for further information and to apply: info@rcahybrid.co.uk

The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst sent us the following: Recruiting students in year 12 (16-17) for the 2024 Christian Leadership Formation programme. www.christianleadershipformation.com

Lent with Our Lady: a timely reading, short book written by Fr de Malleray: www.ctsbooks.org/product/meditations-on-the-stabat-mater/


Please kindly email Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll (bedford@fssp.org) the full details of candidates for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation (includes date of birth). Also for Holy Matrimony (if any), and Baptism. Schedules for preparation will be communicated soon.

First Holy Communions: Sunday 2nd June 2024

Confirmations: Sat 27th July 2024

Next Altar servers training: Saturdays 23, 30 March. Book with Francis Ibabu, our Servers’ Coordinator on: ibabu10@proton.me. Serving is an honour and brings many graces. One can start with just a Low Mass with one server. Everyone under 18 must have a signed parental consent form (ask Rita Carroll).

FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Sort code: 30-80-27   Account number: 44025960

Thank you in advance.

GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.

Pray  for  the sick in our congregations: Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Vincent Jones, Joseph Osborn, Rod Henry. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.


March 1, 2024

Pope Francis encourages FSSP


Audience with Pope Francis


Official communiqué of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter – Fribourg, March 1st, 2024.

Following a request from the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, Pope Francis invited Fr. Andrzej Komorowski, Superior General of the FSSP, to meet with him. He received him in private audience at the Vatican on Thursday, February 29, 2024, accompanied by Fr. Benoît Paul-Joseph, Superior of the District of France, and Fr. Vincent Ribeton, Rector of St. Peter’s Seminary in Wigratzbad.

The meeting was an opportunity for them to express their deep gratitude to the Holy Father for the decree of February 11, 2022, by which the Pope confirmed the liturgical specificity of the Fraternity of St. Peter, but also to share with him the difficulties encountered in its application. The Pope was very understanding and invited the Fraternity of St. Peter to continue to build up ecclesial communion ever more fully through its own proper charism. Fr. Komorowski informed the Holy Father that the decree of February 11, 2022 had been given on the very day of the Fraternity of St. Peter’s consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. The Holy Father hailed this coincidence as a providential sign.

Source : www.fssp.org
Photos : © Vatican Media

The papal decree signed on 11 February 2022 (pictures of the original here)


Decree of Pope Francis confirming the use of the 1962 liturgical books


[Original: Latin and Spanish]

The Holy Father Francis, grants to each and every member of the Society of Apostolic Life “Fraternity of Saint Peter”, founded on July 18, 1988 and declared of “Pontifical Right” by the Holy See, the faculty to celebrate the sacrifice of the Mass, and to carry out the sacraments and other sacred rites, as well as to fulfill the Divine Office, according to the typical editions of the liturgical books, namely the Missal, the Ritual, the Pontifical and the Roman Breviary, in force in the year 1962.

They may use this faculty in their own churches or oratories; otherwise it may only be used with the consent of the Ordinary of the place, except for the celebration of private Masses.

Without prejudice to what has been said above, the Holy Father suggests that, as far as possible, the provisions of the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes be taken into account as well.

Given in Rome, near St. Peter’s, on February 11, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, in the year 2022, the ninth year of my Pontificate.


February 24, 2024

Sunday Bulletin 25 February 2024

  • at the 12noon LADIES’ Group in Bedford (Christ the King Church, Donovan Room: shared picnic 12noon and Talk 1pm);
  • and at the 7pm Adult Catechism in Chesham Bois.

FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin,

25 February – 2 March 2024

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton

Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF

Landline: 01234 954 316

Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE

fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham     



Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:


Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:


Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org

Receive this newsletter by email https://fssp.org.uk/manageprofile/index.php

Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html

Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl

Vespers: https://www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/horas/officium.pl

NEW PayPal button on our webpage in support of the Chaplaincy: https://fssp.org.uk/donate/


BEDFORD: Sunday: 8:30am; Mon 10:00am; Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:00am; Sat 11:00am

CHESHAM BOIS: Sunday: 12noon

Holy Days: 11:30am (check website before travelling)


Sat 10:00am-10:55am. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.

Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP England Safeguarding Lead, Fr Matthew Goddard: goddard@fssp.org. Reminder: Children must be accompanied to the loo by a parent.

In general Lent should be a time of penance, almsgiving, and prayer. Please be generous with your sacrifices and mortifications for Our Lord. We recommend this Lent to donate to the Good Counsel Network, a deserving charity assisting mothers under pressure to abort: https://www.goodcounselnet.co.uk/donate

Well done 13 men (out of 15 expected) who spent last weekend discerning on their calling, at Buckden Towers. The participants came from all over the UK, and even from Europe. They listened to conferences on vocation in general, Holy Matrimony, religious life, the Sacred Priesthood, Holy Mass, and liturgical traditions. We are grateful to the Claretian Fathers for their hospitality at their retreat centre, to the generous benefactors who helped is various ways such as advertising the weekend ahead of the event, sponsoring unwaged participants, giving lifts to those coming by train, taking care of the meals – and praying for vocations.

Make your prayer for vocations even more efficacious via our 10,000-strong international prayer network: visit https://fssp.org.uk/about-the-confraternity/.

Chaplaincy Pilgrimage to Walsingham next Spring: With the national Marian Shrine only two hours from Bedford, there is interest for as many as possible to travel there in Eastertide. Please let Rita Carroll know whether you prefer: Day trip; Stay overnight, one/two nights; coach/car.

Traditional Pilgrimage of Pentecost Paris-Chartres in France 18-20 May: join the Brits among 16,000 pilgrims. Email chartres@duc-in-altum.co.uk

42nd Pentecost Pilgrimage Paris-Chartres Registrations now open for British pilgrims via this online form Fri 17 May, 8am: departure by coach from Westminster Cathedral, London
Pilgrimage begins in Paris, Sat 18 May, early morning
(independent travel possible, but registration still necessary)
Closing Mass at Chartres Cathedral, Mon 20 May, mid-afternoon
Tue 21 May, ca 8pm: arrival of coach back in London
Cost: £325 (including accommodation) [½-price for under-12s]
More information here — or by contacting the national co-ordinators here —
or by speaking to Michael Hall at St Mary’s

In the Footsteps of the Great Saintly Priests

Reflections on St John Fisher, St John Vianney and St Padre Pio

Details and bookings on https://christianheritagecentre.com/events/in-the-footsteps-of-the-great-saintly-priests/

Ordained in 2001 and first assigned in the Southwark Archdiocese, Fr de Malleray regularly preaches retreats for clergy, and is the author of books

The latest MEN’s GROUP took place on Thu 22 February, with a talk by Fr de Malleray on Personhood: what a person is, what it is not, its abilities and rights.

Stations of the Cross led by a priest after the 8am Friday Mass.


For: single Catholic ladies 18+ (if under 18 years of age, contact us)

Register interest: malleray@fssp.org

Picture Unsplash/Mateus Campos Felipe

Good news from the pro-life frontlines!

  Dear Supporter   We bring you some good news today – the Nupas abortion centre in Stockport where they are holding a 40 Days for Life Campaign has CLOSED! Volunteers praying there this week received the news from an excited neighbour who himself seemed delighted at the thought of losing the abortuary from his street. Volunteers then went to check the news for themselves by going to the front door and speaking to the office manager. She confirmed the story and said the last abortion had been carried out there on January 25th.They assured her they would pray for her to find work elsewhere for which she thanked them. In 2020 the local authorities brought in a PSPO (Public Space Protection Order) around MSI abortion centre in Manchester in an attempt to prevent 40 Days for Life pro-lifers offering help and praying there but volunteers simply moved to another centre in Stockport, the Nupas Centre and offered help there instead. John Marechal who lead the 40 Days for Life campaign in Manchester for almost 10 years died last year aged 89. Around 100 babies were saved from abortion in that time thanks to the grace of God and the amazing volunteers who persisted in these challenging circumstances. John was a big supporter of March for Life UK and would buy group bookings of train tickets to help those around him attend the event in London. He would have been delighted at this incredible news. We unite with pro-lifers in Stockport, Manchester, especially those who continued the legacy of John in working to end abortion – despite it being Lent we hope you celebrate seeing what you have been praying would happen for so long!   Get involved in 40 Days for Life here Keep spreading the pro-life love
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Pray for young pro-lifers attending the SPUC weekend 23-25 Feb at Stone ST15 0NL, with Mass by FSSP priest.

Update on Bedford relocation of Chaplaincy congregation

Please note that the Chaplaincy’s Offertory collection is still entirely retained by the parish until further notice. Please refrain from commenting on this situation on social media but, in addition to praying, feel welcome to send any comments, questions or suggestions to the Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll at bedford@fssp.org. We will keep you updated as soon as we are able to.


Please kindly email Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll (bedford@fssp.org) the full details of candidates (includes date of birth) for

  • First Holy Communion (Sunday 2nd June 2024) and/or
  • Confirmation (Sat 27th July 2024) .

Also for Holy Matrimony (if any), and


Schedules for preparation will be communicated soon.

The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst sent us the following:

Recruiting students in year 12 (16-17) for the 2024 Christian Leadership Formation programme.

2024 Christian Leadership Formation programme

For students currently in Year 12, this is an exciting and unique opportunity to engage with the Catholic vision for the human person and society, to meet Catholic academics and politicians, and to equip themselves with the tools to bring their Catholic or Christian faith to bear in the public forum.

The programme is made up of 3 residential modules, delivered in the summer holidays after year 12 (at Stonyhurst), and in the October and February half-terms (in NW London). Together, the modules offer:

  • A grounding in the philosophy and theology underpinning key themes related to the common good
  • a strong, liturgical framework of Mass, divine office, Eucharistic adoration, rosary, and a 12-hour silent retreat
  • Workshops in public speaking, personal and political virtues, and in changing culture
  • Team-building activities and socials

Students receive a certificate validated by St Mary’s University, Twickenham on completion, presented in Westminster Hall.

Grants are available to offer any level of subsidy, as required.

Further information and application form can be found at: www.christianleadershipformation.com

CHAPLAINCY FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Sort code: 30-80-27   Account number: 44025960

Thank you in advance.

GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.

Pray  for  the sick in our congregations: Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Vincent Jones, Joseph Osborn, Rod Henry. R.I.P. Carl Roberts.  Please email to sick list.


February 16, 2024

Sunday 18 Feb 2024 Bulletin

FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin,

18-24 February 2024

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton

Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF

Landline: 01234 954 316

Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE

fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham     



Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:


Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:


Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org

Receive this newsletter by email https://fssp.org.uk/manageprofile/index.php

Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html

Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl

Vespers: https://www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/horas/officium.pl

NEW PayPal button on our webpage in support of the Chaplaincy: https://fssp.org.uk/donate/


BEDFORD: Sunday: 8:30am; Mon 10:00am; Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:00am; Sat 11:00am

CHESHAM BOIS: Sunday: 12noon

Holy Days: 11:30am (check website before travelling)


Sat 10:00am-10:55am. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.

Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP England Safeguarding Lead, Fr Matthew Goddard: goddard@fssp.org.

In general Lent should be a time of penance, almsgiving, and prayer. Please be generous with your sacrifices and mortifications for Our Lord.

We recommend this Lent to donate to the Good Counsel Network, a deserving charity assisting mothers under pressure to abort: https://www.goodcounselnet.co.uk/donate


Well done all of us who made or renewed their Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary last Sunday.

Chaplaincy Pilgrimage to Walsingham next Spring: With the national Marian Shrine only two hours from Bedford, there is interest for as many as possible to travel there in Eastertide. Please let Rita Carroll know whether you prefer: Day trip; Stay overnight, one/two nights; coach/car.

Traditional Pilgrimage of Pentecost Paris-Chartres in France 18-20 May: join the Brits among 16,000 pilgrims. Email chartres@duc-in-altum.co.uk

Please note that 22nd Feb is FIRST Class feast across the FSSP, so that Lenten mortifications may be lifted on that day for those attending FSSP-led activities.

Stations of the Cross this week: time to be announced on Sunday morning.


Interest was expressed from various quarters (Bedford, Chesham, London) by single ladies for a day of vocational discernment.

Register interest: malleray@fssp.org

Pray for 15 men on vocation discernment with Fr de Malleray at Buckden Towers this weekend 16-18 Feb. O Lord, grant us many holy priests!

Visit https://fssp.org.uk/about-the-confraternity/

TUTORS WANTED: Regina Caeli UK are employing part-time tutors at their Bedfordshire centre. Please contact them for further information and to apply: info@rcahybrid.co.uk

Young pro-lifers: SPUC weekend 23-25 Feb at Stone ST15 0NL, with Mass by FSSP priest:


Chaplaincy Mass centre to relocate across Bedford

The FSSP “Gregorian” Chaplaincy is the canonical structure established in January 2015 by Bishop Peter Doyle of Northampton and Very Rev Fr John Berg, then-Superior General FSSP, to serve the needs of those attached to the “usus antiquior” across the Northampton Diocese. It was approved again in December 2023 by Bishop Oakley of Northampton and Very Rev Andrzej Komorowski, Superior General FSSP.

Fr Patrick Hutton, and Fr Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP

Since October 2017 the Chaplaincy has ministered at Christ the King Church in Bedford by kind permission of then-parish priest Fr Patrick Hutton and of his successor Fr Nicholas Nwanzi. During eight years the Chaplaincy has contributed generously to the life of the parish, financially and by ways of activities, services and friendships. The new parish priest Fr Richard Aladics arrived last summer from the Leeds diocese. In late October the FSSP chaplaincy began ministering daily at Christ the King with Bishop Oakley’s permission. Regrettably our daily ministry has made the new parish priest to feel as if he were less able to attend to the needs of his parish. He therefore asked that the Chaplaincy might not serve at Christ the King any longer.

While regretting that state of things, Bishop Oakley reiterated his support to the FSSP Chaplaincy in Bedford, including the announced date for Confirmations on Sat 27 July 2024, 3pm. First Holy Communions will also take place as planned on Corpus Christi Sunday (2 June 2024), as well as any other commitments such as baptisms, receptions of converts, and weddings. An alternative venue is being sought for our daily ministry in Bedford as of Monday 26 February, and soon enough for our 8:30am Sunday Masses. Those carry on as usual at Christ the King until further notice. Our Bedford Offertory collection still goes to the parish, not the Chaplaincy.

Please note that this change is only about relocating our ministry within Bedford. St Alban House remains with two priests full-time, as do our other Mass centre of Chesham Bois, our usual groups and activities, including Regina Caeli Academy and the Scouts. Meanwhile your prayers are welcome for a smooth transition. You may send any comments, questions or suggestions to the Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll at bedford@fssp.org.


Please kindly email Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll (bedford@fssp.org) the full details of candidates for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation (includes date of birth). Also for Holy Matrimony (if any), and Baptism. Schedules for preparation will be communicated soon.

Next Altar servers training: Saturdays 23, 30 March (at a Bedford location to be announced later). Book with Francis Ibabu, our Servers’ Coordinator on: ibabu10@proton.me. Serving is an honour and brings many graces. One can start with just a Low Mass with one server. Everyone under 18 must have a signed parental consent form (ask Rita Carroll).

FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Sort code: 30-80-27   Account number: 44025960

Thank you in advance.

Lenten reading: discover the hidden riches of the medieval Marian hymn Stabat Mater.

Order it from CTS above for £4.50.

Join our Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross of her Son and walk with her on the road from life to death to eternal life, by meditating upon the Stabat Mater line by line.

GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.

Pray  for  the sick in our congregations: Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Vincent Jones, Joseph Osborn, Rod Henry. R.I.P. Carl Roberts.  Please email to sick list.


Sunday18/028.30amFirst Sunday of Lent (I) (Bedford)Wladyslaw Baran RIPBaderko
Sunday18/0212pmFirst Sunday of Lent (I) (Chesham)Sebastiano Di Falco RIPDi Falco
Monday19/0210amFeria (III)Stephen Carroll RIPCarroll
Tuesday20/028amFeria (III)In Honour of BVM in ThanksgivingDi Falco
Wednesday21/028am [or instead 7:30pm after 6:45pm Stations, check for updates]Ember Wednesday in Lent (II)Owen Kearns RIPCurrie
Thursday22/028amThe Chair of St Peter, Apostle (I)Conversion husb. & daughterKsenia
Friday23/028amEmber Friday in Lent (II)Edm., George & Joa. NutterMoxham
Saturday24/0211amEmber Saturday in Lent (II)Cathy McGoldrick RIPTubilewicz