February 9, 2019
Hard copies of the full news sheet are available at the back of church and in the hall.
A Rosary will be said in church immediately after Mass. Please stay and join in if you can.
Director of Music, Matthew Schellhorn, will be with us next Sunday, 17th February, to sing and play appropriate liturgical music for Septuagesima.
Regina Caeli Academy, opening September 2019, is holding an Open Day on 13th April in Barton. More details are at www.rcahybrid.org.uk.
If you don’t already belong to the LMS, please consider joining to support the development and spread of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. New leaflets are available at the back of church and in the hall which detail the various types of membership and give more information about the work of the LMS.
by fsspuk
February 2, 2019
This news sheet is available at the back of church and in the hall afterwards.
To ease congestion in the car park, additional spaces have been made available on the strip of lawn beside the Presbytery at the back of the Church. Please avail of these spaces.
A Rosary will be said in church immediately after Mass. If you are able to stay and join in, you are very welcome to do so. There will still be time for coffee afterwards!
For those who wish to take some home, this year’s Epiphany water is available at the back of the church today.
Our series of First Sunday Catechism continues today, 3rd February, starting at 10.30 for the under 8s, 11.00 for the under 16s and 11.30 for the adults. Listen out for the bell which marks the beginning of the session!
Please note that in this form of the Mass, the Church asks us to receive Holy Communion on the tongue and – if physically able – kneeling. Confessions are available before and after Mass. Refreshments are available in the church hall after Mass – please come and join us, especially if this is your first visit to Christ the King.
All but £50 of our Latin Mass collection money goes to support Christ the King Parish. If you would like to help to ensure the continuing presence of the FSSP at Bedford, please consider setting up a standing order to them. These need to be set up by you through your bank: account name: FSSP England (Reading); sort code 30-93-04; account number 02027330. Gift Aid forms are also available by request. Thank you.
by fsspuk
January 30, 2019
As well as the Catechism Day on Sunday 3rd February,
the Blessing of Throats in honour of St. Blaise will be given in the Parish Hall after Mass. Here’s a bit about him:
What is known about the life of St. Blaise derives from various traditions. His feast day is celebrated in the East on February 11th and in the West on February 3rd. All sources agree that St. Blaise was the Bishop of Sebaste in Armenia who suffered martyrdom under Licinius about AD 316. From here, we rely on the tradition which has been associated with our liturgical celebrations over the centuries.
St. Blaise was born to rich and noble parents, and received a Christian education. He was a physician before being consecrated a bishop at a young age.
During the persecution of Licinius, St. Blaise moved from the town, and lived as a hermit in a cave. Wild animals visited, and he healed any that were sick and wounded. One day, a group of hunters gathering wild beasts for the games in the amphitheatre discovered St. Blaise and seized him. As he was being taken to the governor Agricolaus, St. Blaise encountered a woman whose pig was being seized by a wolf; St. Blaise commanded the wolf to release the pig, and it was freed unhurt.
While in prison, he miraculously cured a small boy who was choking to death on a fishbone lodged in his throat. Also, the woman whose pig had been saved brought St. Blaise candles so that his cell would have light and he could read the sacred Scriptures.
Eventually, Agricolaus condemned St. Blaise for upholding his Christian faith rather than apostatizing. He was tortured and finally beheaded.
By the sixth century, St. Blaise’s intercession was invoked for diseases of the throat in the East. As early as the eighth century, records attest to the veneration of St Blaise in Europe.
One reason for St. Blaise’s popularity arose from the fact he was a physician who cured, even performing miraculous cures. Thereby, those who were sick, especially with throat ailments, invoked his intercession. Eventually the custom of the blessing of throats arose, whereby the priest held two crossed candles over the heads of the faithful or touched their throats with them while he invoked the prayer of the saint and imparted God’s blessing.
While we invoke St. Blaise for his protection against any physical ailment of the throat, we should also ask his protection against any spiritual ailment — profanity, cursing, unkind remarks, detraction or gossip. St. James reminds us, “If a man who does not control his tongue imagines that he is devout, he is self-deceived; his worship is pointless” (1:26) and later, “We use [the tongue] to say, Praised be the Lord and Father’; then we use it to curse men, though they are made in the likeness of God. Blessing and curse come out of the same mouth. This ought not to be, my brothers!” (3:9-10). Therefore, may St. Blaise protect us from all evil, physical and spiritual, which may attack the throat.
by fsspuk
January 28, 2019
Almost 90 people came to Mass yesterday; numbers continue to grow! Matthew Schellhorn sang and played the organ beautifully.
This Sunday is Catechism Day – classes for under 8s, 8-16 year olds and adults will be from 1030.
by fsspuk
January 26, 2019
This news sheet is available at the back of church and in the hall afterwards.
To ease congestion in the car park, additional spaces have been made available on the strip of lawn beside the Presbytery at the back of the Church. Please avail of these spaces.
A Rosary will be said in church immediately after Mass. If you are able to stay and join in, you are very welcome to do so. There will still be time for coffee afterwards!
For those who wish to take some home, this year’s Epiphany water will be available at the back of the church today and next Sunday. Please bring your own empty bottles.
Our series of First Sunday Catechism continues next Sunday 3rd February starting at 10.30 for the under 8s, 11.00 for the under 16s and 11.30 for the adults. Listen out for the bell which marks the beginning of the session!
The Academy is due to open in September 2019. The Friends group is being set up to support the Academy in spiritual and fundraising ways. It will have its own website shortly which will tell you more.
Please note that in this form of the Mass, the Church asks us to receive Holy Communion on the tongue and – if physically able – kneeling. Confessions are available before and after Mass. Refreshments are available in the church hall after Mass – please come and join us, especially if this is your first visit to Christ the King.
All but £50 of our Latin Mass collection money goes to support Christ the King Parish. If you would like to help to ensure the continuing presence of the FSSP at Bedford, please consider setting up a standing order to them. These need to be set up by you through your bank: account name: FSSP England (Reading); sort code 30-93-04; account number 02027330. Gift Aid forms are also available by request. Thank you.
by fsspuk
January 18, 2019
20th January 2019
Please note that in this form of the Mass, the Church asks us to receive Holy Communion on the tongue and – if physically able – kneeling. Confessions are available before and after Mass. Refreshments are available in the church hall after Mass – please come and join us, especially if this is your first visit to Christ the King.
All but £50 of our Latin Mass collection money goes to support Christ the King Parish. If you would like to help to ensure the continuing presence of the FSSP at Bedford, please consider setting up a standing order to them. These need to be set up by you through your bank: account name: FSSP England (Reading); sort code 30-93-04; account number 02027330. Gift Aid forms are also available by request. Thank you.
To ease congestion in the car park, additional spaces have been made available on the strip of lawn beside the Presbytery at the back of the Church. Please avail of these spaces.
Next Sunday, we continue singing Missa VIII, ‘de Angelis’, for the Ordinary. I refer those who are musically inclined to visit this link – http://bit.ly/Missa-de-Angelis – to find a readable and comprehensive history and analysis by Amédée Gastoué (1873–1943), French musicologist, composer, and professor of Gregorian chant at the Schola Cantorum of Paris. Matthew Schellhorn – Director of Music
For those who wish to take some home, this year’s Epiphany water will be available at the back of the church for the next two Sundays (27th January & 3rd February). Please bring your own empty bottles.
Last chance to book for our Quiz Night with Fish and Chip Supper on Friday 25th January at 7.30 pm. Tickets are available at £7.50 per person; please see Barbara. Other options are available for non-fish eaters.
by fsspuk
January 12, 2019
13th January 2019
Please note that in this form of the Mass, the Church asks us to receive Holy Communion on the tongue and – if physically able – kneeling. Confessions are available before and after Mass. Refreshments are available in the church hall after Mass – please come and join us, especially if this is your first visit to Christ the King.
All but £50 of our Latin Mass collection money goes to support Christ the King Parish. If you would like to help to ensure the continuing presence of the FSSP at Bedford, please consider setting up a standing order to them. These need to be set up by you through your bank: account name: FSSP England (Reading); sort code 30-93-04; account number 02027330. Gift Aid forms are also available by request. Thank you.
After Mass today, we welcome Chris and Lucy Norfolk’s first child, Marc Anthony, who will receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. All are welcome to stay for this.
Epiphanytide house blessings for the Bedford Latin Mass faithful are being bestowed this weekend. It is possible to have this blessing up to the Feast of the Purification on 2nd February. Please speak to Fr O’Donohue if you would like this.
Next Sunday, we sing Missa VIII, commonly called ‘de Angelis’ (‘of the Angels’). It has been written that “its antiquity is […] great enough to have obliterated all trace of its history, and even of the origin of the name by which it is now generally designated”. At one time, particularly just before the liturgical changes in the late 1960s, it was more frequently sung than any other Gregorian Mass, even in Protestant churches; the revivification of the traditional Mass, with its commensurate increase in a variety of celebrations, has seen a wider exploration of the other riches of the Kyriale. The ‘optimism’ of its melodies suits the season of Christmas. Matthew Schellhorn – Director of Music
Our Quiz Night with Fish and Chip Supper is on Friday 25th January 2019 at 7.30pm. Tickets are now available at £7.50 per person; please see Barbara. Other options are available for non-fish eaters.
by fsspuk
January 8, 2019
After the 8:30 Mass this Sunday there will be the baptism of Marc Anthony Norfolk, son of Chris and Lucy. All are welcome – an Old Rite baptism is a beautiful ceremony:
by fsspuk
January 5, 2019
6th January 2019
Please note that in this form of the Mass, the Church asks us to receive Holy Communion on the tongue and – if physically able – kneeling. Confessions are available before and after Mass. Refreshments are available in the church hall after Mass – please come and join us, especially if this is your first visit to Christ the King.
All but £50 of our Latin Mass collection money goes to support Christ the King Parish. If you would like to help to ensure the continuing presence of the FSSP at Bedford, please consider setting up a standing order to them. These need to be set up by you through your bank: account name: FSSP England (Reading); sort code 30-93-04; account number 02027330. Gift Aid forms are also available by request. Thank you.
Chris and Lucy Norfolk’s first child, Marc Anthony, was born on 26th December. We look forward to meeting the newest member of our congregation.
Come to the hall and see what unwanted Christmas presents people have brought to the Sales Table today! All proceeds support the work of the FSSP apostolate here in Bedford.
Epiphanytide house blessings for the Bedford Latin Mass faithful will be bestowed next weekend, 12th/13th January (an alternative date can be arranged if necessary). The blessings involve going through each room with Epiphany water and blessed incense, as well as marking the initials of the 3 Magi above the front door of the home. Please sign the sheet available today if you would like your home blessed.
Our Quiz Night with Fish and Chip Supper is on Friday 25th January 2019 at 7.30pm. Tickets are now available; please see Barbara.
A date for your new diary – following the great success of the Barn Dance at Christ the King in July, Mick Wooldridge returns as caller on Friday 10th May 2019.
by fsspuk
December 30, 2018
Our first Family Catechism Day in 2019 is on Sunday 6 January. The under 8s session is at 10.30, the under 16s at 11.00 and the adults at 11.30, all in the Patrick Donegan Room adjacent to the hall. Do join us for a worthwhile and instructive morning. Refreshments are available in the main hall between the end of Mass and Catechism.
by fsspuk