December 29, 2018
30th December 2018 – Sunday within the Octave of the Nativity
of Our Lord
Please note that in this form of the Mass, the Church asks us to receive Holy Communion on the tongue and – if physically able – kneeling. Confessions are available before and after Mass. Refreshments are available in the church hall after Mass – please come and join us, especially if this is your first visit to Christ the King.
All but £50 of our Latin Mass collection money goes to support Christ the King Parish. If you would like to help to ensure the continuing presence of the FSSP at Bedford, please consider setting up a standing order to them. These need to be set up by you through your bank: account name: FSSP England (Reading); sort code 30-93-04; account number 02027330. Gift Aid forms are also available by request. Thank you.
Bring them along after Mass next week to the Sales Table for a Grand Epiphany Sale! Many thanks to all who buy from the Sales Table – the support of our priests is supplemented by £50 – £100 per month in this way.
Epiphanytide house blessings for the Bedford Latin Mass faithful will be bestowed on the weekend of 12th/13th January (alternative dates can be arranged if necessary). The blessings involve going through each room with Epiphany water and blessed incense, as well as marking the initials of the 3 Magi above the front door of the home. Please sign the sheet available today if you would like your home blessed.
Our Quiz Night with Fish and Chip Supper is on Friday 25th January 2019 at 7.30pm. Tickets are now available; please see Barbara. Perhaps we could form a team or teams to support a really enjoyable evening.
A date for your new diary – following the great success of the Barn Dance at Christ the King in July, Mick Wooldridge returns as caller on Friday 10th May 2019.
Felix sit annus novus!
by fsspuk
December 20, 2018
23rd December 2018
Please note that in this form of the Mass, the Church asks us to receive Holy Communion on the tongue and – if physically able – kneeling. Confessions are available before and after Mass. Refreshments are available in the church hall after Mass – please come and join us, especially if this is your first visit to Christ the King.
All but £50 of our Latin Mass collection money goes to support Christ the King Parish. If you would like to help to ensure the continuing presence of the FSSP at Bedford, please consider setting up a standing order to them. These need to be set up by you through your bank: account name: FSSP England (Reading); sort code 30-93-04; account number 02027330. Gift Aid forms are also available by request. Thank you.
Low Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday 25th December at 8.30 am. By kind agreement of the Parish Priest, Fr Patrick Hutton, the collection money from this Mass will go to support the work of the FSSP Bedford Apostolate. If you want to make a personal gift to the FSSP priests, then please do so outside of the collections, making it clear that it is for their personal use. Thank you.
Epiphanytide house blessings for the Bedford Latin Mass faithful will be bestowed on the weekend of 12th/13th January (alternative dates can be arranged if necessary). The blessings involve going through each room with Epiphany water and blessed incense, as well as marking the initials of the 3 Magi above the front door of the home. Please sign the sheet available today if you would like your home blessed.
Our Quiz Night with Fish and Chip Supper is on Friday 25th January 2019 at 7.30pm. Tickets are now available; please see Barbara. Perhaps we could form a team or teams?
A date for your new diary – following the great success of the Barn Dance at Christ the King in July, Mick Wooldridge returns as caller on Friday 10th May 2019.
Felicem Domini Nativitatis diem!
by fsspuk
December 14, 2018
by fsspuk
December 9, 2018
by fsspuk
November 30, 2018
The monthly catechism day is this Sunday, 2nd December.
Where: Christ the King, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP
8:30 Mass, followed by tea and coffee in the hall,
Catechism for under – 8s at 10:30,
8-16 year olds at 11,
Adults at 11:30.
See you then!
by fsspuk
November 29, 2018
by fsspuk
November 26, 2018
by fsspuk
November 11, 2018
by fsspuk
November 6, 2018
On Saturday 10 November at 12 noon, there will be a High Mass of Reparation for the Irish Referendum decision at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Church of the Holy Child and St Joseph, Brereton Road, Bedford, organised by the Latin Mass Society and the Guardians of the Shrine. The Mass will be in the presence of the Miraculous Relic Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, whose home is at the Shrine, and one of whose titles is “Protectress of the Unborn”.
The Shrine is just a few minutes’ walk from both bus and train stations, and from the Ashburnham Road Long Stay car park at the junction of Ashburnham Road and Midland Road, where you can park all day for £2.50.
Fr Patrick O’Donohue FSSP is the celebrant and he will also give the homily. Music will be provided by Matthew Schellhorn and other singers from Oxford. The Guardians of the Shrine have organised refreshments in the Guild Room behind the church after the Mass.
High Masses are rare and this is a chance to hear one right on your doorstep if you are in the Bedford area. Many people will be coming to a Latin Mass for the first time ever, or after many years. Let us pray for a holy and happy occasion which will show that the Old Rite is truly alive, well and flourishing in Bedford.
by fsspuk
November 2, 2018
by fsspuk