July 3, 2018
At 8am this Sunday, Sebastian will be baptised in the Old Rite. The wording is quite dramatic – see here for more details – and all are very welcome. We will also have a celebration in the hall afterwards to which everyone is also welcome!
by fsspuk
July 2, 2018
If you are able to get to London, you may like to go to this:
Sung EF Mass at Our Lady of theAssumption and S. Gregory , Warwick Street. London W1B 5LZ AT 7PM
Wednesday 4th July in reparation for the Irish vote. Warwick Street is in the care of the Ordinariate and there is a TLM twice weekly, said on Saturdays at 12 and sung on Wednesdays at 7pm. It is celebrated by the Parish Priest Fr Mark Elliot-Smith.
by fsspuk
June 27, 2018
We are launching a survey to find out the interest in catechism classes in Bedford as from September. Here is the link if you would like to complete this survey on line:
Alternatively, paper copies will be available in the church hall after Mass. Please take a few minutes to let the priests know what you would like to see in future.
by fsspuk
Just a reminder that St Peter and St Paul is a Holyday of Obligation and that Holy Mass will be celebrated by Fr James Mawdsley, FSSP at Christ the King this Friday 29 June at 7.30 pm. Please support this Mass if you can.
by fsspuk
June 21, 2018
Congratulations and best wishes to Justin and Grace Bozzino, whose fourth son, Sebastian, was born last Saturday, 16 June. We look forward to meeting the newest member of our congregation in due course!
by fsspuk
Matthew Schellhorn is with us for the second Sunday running, this time to sing the Mass for the Nativity of St John the Baptist. We had a large congregation last Sunday and hope for even more people on the 24th.
Matthew encourages us to sing the congregational parts of the Mass and you can obtain copies of the music from the table at the back of church. Also there you will find a sheet giving the congregation’s postures for Sung Mass, which are slightly different from a Low Mass.
At a Sung Mass, time does not allow for the translation of the readings; here is a link where they can be found, along with much other useful information, kindly given to us by one of our congregation: http://www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl
by fsspuk
June 12, 2018
A last minute reminder that there will be a talk for all ladies at the Shrine of Our Lady, Church of Holy Child and St Joseph, Midland Road, Bedford, at 11.30 am today. It will include an Angelus in Latin, a talk and a chance to write a petition and to venerate the Miraculous Relic Image. Ladies, do join us! English Mass is celebrated before the talk at 10.45 am.
by fsspuk
June 7, 2018
If you come to Mass at Christ the King, or use the parish website: http://www.christthekingchurchbedford.com/, we’d very much like you to complete the below survey. One of the parishioners is redesigning it and would like your views. Thank you!
by fsspuk
June 1, 2018
Tomorrow is a First Saturday, and so there will be Confession from 930am, Mass at 1030am, and Catechism for children, young adults and older adults afterwards! NB timings are half an hour earlier than usual.
Pope Francis uses incense as he venerates a statue of Our Lady of Fatima during the canonization Mass of Sts. Francisco and Jacinta Marto, two of the three Fatima seers, at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal, May 13. The Mass marked the 100th anniversary of the Fatima Marian apparitions, which began on May 13, 1917. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
by fsspuk
May 31, 2018
A very happy Feast of Corpus Christi! A reminder that Mass is tonight at 7:30.
by fsspuk