July 29, 2019
If you are an adult Catholic, come along to the next Patricians’ meeting for some lively discussion on this ‘hot topic’ of transgenderism and ‘gender theory’. It takes place in the Patrick Donegan room next to the church hall at Christ the King on Saturday 10th August starting at 7pm and ending at 9pm. Includes two short talks, one by a layman and another by our Spiritual Director, always a priest or deacon. Each talk last 15 mins each – maximum; there is an open floor discussion and refreshments. Open to all Catholics aged 18 and over.
by fsspuk
July 3, 2019
Brown Scapular Enrolment: A group enrolment of the Brown Scapular will be taking place on Sunday 14th July following 8:30 am Mass. Both adults and children who have reached the age of reason are invited to partake of this devotion. Brown Scapulars will be provided free of charge, but donations are welcome. Individuals will be formally invested in the scapular, requiring only the daily praying of the Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary or five decades of the Rosary.
by fsspuk
The Society of Patricians has started in Bedford; we will be meeting the second Saturday of every month at 7:30 pm in the Patrick Donegan Room (green cabin), Christ the King Church.
Organised by the Legion of Mary, the Society aims to build up a knowledgable and confident laity by discussing essential and important topics of the Catholic Faith, especially those under attack or widely misunderstood. Each meeting involves two short talks (15 minutes each) split by an open floor discussion, one by a layman and another by the Society’s spiritual director. Fr O’Donohue has kindly agreed to act in this capacity for our local branch.
The next upcoming meeting will be on Saturday 13th July, and the topic of this meeting will be: “Are All Religions equal?” Catholics often know their faith, but are afraid to discuss it with others, even other Catholics, for many reasons. The Patricians aim to help the laity to overcome this reticence – all Catholics aged 18+ may attend. The Patricians is not a lecture system or classroom, it is designed to help Catholics to help other Catholics in understanding, explaining and growing in the one True Faith. Refreshments included, meetings begin with prayer and conclude with the Creed and a priestly blessing.
by fsspuk
June 15, 2019
We are fortunate enough to have a very active Praesidium of the Legion of Mary at Christ the King and they have sponsored a new initiative; the Patricians will hold their first meeting tonight, Saturday 15th June, in the Patrick Donegan Room, starting at 7 pm. Tonight’s meeting is a discussion about the roles of men and women in a Catholic marriage. Fr Patrick O’Donohue FSSP will summarise the discussion and refreshments will be served. Do support this new venture!
by fsspuk
June 11, 2019
Fr Matthew Goddard celebrated the 10th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood on 30th May. On his monthly visit to say Mass in Bedford on 9th June, we were able to celebrate this landmark. We had sent him a specially made card on the day itself, but for the 9th we had ordered a cake from the local baker’s, which was greatly enjoyed by all.
Justin Bozzino took the opportunity to thank Fr Goddard and his fellow priests from the FSSP for their ministry at Bedford over the last two years and elsewhere in the Diocese prior to that. Justin also hoped that Father would celebrate many more anniversaries. I am sure we would all agree with that. Ad Multos Annos, Father!
by fsspuk
May 30, 2019
If you haven’t fulfilled your Holyday obligation – there’s a Latin Mass at Christ the King at 7.30 pm tonight!
by fsspuk
May 29, 2019
The last in the present series of Family Catechism sessions takes place on Sunday 2 June at the usual times – 10.30 for under 8s, 11.00 for under 16s, and 11.30 for adults. Our grateful thanks to Fr O’Donohue for preparing and delivering these talks over the last few months.
by fsspuk
May 10, 2019
It’s a nice sunny evening (but not as hot as last year!), so if you are free, why not head down to Christ the King for our second Barn Dance? It starts at 7.30 pm and tickets are available on the door at £5 for over 12s and £3 for under 12s. We are happy to negotiate rates for families. There will be a bar, raffle and a prize for the best outfit. Caller Mick Wooldridge has very kindly given his services free, supported by our hardworking Social Committee. The Parish of Christ the King and the FSSP will benefit equally from the proceeds.
See you there!
by fsspuk
April 29, 2019
Don’t forget that it’s the first Sunday of the month next weekend and so we have Family Catechism at Christ the King at our usual times of 10.30 for under 8s, 11.00 for under 16s and 11.30 for adults. There’s tea, coffee and biscuits in the hall while you’re waiting and a chance for a chat.
by fsspuk
April 15, 2019
The Latin Mass at Christ the King will take place as usual at 8.30 am on Easter Sunday. It will be sung by Director of Music Matthew Schellhorn. Do join us for an inspiring and uplifting celebration of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
By the kind agreement of Fr Patrick Hutton, Parish Priest of Christ the King, the collection money from the Latin Mass on Easter Sunday will go to support the work of the FSSP Bedford Apostolate. Please be generous in supporting the sterling work the FSSP priests are doing among us.
If you want to make a personal gift to the FSSP priests, then please do so outside of the collections, making it clear that it is for their personal use. Thank you.
Don’t miss out on the social event of the year! After last year’s success, caller Mick Wooldridge returns to Christ the King on Friday 10th May at 7.30 pm. There will be a bar and a fancy dress competition as well as lots of dancing. Don’t worry if you have never been to a barn dance before, Mick will talk you through the steps. Tickets are now on sale from Barbara Kay in the hall after Mass at £5 for adults, £3 for under 12s.
by fsspuk