United Kingdom and Ireland


April 6, 2024

St Mary’s Shrine Bulletin, 7-20 Apr 2024

Read the latest fortnightly bulletin here.

Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way with the Holy Week liturgies — especially our choir-members, servers, flower-arrangers, as well as all of you who helped with decorating and cleaning the church. May God reward you!

Liturgical Calendar: 7-20 April 2024

GIFT AID ENVELOPES for the new tax year are now available to collect from the narthex.

If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider increasing your regular donations by Gift Aid. You can increase the value of your donation by 25% at no extra cost or inconvenience to yourself. Either pick up a ‘one-off’ envelope from the church porch, or contact the office if you’d like to start using the numbered envelopes for your weekly giving.


…to our very own St Mary’s Shrine football team, who convincingly beat St Joseph’s Men’s Group from Bolton at their match on Easter Monday!

March 24, 2024

St Mary’s Shrine Bulletin, 24 Mar – 6 Apr 2024

Read the latest fortnightly bulletin here.

Fathers Goddard, Verrier, Stewart, Evans and Jolly, along with seminarian Péter Uhel, wish you all a grace-filled Holy Week and a very happy and blessed Easter!
Fathers Goddard, Verrier, Stewart, Evans and Jolly, along with seminarian Péter Uhel, wish you all a grace-filled Holy Week and a very happy and blessed Easter!

Liturgical Calendar: 24 March – 6 April 2024

N.B. Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. All Catholics aged 18-59 inclusive are obliged to fast (one meal & two small snacks permitted); and, as usual on Fridays, all Catholics aged 14+ must abstain from meat.


  • Maundy Thursday: at the singing of Tantum ergo after the Procession;
  • Good Friday: by adoring and kissing the Cross at the Solemn Liturgy;
  • Holy Saturday: by joining with renewal of baptismal promises at the Vigil.

Thank you…

…to the children from our shrine community, who raised £315.21 at their home-made cakes and crafts sale on Lætare Sunday!
The proceeds will be split between the Life charity and towards funding the completion of Priory Court.
(See photos here.)


…to our seminarian, Péter Uhel, who has been with us on pastoral placement for the past six months. He leaves us on Easter Monday to return to his seminary formation at the FSSP’s European seminary in Wigratzbad. We thank him and assure him of our continued prayers.

March 23, 2024

Dowry No61 now online

In this issue:


March 13, 2024

Summer Camps 2024

This year’s summer camps will once again take place at Savio House in Bollington, near Macclesfield.

The St Peter’s Summer Camp for Boys will be 5-10 August. The St Petronilla’s Summer Camp for Girls will be 12-17 August.

Booking forms will be available soon.

March 11, 2024

St Mary’s Shrine Bulletin, 10-23 Mar 2024

Read the latest fortnightly bulletin here.

Thank you…

…to everyone who contributed in any way to Fr Goddard’s Installation as Rector and the visit of Archbishop McMahon on Thursday. It was a happy and special moment in the life of our shrine community. The ceremony is available to watch again on our YouTube channel here.

Pontifical Benediction following Fr Goddard’s Installation as Rector on Thursday 7 March (Feast of St Thomas Aquinas)

Liturgical Calendar: 10-23 March 2024


(10-18 March)

UPDATE: The last stages of the Priory Court works continue to progress. Last weekend, some of you helped choose wall colours; and decorators have since started painting. The lift is due to be installed in the next 2 to 3 weeks, while the plans for the kitchenette have been finalised and the new flooring ordered. 

However, sadly, funding issues have not abated. In order to restart the works last autumn, we had to spend around £100,000 (the majority) of St Mary’s general funds. Within the past few weeks—because of price rises, necessary design variations and unexpected requirements to comply with regulations—we are now facing extra costs in the region of £30,000 to £35,000, which we need to find. The substantial cost overrun approaching £140,000 from our original budget was principally due to the delays from Covid, substantial increases in material and labour costs, preliminaries for works on other parts of Priory Court still to be refurbished, and other regulatory requirements. Are you able to help cover that overrun? All donations would be very gratefully accepted.

We need to pray that these extra costs will be covered. In this month of St Joseph, let us entrust the funding for the completion of phase 1 of the works—the creation of hall facilities—to his intercession. We’ll be praying a novena for this intention from Sunday 10 to Monday 18 March, in preparation for his feast on 19 March. It will be said at the end of each Mass. Please pray it at home too.

February 26, 2024

St Mary’s Shrine Bulletin, 25 Feb – 9 Mar 2024

Read the latest fortnightly bulletin here.

A new family of Catholics!

Congratulations to Jonathan & Jennifer Winship, who were received into full communion with the Catholic Church and confirmed on Saturday 24 February, and to their children—James, Eva & Lara—who were baptized on the same day. Please do keep them in your prayers.

Liturgical Calendar: 25 February – 9 March 2024

December 31, 2023

St Mary’s Shrine Bulletin, 31 Dec 2023 – 13 Jan 2024

Read the latest fortnightly bulletin here.

Thank you…

…from all the clergy for all the cards, gifts and donations received at Christmas! A big thank-you too to everyone who worked so hard to make our Christmas celebrations here at St Mary’s so beautiful (cleaning/decorating the church; serving; singing; etc.). May God reward you all!

Liturgical Calendar: 31 December 2023 – 13 January 2024

Note that, in this country, the obligation to assist at Holy Mass on the Feast of the Epiphany this year is transferred to the following Sunday (7 January).