Church access & prayers during pandemic
St Mary’s Shrine Church, Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS

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Dear parishioners, owing to the coronavirus, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales has ordered that from 21st March all public liturgies be stopped until further notice in order to try and minimise the spreading of the virus.
Therefore, please note the following:
- Please sanitise your hands and keep good hygiene.
- Please keep a distance of 2 empty pews from the next person (make use of side aisle pews). NB – one family/household can be together in a pew as they would be at home.
- Don’t share/put back booklets e.g. for stations of the cross – instead take home and bring along with you to use each time you come. (Hymn books are not to be used).
- There will be no communal Stations of the Cross or rosary.
- Church open for private prayer 8am-7.30pm (shut between 10.45am-12.30pm).
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament (without Benediction) 3pm-7pm.
- broadcasting Sung Mass at 11am.
- Confessions available upon request.
- Church open for private prayer 7.30am-6.30pm (closed between 11.45am-1pm).
- broadcasting of 12.10pm Masses.
- Confessions available upon request.
Let us invoke Our Blessed Mother, St Joseph, St Sebastian, St Peregrini, St Roch, St Peter, St Benedict, Bl James Bell, our patron saints and guardian angels at this time.
a) Check on isolated parishioners from St Mary’s Shrine: If you are already in touch with some, give the clergy their name and contact details (with their permission). Every such isolated person needs to have a fellow parishioner as ‘Guardian Angel’ checking on them daily through a visit or at least a phone call or an email.
b) Even if you are not isolated, you may feel the need for support in these trying times. Do ring and email St Mary’s clergy for spiritual advice and comfort. Do watch our daily Holy Mass (usual times) and listen to the daily homily (send your friends the link:
We know that many of you may find themselves in financial difficulty over the coming weeks or months. Because we still need to pay the bills, we are grateful for whatever amount you can give. Please remember that the costs incurred to run St Mary’s Shrine remain high (estimated £1,700.00 per week).
The cancellation of public Masses prevents Offertory collections, but…
a) A safe box (under CCTV and emptied daily) is available at St Mary’s for you to give your offering when you visit.
b) Please set up standing orders especially if you can’t visit St Mary’s weekly: For FSSP Warrington
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-80-27
Account number: 30993368
Account name: FSSP Warrington
c) You live far away or abroad and you pray with St Mary’s via LiveMass: please help us carry on this ministry, donating to us via international transfers, adding to the details above the following:
Bank Branch: Palmerston Rd Southsea
Bank Address: Ariel House, 2138 Coventry Road, Sheldon, B26 3JW
IBAN: GB97LOYD30802730993368
SWIFT code: LOYDGB21721
d) The Gift Aid envelopes are available for collection in the narthex and can continue to be used even if the donations don’t reach us weekly. Set them aside to bring whenever you can come. Click here to open and fill in the Gift Aid form.
c) Consider endowing St Mary’s Shrine with long-term income through bequesting a legacy to us. There are currently five clerics at St Mary’s and adequate buildings, but we are not yet self-sustainable and we do need a significant increase of our weekly income. Your bequest is to be made to our registered charity no.1129964, ‘Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri Ltd’ (FSSP England), but it will be used exclusively to support St Mary’s Shrine Church in Warrington if you specify it. Please contact you solicitor and St Mary’s to discuss praticalities.
a) New pandemic plenary indulgence available for watching the Mass online, helping others during the pandemic, and other pious pandemic activities:
b) Fatima Prayer given to the three children by the Angel who
preceded Our Lady’s first appearance to them in 1917.
‘MOST Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity
of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference
by which He is offended. And through the infinite merit
of His Most Sacred Heart, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg of Thee the conversion of poor sinners.’ (3 times)
c) Spiritual Communion (Catechism of the Council of Trent):
Threefold Manner Of Communicating
‘That the faithful may learn to be zealous for the better gifts, they must be shown who can obtain these abundant fruits from the Holy Eucharist, must be reminded that there is not only one way of communicating. Wisely and rightly, then, did our predecessors in the faith, as we read in the Council of Trent, distinguish three ways of receiving this Sacrament.
‘Some receive it sacramentally only. Such are those sinners who do not fear to approach the holy mysteries with polluted lips and heart, who, as the Apostle says, eat and drink the Lord’s body unworthily. Of this class of communicants St. Augustine says: He who dwells not in Christ, and in whom Christ dwells not, most certainly does not eat spiritually His flesh, although carnally and visibly he press with his teeth the Sacrament of His flesh and blood. Those, therefore, who receive the sacred mysteries with such a disposition, not only obtain no fruit therefrom, but, as the Apostle himself testifies, eat and drink judgment to themselves.
‘Others are said to receive the Eucharist in spirit only. They are those who, inflamed with a lively faith which worketh by charity,’ partake in wish and desire of that celestial bread offered to them, from which they receive, if not the entire, at least very great fruits.
‘Lastly, there are some who receive the Holy Eucharist both sacramentally and spiritually, those who, according to the teaching of the Apostle, having first proved themselves and having approached this divine banquet adorned with the nuptial garment, derive from the Eucharist those most abundant fruits which we have already described. Hence it is clear that those who, having it in their power to receive with fitting preparation the Sacrament of the body of the Lord, are yet satisfied with a spiritual Communion only, deprive themselves of the greatest and most heavenly advantages.’
d) Traditional Prayer for Spiritual Communion:
‘I wish, my Lord, to receive Thee, with the purity, humility and devotion with which Thy most Holy Mother received you, with the spirit and fervor of the saints.’
(popularised by St Josemaria Escriva, learnt from his primary school teacher Piarist Father Manuel Laborda)
e) Prayer to one’s Guardian Angel when unable to assist at Mass
O Holy Angel at my side
go to the church for me,
kneel at my place at Holy Mass,
where I desire to be,
At offertory in my stead,
take all I am and own
and place it as a sacrifice
upon the altar Throne.
At Holy Consecration’s bell
adore with Seraph’s love,
My Jesus hidden in the Host,
come down from heaven above.
And when the priest Communion takes
O bring my Lord to me,
that His sweet Heart may rest on mine
And I His temple be!
f) Before the monstrance or tabernacle:
My Lord and my God Jesus Christ, I firmly believe that you are here, really, truly and substantially present; with your sacred Body, your precious Blood, your human soul and your divinity under the externals of bread; and I adore you with the most profound reverence.
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