Clergy Retreat 27 Apr-1 May 2020, Stonyhurst

In the brand new retreat centre in historic Jesuit college in Lancashire. Make use of the Theodore House Oratory or St Peter’s church for private prayer. Enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside with its network of footpaths. Comfortable en-suite accommodation make Theodore House a fantastic retreat setting!
• Clergy Retreat 27 April – 1st May 2020
• Arrival by 3pm on Monday 27th April 2020
• Departure 3pm on Friday 1st May 2020
• Theme: The priests and Holy Church: her sons and defenders.
• Preached by : Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP
• For: Any diocesan and religious clerics, including deacons and seminarians
• Daily Mass (missal of your choice), Holy Hour and Latin Compline
Scope: Holy Church is under attack and her priests are undermined. Can we still profess the Church as holy and the priesthood as sacred? The traditional ecclesiology, spirituality and liturgy explain why the sins of her sons wound the Bride of Christ and yet do not mar her purity, neither invalidate their calling. After the example of the Sovereign High Priest Jesus Christ, today as ever, priestly sanctity is essential to the welfare of Holy Church.
Cost £320 in total (4 days full board single room with ensuite).
BOOKINGS: send your £50 and/or full payment to:
The Christian Heritage Centre, Stonyhurst, Clitheroe BB7 9PZ ;
01254 827329.
About the preacher: For fifteen years Fr de Malleray has been giving clergy retreats at various venues in England and abroad. Based in the Liverpool Archdiocese, he is the author of ‘Ego Eimi – It is I: Falling in Eucharistic Love‘ []. His forthcoming book is on the sacred priesthood. He is the editor of the quarterly magazine Dowry, and general chaplain of the youth movement Juventutem and of the Confraternity of St Peter, an international prayer network for priestly vocations and ministry.
In response to a priest’s enquiry: the retreat is not aimed at promoting the Extraordinary Liturgy in Latin. Fr de Malleray gives retreats to clergy every year. Their purpose is spiritual input for fellow priests, regardless of what form of the Mass they offer. In fact, most participants are diocesan clergy who say only or mostly the Ordinary Form of the Mass.
The themes are diverse: Year of Mercy, Year for Priests, The Priest and Our Lady, The Priest and Martyrdom, The Priest and the Eucharist.
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