United Kingdom and Ireland


To support to our ministry financially you can use the appropriate ‘Donate’ button below.

N.B. Please do not use PayPal for Mass stipends or other more specific purposes, but rather our bank accounts, noting the reason for the donation as a reference. Thank you.

Warrington / LiveMass


Bedford & Chesham Bois

General Donations

Bank Transfers and Standing Orders

To make a bank transfer or regular donations through a Standing Order to support our work, please click on the appropriate button below for bank account details:

FSSP England
in general
Reading Bedford & Chesham St Mary’s Shrine
Warrington apostolate

N.B. The Priory Campaign has now been closed. Many thanks for your kind donations.


Only as a last resort:

With no full-time secretary, it takes us comparatively a lot of time to process a cheque in British pounds. In addition, the bank charges a fee for every cheque. Charges and processing time increase for cheques in foreign currencies. While we are deeply grateful for all and every donation, we request that you avoid non British pound cheques; and use electronic payment as described above preferably to British pound cheques, unless the amount be such as to justify the administrative time and charges incurred. Thank you kindly.

Lest our bank rejects your cheque, please make sure to make it payable only

  • to ‘FSSP England’ if meant for our English Apostolate in general, including the Priory Campaign;
  • to ‘FSSP Warrington’ if meant for our Warrington Apostolate;
  • to ‘FSSP Reading’ if meant for the Reading-based Apostolate (encompassing Reading, Chesham Bois and Bedford).

Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer then FSSP England may be able to claim an extra 25pence from the UK government for each £1 that you donate. Please click on the image to the right to download a Gift Aid Declaration form. The completed form should be sent to St Mary’s Warrington, Smith St, Warrington, WA1 2NS.


Please remember us in your will. As a registered charity, FSSP England can be included as a beneficiary in your will, while being exempt from tax. Since we are not supported financially by the UK dioceses where we serve, we rely essentially on your generosity. Most of our capital generates no income as it comprises of our presbyteries and church. Rather, this capital costs us money to upkeep. Our small income-generating capital is meant to build up a fund for the healthcare of our aging clergy.

Bequesting properties or subtantial amounts of money to us through your will is the best way to endow our Fraternity in England and Wales with the financial security we need to continue our service to souls and even to expand it, please God. As an illustration, in the 2010s Mrs Anne R. (R.I.P.) bequested her house and some financial assets to our charity. This provided a much-needed income for our Southern Apostolate.

Please contact us or speak with your sollicitor for further information.