St Mary’s Sunday Bulletin 29 Sept 2019
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BULLETIN of ST MARY’S SHRINE 29th September 2019 Fortnightly • 01925 635664 Watch our Mass daily on Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: In residence: Fr Henry Whisenant: (On Sick Leave: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP) Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily. Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day – including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass, and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am Eucharistic Adoration: Sat 10:00am-12 noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm; most Wed. afternoon after school Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. + 12noon Angelus Sung Compline: Sunday 7:15pm, Wednesday 9:15pm Stations of the Cross: Mon, Fri 1:00pm Men’s group: Every Wed 7:00pm Mass + Talk & Compline Mothers’ Prayer group: Wed 1:00pm Adults Catechesis: MostSat 6pmwithFr Loewenstein Family School: MostWednesdays 1pm-3:30pm. Contact Alison Kahn 01925 727759. Choir: Every Thur & Sun.Contact Fr Verrier for an audition if you would like to join our choir – including Junior choir. Young Adults & Professionals 18-35: Monthly Sat walk and/or talk: Divine Mercy group: every second Tuesday 1:00pm Pro-life group: Last Sat 10:15am: SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: Registered Charity number 1129964 Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness. Church cleaning: please given an hour of your time each week to keep St Mary’s fit for divine worship. Contact Jeff Hall: Addicts to drugs, alcohol: help available with high success rate. Free. Confidential phone contact: 07916578902. ☞To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. If no server, please hold the Communion plate against your throat. Thank you in advance. ☞ Printed Mass sheets: please don’t bin them, as we will use them next year. Leave them in church Porch. ☞ Modesty in church: please cover your bodies at least down to elbows and below knees; no tight or see-through garments. ☞ Did you know? St Mary’s Shrine costs £1,444/week to run and maintain. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. |
Men’s recollection weekend 29th Nov – 1st Dec 2019:
Theme: ‘Restoring manhood: Man as son of God, husband and father.’

Location: The Christian Heritage Centre, Stonyhurst College, Clitheroe, BB7 9PT
For: any men from 18 years, single or married
Arrival: Friday 29th Nov from 3pm, for 6pm Holy Mass; Departure: Sunday 1st Dec from 3pm.
Preached by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP
Features: Holy Mass (Fri, Sat and Sun), rosary, conferences, adoration, Latin Compline and confessions
Bookings: & 01254 827329. £50 deposit upon booking.
Cost: £160 for full weekend (single room), or £110 per person (twin room).
Prayer for the Pan-Amazon Synod (Rome, 6-27 October): We at St Mary’s will recite daily the Prayer to St Michael the Archangel from 29th Sept. until 27th Oct., begging for heavenly protection upon Holy Mother Church in turbulent times. We invite all to fast every Friday for the same intention during that period.
Saint Michael Prayer:
Holy Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Rosary Crusade of Reparation, Sat. 12 October, London. Start: Westminster Cathedral (Ambrosden Avenue) 1:45pm. End: Brompton Oratory, 5pm.
‘Rebuild my Church: the unexpected bounce of religious Britain’
by Fr A. de Malleray FSSP.
Saturday 9 Nov 2019 11am-5pm, St Mary Moorfields, London, for 18-35 year.

Clergy Retreat 27th April – 1st May 2020, Stonyhurst, by Fr de Malleray FSSP on ‘The priests and Holy Church: her sons and defenders’. £320 full board.
Priory Campaign finalising: We hope shortly to sign the purchase of Priory Court No 2 & 3 for £480k, plus a one-year free lease of No1 with the hope of raising the missing £140k to buy it. Please pray for quick completion.
Annual Home Education Conference: Sat. 28th Sept., Birmingham Oratory. Starts 9am with traditional Latin Mass. Contact: Donations only.
Catholic Medical Association Youth Conference:
‘Care of the Dying Patient’: Sat. 5th Oct. at St Aloysius’ Catholic Church, Euston. Register at:
Our weekly school started again: 1pm-3:30pm. Please note that we now meet on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays.
Contact: Alison Kahn 01925 727759.
Move across St Mary’s fence to Charles Forbes Court Care home: newly refurbished flats available. Info: 01925 445655
Lift to Holy Mass? Less mobile parishioners are invited to contact us for lifts, especially on Sundays. Volunteers welcome to offer lifts in their cars.
Men’s Group: an ongoing success with about 20 men attending. Every Wednesday 7pm-9:30pm: Talk at 8pm by Fr Whisenant on the Litany of St Joseph (continued).
Weddings: Congratulations to Matthew Stankiewicz and Gemma Drury who will be married by Fr Verrier at St Mary’s on 28th September at 3:00pm (Low Mass). The couple regret that they cannot invite the whole congregation to the evening reception; however, they would be delighted to see as many of you as possible at the wedding itself. If you plan to attend the wedding, please leave the car park free for wedding vehicles. Thank you. (N.B. The 12:10pm Mass takes place as usual.)
Three new videos by Fr de Mallerayon Vocation, Marriage and Conversion:
40 Days for Life Manchester: prayer, fasting and public outreach for an end to abortion 25th Sept – 3rd Nov. Web Tel 07810 791032.
Holy Mass intentions:

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