Sunday 5 July 2020 Bulletin
Public Masses resume on MONDAY 6th JULY 2020!
Deo gratias! No one can imagine greater blessing than participating into the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass again, albeit with limited numbers due to safety regulations. Please note that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still suspended.
We are not taking bookings for attending the Masses. St Mary’s is larger than most churches in the Archdiocese and our usual EF congregation should fit in our two Sunday Masses while observing the social distancing. (Should it prove needed, we might add a third Sunday Mass later on.)
We thank our stewards for their generous dedication to secure a safe visit to St Mary’s for all in accordance with approved guidelines. Please bring your own holy water as our fonts must remained empty for the time being. We thank our visitors for following the instructions displayed.
While we welcome new visitors to St Mary’s, we draw their attention kindly to the proper behaviour expected in the House of God, lest after four months some habits were lost:
- one must genuflect towards the Tabernacle on entering and again on departing; and whenever walking by the Tabernacle along the Communion Rail or across the central aisle (if the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the monstrance for adoration one should wait or genuflect on both knees);
- men, women and children must dress with modesty (no tight or see-through garments; body, chest, shoulders covered, and limbs at least down to the elbows and below the knees; ‘Sunday best’ on Sundays and feasts);
- talking in church is not permitted;
- mobile phones must be switched off before entering;
- no other activity must take place while Holy Mass or the Divine Office (e.g. Vespers) or Eucharistic adoration is in progress;
- As stipulated in the EF liturgy in force at St Mary’s Shrine, Holy Communion here is received kneeling (unless crippled) and on the tongue by 1) Catholics, 2) in state of grace (no grave sin unabsolved upon one’s conscience), 3) having fasted for at least 60 minutes previous (medicines and natural water do not break the fast). Due to safety restrictions, for the time being Holy Communion will be given right after Holy Mass. The priest will sanitize his fingers right before and after distributing. There is no obligation to receive Holy Communion at every Mass or after it: choosing to receive is left to the discretion of each worshipper.
- Collection: you can leave your offering with our stewards, or drop it straight through the metal mail slot in the Front door of the Presbytery outside the church.
Our usual schedule (pre-lockdown) will start again on Monday 6th July:
Holy Mass:
- Mon-Sat: 12:10pm
- Sun 11am & 6pm
- 30 minutes before every public Mass
- Sat 10am-11:45am
Sunday 5th July is the last day that St Mary’s Shrine is open for private prayer 2.00pm – 5.00pm with Eucharistic adoration.
From Monday morning 6th July the opening times are:
Weekdays 10:00am – 1:30pm & 4:00pm – 6:30pm
(includes 6pm Sung Vespers most evenings and usual Confessions & Adoration every Saturday morning 10am-12noon)
Sundays 10:am– 1:00pm & 5:00pm-7:00pm
(includes Sung Vespers & Benediction 5pm-6pm open to all present in church, and via
Reminder: the broadcast of the Wednesday Men’s Group on LiveMass is discontinued. Contact Fr Verrier if you wish to attend the weekly meeting (limited space).
Mass times:
Sun 5 | V Sunday after Pentecost Sung Vespers and Benediction (LiveMass) | 11:00am 5:00pm | Holy Souls |
Mon 6 | Votive Mass for a Holy Death (feria) – Public liturgies resume | 12:10pm | Fred Tarant RIP |
Tue 7 | Ss Cyril and Methodius | 12:10pm | Beryl RIP |
Wed 8 | St Elizabeth Men’s Group | 12:10pm 8:00pm | Patricia Moss RIP |
Thu 9 | St John Fisher & Thomas More, 1st class feast | 12:10pm | Terry Keenan |
Fri 10 | Seven Holy Brothers & Ss Rufina & Secunda | 12:10pm | Maureen O’Connor |
Sat 11 | Our Lady’s Saturday | 12:10pm | Natashia Reddicen RIP |
Sun 12 | VI Sunday after Pentecost 5pm Sung Vespers and Benediction | 11:00am 6:00pm | Elizabeth Anne Sunderland Celebrant’s intention |
Mon 13 | Votive Mass for Vocations (feria) | 12:10pm | Oswald |
Tue 14 | St Bonaventure | 12:10pm | Michael Windsor |
Wed 15 | St Henry Men’s Group | 12:10pm 8:00pm | Scarlett Mary Thomson |
Thu 16 | Our Lady of Mount Carmel (feria) | 12:10pm | Frank Hall RIP |
Fri 17 | Votive Mass for the Dead (feria) | 12:10pm | Jean Overton RIP |
Sat 18 | St Camillus de Lellis – 32nd anniversary of Foundation of FSSP Confirmations by Archb. McMahon OP | 12:10pm 3:00pm | FSSP & LMS members & supporters |
Sun 19 | VII Sunday after Pentecost; 5pm Sung Vespers and Benediction | 11:00am 6:00pm | Patrick Parkinson Celebrant’s intention |
Deo gratias for the ordination of
3 priests in the cathedral of Laon, France. See the great pictures of the ordinations:

- 4 priests last 24th May in Wigratzbad, Germany
- 6 deacons last 1st June at OLGS , USA
- 5 priests last 1st June at OLGS , USA
- 2 priests (including our own Deacon Gilbride) please God next 8th August in Sydney Cathedral, Australia.
Pray for more priests via the Confraternity of St Peter:
Now available to purchase online – or with 1/3 discount at St Mary’s £10.00 (cash only) instead of £15.00 :
X-RAY OF THE PRIEST in a field hospital
Since no priest wishes to be mediocre, why do many think priestly holiness too ambitious a goal? This book identifies sinful hindrances and spiritual resources for a fruitful and rewarding priestly life in the twenty-first century. These reflections are drawn from the author’s traditional priestly formation and from his twenty years of experience as retreat master for clergy and laity, and as vocations promoter.
Praise for the book:
This call ‘back to basics’ for the Latin clergy, set within a clear doctrinal framework, is written with both imagination and rigour, and merits a wide readership, including bishops and religious superiors. – Fr Aidan Nichols, O.P., author of Holy Order: The Apostolic Ministry from the New Testament to the Second Vatican Council, (Veritas Publications)
No priest doing his duty, trying to love God and neighbor, and trying to pick up his daily cross will suddenly decide, “I think I’ll have a go at some adultery.” He might wind up in grave treason to Our Lord, but the winding will not be sudden. He will slide into it. Conversely, he will not be able to jump up to the heights of sanctity; he’ll have to climb. This book will be of great value to anyone who would like to know how to avoid the slide, and what to do in order to climb. Fr. de Malleray’s timely yet classic approach to the priesthood in our times is a jewel. I thank God he wrote it. – Fr James Jackson, FSSP, author of Nothing Superfluous (Redbrush)
This book presents a convincing and compelling account of the stamp and character of the priest. It is at once profoundly practical and sublimely spiritual. We have over forty men in our Faculty preparing for lives as priests across China, Latin America, East and South East Asia. I am convinced that every single one of them will profit greatly and be strengthened in their vocations by reading and re-reading carefully, attentively and prayerfully Fr de Malleray’s advice. – Revd Prof Stephen Morgan, Rector of the University of Saint Joseph, Macao, China
Written from an unapologetically traditionalist position, this book is in no way the less spiritually challenging and thought provoking. One does not have to agree with everything in it to come away with much material to help one discern how to be a better priest in the contemporary Church. There is also a good section on vocations. – Revd Dr Michael Cullinan, M.A.(Oxon.), M.A.St.(Cantab.), Ph.D. (Cantab.), S.T.D. (Alfonsianum), Director of Maryvale Higher Institute of Religious Sciences
Fr de Malleray’s reflections on the nature of the priesthood are fascinating and perceptive, and will edify both clerical and lay readers. – Dr Joseph Shaw, PhD, Oxf, Chairman of The Latin Mass Society
Father de Malleray has once more strengthened the sensus fidei, refining the themes introduced in Ego Eimi to focus more particularly on the gift of the Sacred Priesthood. We are grateful to Father for having penned these reflections, covering a wide scope of aspects of the greatest dignity conferred on man. His words gain particular resonance among our Sisters, who are dedicated to prayer, sacrifice and hospitality toward priests, as well as the making of sacred vestments. May Father’s meditations spur on an even deeper urgency in spiritual support of our priests, that they may ever remain faithful to their own vocations, and in handing down the traditions and fullness of our holy faith. This is wonderful book that I heartily recommend. – Mother Abbess Cecilia, osb, Abbey of Our Lady of Ephesus (Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, Gower, MO)
Full of instruction yet easy to read; an inspiring vademecum for priests, seminarians and those considering a priestly vocation. – Fr Thomas Crean, O.P., author of The Mass and the Saints (Family Publications)
Also available on Amazon and other online retailers.
176 pages; Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Purchase: from the Publisher’s website:
or from Amazon:
We encourage donations online. It is easier for us to manage. Visit . If for St Mary’s Warrington, make sure to specify it, using the FSSPWarrington account. If for the Priory Campaign, do specify it as well, using the FSSP England account.
You can use the Paypal button, specifying the purpose of your donation on the PayPal form. If unsure, email us ( to inform us of the date, amount, name, and purpose of your donation.
Download or ask for the Gift Aid form if you are eligible.
Of course, your donations in cash or cheques are gratefully received as well. You can safely slip your envelope through the metal slot (regularly sanitized) on the Front Door of St Mary’s Presbytery, even in the absence of a priest. Just slip your donation and we will collect it once you are gone. God bless you.
Notice: A senior lady from our congregation is looking for a cheap flat to rent in the centre of Warrington in a quiet environment. Contact us for details.
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