Sunday Bulletin 11 Feb 2024
FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin,
11-18 February 2024
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Landline: 01234 954 316
Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE or
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll:
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Daily Holy Mass readings:
NEW: PayPal button on our webpage in support of the Bedford & Chesham Bois Chaplaincy:
PayPal is a quick way for a one-off donation. If you intend to give regularly, please do rather set up a standing order to our FSSP Bedford & Chesham Bois account so as to avoid losing money to PayPal. Thank you.
BEDFORD: Sunday: 8:30am; Mon 10:00am; Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:00am; Sat 11:00am
CHESHAM BOIS: Sunday: 12noon
Holy Days: 11:30am (check website before travelling)
Sat 10:00am-10:55am. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP England Safeguarding Lead, Fr Matthew Goddard:
BEDFORD (but useful for Chesham Bois as well): Parish Safeguarding Notice on Use of Toilets on all Church Premises
With Immediate effect, any child wishing to use the toilet during mass, or the facilities in the Church Hall,
MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THEIR ADULT. This will avoid any chance of an inadvertent safeguarding
incident occurring.
It also ensures that the facilities are left in a clean and presentable state for the next user.
As pointed out by Fr Richard, there are two entrances to the toilet area in the Church, and sometimes the
outer entrance door at the side of the Church is left unlocked, and therefore anyone could enter the toilet
foyer area unobserved.
This is a security issue which will be addressed and the same applies to the toilet area in the Church Hall.
Previously, the congregation had been asked to go around the outside of the Church to access the toilets,
but that has proved impractical, especially in bad weather. Fr Richard is more than happy to have
parishioners walk down the side aisle inside the Church to the toilets.
Dale Bunting-Gray. Parish Safeguarding Representative.
Fr de Malleray adds: As much as possible, to facilitate recollection for all, parents are requested to accompany their children to the toilets preferably before or after holy Mass. People tend to avoid walking through the church during the Canon of the Mass and Consecration (unless accessing via the outside door). Thank you.
Join us for coffee after Sunday Mass, both in Bedford and Chesham Bois. Follow the crowd into nearby parish halls.
We are looking for VOLUNTEERS to set up and serve one Sunday a month at the after-mass coffee gatherings at CHESHAM BOIS and BEDFORD. Young People and Senior volunteers are welcome. Thank you in advance. Contact Rita, or in Chesham Bois Helen Lodge
In February 2022 the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) undertook a Novena of Preparation for its Worldwide Solemn Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The consecration took place on 11 February, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. The same day, Pope Francis signed a decree confirming the liturgical charism of the FSSP, following his meeting with FSSP superiors on 4 February previous.
The FSSP worldwide will renew this consecration after the Masses on Sunday 11 February 2024. As local Chaplain, Fr Armand de Malleray invites you and your family to join the novena in preparation for this, starting this Friday 2 February. The prayers are simply 1) one decade of the rosary and 2) the Memorare, as follows:

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.
This past week our entire congregation has prayed together for the common spiritual good of our community and for one another. In a beautiful expression of fraternal charity every household has given thanks in writing for the graces granted by God, and expressed petitions for their continuation and even their increase. Let us continue to pray, communicate, and plan as befits children of the Immaculate.
This consecration must be recited on February 11 by all the members of the Fraternity; the faithful who wish to do so may join in.
O Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Help of Christians, behold this day before thy feet, the priests and seminarians of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter, together with all those who, united with us as a spiritual family, place their hope and trust in thee.
O Queen and Mother of all priests, it was by thee that Jesus, the High Priest and Victim, was given unto the world, and He in turn has given thee as Mother to us.
Intercede, therefore, we implore thee, for us thy children, whom thou didst receive and accept at the foot of the Cross. Look with favour upon the work we seek to do for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Obtain for us by thy prayers the graces we need as members of the one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, to be instructed and enlightened by her Magisterium, to be devoutly zealous for the graces of her Sacraments, and to be unfailingly loyal in our unity with the Vicar of thy Son.
With the national Marian Shrine only two hours from Bedford, there is interest for as many as possible to travel there this Spring. Please let Rita Carroll know whether you prefer:
- Stay overnight one night
- Stay overnight two nights
- Day trip only
- Travelling in shared coach
- Travelling separately

Next MEN’s GROUP: Thu 22 February, 7:30pm for 8pm talk. Talk by Fr de Malleray on Personhood: what a person is, what it is not, its abilities and rights.
Next LADIES’ Group: Sat 24 Feb 12noon for 1pm talk. Last month 20 ladies attended the talk.
Chesham Bois Adult monthly Catechism: Sat 24 Feb, 7pm.
Stations of the Cross will take place in Lent. The best time seems to be after the 8am Friday Mass, around 8:40am, ending around 9:15am. Suggest other times if you wish. The Friday evenings are not available to us. Saturdays might be possible but only if the two priests are present at the same time, one in the confessional and the other leading the stations, which is not always an option.

The Stations are an essential Catholic devotion, especially in Lent, and we would love to hear from your family when you are more likely to attend.
Regina Caeli UK are employing part-time tutors at their Bedfordshire centre.
Please contact them for further information and to apply.

Catholic Community Spring Dance near Tring
Saturday 27th April 1-8pm
Email for tickets.

PRAY for 15 men booked
at Buckden Towers, High Street, Buckden, St. Neots, Cambs PE19 5TA, from Fri 16 Feb 5pm, to Sun 18 Feb 2pm. For single Catholic men 18-30. Led by Fr de Malleray, FSSP.

Interest was expressed to Fr de Malleray from various quarters (Bedford, Chesham, London) by single ladies for a day of vocational discernment.
Please email Fr de Malleray now to register interest, indicating your age and whether you favour a one-day event (about 10am to 5pm including Holy Mass, picnic, conferences) or a weekend (more expensive and logistically more complex, but worth it if sufficient number of participants).
Young pro-lifers: SPUC weekend 23-25 Feb at Stone ST15 0NL, with Mass by FSSP priest:
Or in Cambridge
Juventutem London with Fr de Malleray and 70 young adults last Fri 9 Feb. at SW18 2QU. 6pm Confessions; 7pm Sung Mass, 8pm Social.
It was very good to see young members from our congregations in Bedford and elsewhere, and some travelling from Portsmouth, Peterborough, and Oxford – and last month one from Warrington.
Visit ;
The Bedford scouts of Europe wolfcub and scout branch is growing. Contact Robert on or 07947698195. Visit the website:
Dear Friends and Prospective Pilgrims,
Chartres sonne! It’s that time again!
We are delighted to invite you to the 42nd Chartres Pilgrimage. We hope you are able to join us for this unforgettable pilgrimage in honour of Our Blessed Mother. The theme of this year’s pilgrimage is “I want to see God”.
There will be a British group leaving Westminster Cathedral, London on a coach on Friday, 17 May 2024. Please aim to arrive for 6.45am to load bags on the coach. We plan to have a Mass of Departure in the Cathedral Crypt at 7am prior to departure at 8am pending permission (TBC). The coach returns back to London on 21st May 2024 around 8pm.
The cost of the pilgrimage is £325 (plus £75 for a single room supplement, subject to availability). Children under 12 are £162. This cost includes hotel accommodation in Paris (B&B) on Friday night and in Chartres on Tuesday night (DBB). Please note all under 18s need to be accompanied by a parent or a responsible older relative.
We are now accepting registrations via this link: Registration Form. This year we have added the option to pay online through the form via card (for a 2.1% fee). You may of course pay by bank transfer if you prefer. Details are in the payment section of the form. The deadline for the applications is 29th March 2024. Please apply quickly as we expect places to sell out fast!
If you wish to travel independently and join the group in Paris on Saturday morning to walk with our chapters, please use the link to register with us for £50. This includes the registration fee, booklet and receiver (to hear the meditations etc. during the pilgrimage). Unfortunately there is not enough space in our hotels to accommodate pilgrims joining us separately.
Please note that there will be no refunds possible within 3 weeks of the pilgrimage.
We will have 2 adult/youth chapters and a family chapter (provided there is sufficient interest).
Further information is contained in the attached booklet to this email. If you require additional information or have any questions, please contact us on email
We look forward to seeing you on the road to Chartres, Deo volente!
God Bless,
Francis, Helen, Raja, Jeremiah
National Co-ordinators
Please kindly email Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll ( the full details of candidates for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation (includes date of birth). Also for Holy Matrimony (if any), and Baptism. Schedules for preparation will be communicated in January. A date is about to be announced for Confirmations by Bishop David Oakley in Bedford on Sat 27 July at 3pm.
Well done the boys who attended the latest practice on Sat 10 Feb.
Next Altar servers training: Saturday 24 February, 9:50am to 10:50am.
Contact Francis Ibabu, our Servers’ Coordinator on: Serving is an honour and brings many graces. One can start with just a Low Mass with one server. Everyone under 18 must have a signed parental consent form (ask Rita Carroll).
FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960
Thank you in advance.
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Pray for the sick in our congregations: Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Vincent Jones, Joseph Osborn, Rod Henry. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.
Sunday 11/02/2024 8.30am Quinquagesima Sunday (II) (Bedford) Aleksander Oledzki RIP Oledzka
Sunday 11/02/2024 12pm Quinquagesima Sunday (II) (Chesham) For the FSSP and the Traditional Latin Mass
Monday 12/02/2024 10am 7 Holy Founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary CC (III) Andrew Madden RIP Madden
Tuesday 13/02/2024 8am Feria (IV) Ann Dowd RIP Bryan
Imposition of ashes at each of the three Masses:
Wednesday 14/02/2024 8am Bedford Ash Wednesday (I) Simone Serra –
Wednesday 14/02/2024 7pm Bedford Ash Wednesday (I) Priest’s Intention
Wednesday 14/02/2024 7pm Chesham Bois Ash Wednesday (I) Priest’s Intention
Thursday 15/02/2024 8am Feria (III) Christopher Serra –
Friday 16/02/2024 8am Feria (III) Lynn Anne Hamel RIP Hamel
Saturday 17/02/2024 11am Feria (III) Luca Buttacca –
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