Sunday Bulletin 18 June 2023
St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin 18 June-2 July 2023 (fortnightly)
Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool
01925 635664
Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP; Assistants: (Convalescing: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP); Fr Alex Stewart, FSSP:; Fr Gerard Quirke, FSSP: Visiting Priest: Fr Andrew Jolly; Shrine Administrator: Mrs Jane Wright:; Secretarial Assistant: Mrs Kelly
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Watch our daily Mass with homily on
Daily Holy Mass readings:
Sundays: 8:30am to 7:00pm
3 Sunday Holy Masses 9:00am, 11:00am & 6:00pm.
Sung Vespers & Benediction 5:00pm; Confessions 8:30am-8:55am, 10:30am-10:55am & 5:30pm-5:55pm
Weekdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-6:20pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with Confessions 10:05am-11:45am; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Holy Souls Prayer Group: every Tuesday 1:00pm
Church & Priory Court car parks for Shrine visitors
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7 days for latest Sunday Mass.
Eucharistic Adoration: Sun 5:30pm; Sat 10:00am-12noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm; most Wed. afternoon after classes
Men’s group: Monthly 7:00pm Mass + Talk
St Mary’s Academy: Wed
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Kindly switch OFF your mobile phone before you enter the church. Thank you in advance.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Kelly Williams, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Playgroup for 0-4 years olds, every Wednesday at 9:30am till 11:30am – please contact Carla Cilia for details
Banns of marriage between Henry Walker & Lucienne Cotton (1 July); Demetri Newman-Brown & Maisie Szakaley (5 Aug); Adam Wallace & Bernadette Cunningham (26 Aug).
Priory Court: please continue to pray and tell others about our needs. Thank you!

We need £0.5M given us to complete the full scheme, but we need most urgently at least £200,000.00 to complete Phases 1 & 2 (Ground Floor and First Floor). Please ask the Venerable Elizabeth Prout for miracle donations! Also, do share our needs with your contacts. Previously, large donations came from people who did not know us personally, but only through friends. Our Lady helped us in the past. Let us ask Her again.
Hence, from 5 to 13 June included: “FOR COMPLETION OF PRIORY COURT” :
- In addition, the Rector requests that ALL HOLY ROSARIES prayed at St Mary’s during the novena be prayed for the completion of the work at Priory Court ;
- Also, that as much as possible all HOLY COMMUNIONS be offered for the same intentions.
We still anticipate that the new space will be accessible, even though not finished, for the blessing by Archbishop McMahon on 24th June, 4pm.
I want to support the PRIORY CAMPAIGN in Warrington.
Therefore I donate:
£25 □ £50 □ £100 □ £500 □ £1,000 □ £2,000 □ Other £………..
To donate,
- please use bank transfer (specifying Priory Campaign); or a cheque payable to ‘FSSP ENGLAND’
- Are you a taxpayer? Help us maximise your donation through Gift Aid
(ask us for a form:
FSSP ENGLAND is a registered charity: number 1129964
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Account name: FSSP England
Sort Code: 30-93-04
Account number: 02027225
If by cheque, I send it and any correspondence to:
FSSP, St Mary’s Priory, Smith Street, Warrington
WA1 2NS, Cheshire, England
Thank you to all those who contributed to the success of the annual Warrington Corpus Christi procession in which at least 150 persons from St Mary’s took part. We thank Canon Cunningham for welcoming all worshippers at St Alban’s as on previous years. Watch the great video here. Send Kelly Williams your best pictures.
Silver reliquaries now enrich the altar. Purchased in Walsingham following our Shrine pilgrimage last month, their shape echoes that of the remaining arch of the destroyed priory in Walsingham. They contain the relics of Sts Philip Neri, John Henry Newman, Gemma Galgani and Bd Pier Giorgio Frassati. May the saints intercede for us to restore our own PRIORY (Court), and for our community.

Vocation Discernment for LADIES (Catholic & single): Sat 29 July, with Sr Mari Caritas (then visiting from Minneapolis, erstwhile from St Mary’s Shrine) and Fr de Malleray, FSSP: 10:00am-5:00pm. Free. Bring your picnic.

URGENT: BOOK your child/nephew/niece TODAY for August FSSP summer camp in Macclesfield: Boy 7-12 Aug; Girls 14-19 Aug. £200 for the first child of a family attending each camp, and then £100 for subsequent children from that family. Email Fr Phipps:

Please tell your friends urgently as the deadline is looming ahead! Spread the word now!
- The St Peter’s Summer Camp for Boys runs 7-12 August (see pics here and Facebook Event here)
- The St Petronilla Summer Camp for Girls runs 14-19 August (see pics here and Facebook Event here)
The cost is £200 for the first child of a family attending each camp, and then £100 for subsequent children from that family.
No children to send? But can you sponsor a child? Your generosity will help us provide unforgettable holidays for more children.
There is an online booking form here. (NB this form does not include a facility for online payment. Please either send a cheque in the post to Fr Phipps, or use bank transfer as below).
Alternatively, please print off a booking form here and send to Fr Phipps, either by post or by email to A place will be reserved on receipt on the £30 deposit. NOTE there is a deadline of 1st July to receive the booking form and deposit.
Postal address:
Fr Seth Phipps FSSP
St John Fisher House
17 Eastern Avenue
Cheques should be made payable to FSSP England
Bank Transfer: please use reference S/CAMP23
Bank Name: Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-93-04
Account number: 02027225
Account name: FSSP England
For international transfers, you may also need:
Bank Branch: Palmerston Rd Southsea
Bank Address: Ariel House, 2138 Coventry Road, Sheldon, B26 3JW
IBAN: GB09LOYD30930402027225
SWIFT code: LOYDGB21361
Sacrament of CONFIRMATION by Archbishop McMahon on Sat 24th June 2023 at 3:00pm;
followed by BLESSING of new Shrine hall at 4pm.
All welcome!

Family Sunday on 25th June with PRO-LIFE FETE & ACADEMY PRESENTATION. After the 11am High Mass, shared picnic in Presbytery Garden/new Shrine Hall. Pro-life talk and Academy presentation by the staff of St Mary’s Academy. No booking needed. Every one welcome, especially families.
Pro-life basket raffle after Mass Sunday 18 June!

Shrine Pilgrimage to Holywell on Sat 8th July
See Facebook event page here.
Book in advance your seat on our bus £15pp:
10am Departure by bus from St Mary’s Warrington
11am Holy Mass of St Elizabeth, Queen, in Holywell Parish Church;
12:30pm: Veneration of Relic of St Winifred
1pm: To Basingwerk Abbey ruins for picnic lunch
3:30pm: At Pantasaph, Stations of the Cross on open-air Calvary Hill and Wood (good walking shoes required for uneven grounds)
4:30pm: visit of Pugin Parish Church/refreshments
5pm: Back on bus and return by 6pm at St Mary’s
Men’s Group: 21 Jun. (None in July and August. Resumes in September)
Congratulations to Nadja Roda, Jennifer Hewlett, Emma Yates who become Catholic this weekend after a year of preparation. We assure them of our prayer.
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders. Should any parishioner be in serious financial difficulty, let them contact the Shrine clergy confidentially. Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: Ask us for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds Bank; Sort Code: 30-80-27; Account number: 30993368. Account name: FSSP Warrington
Warrington Walking Day Fri 30 June: A long-standing tradition in the town and an opportunity to bear witness through the streets of Warrington alongside our Christian neighbours (depicted in the FSSP Calendar – May 2023). All are invited to join the procession, assembling at St Mary’s from 9:00am onwards ready for a prompt 9:30am departure. Please be aware of local road closures coming into town. We return to church soon after 11am and always in time for the midday Mass. Stewards and banner / statue bearers will be needed. Please contact Fr Quirke if you can help.
Now 893 subscribers to St Mary’s YouTube channel: Main homilies are uploaded regularly:
June is “Humility Month.” Let us celebrate the month of June in loving worship:
Pray for: Corneliu and Eugenia, Catherine Sibert; Terry Drury, Michelle Brazier-Huelsman,James H., Bill Conder, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, M. Hawley; Theresa Reynard.
RIP: Francis Billington: a former member of St Mary’s choir, he died on 28th May last. Please pray for his soul and his family. Also Laurentiu, Rita Hall; Hilda Creagan, Ana Mary Rozo, Ann Evans, Michael Whelan; John Marechal.
Sun | 18 | 3rd Sunday after Pentecost | II | 9:00am | Thanksgiving Sheldon |
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the | 11:00am | All St. Mary’s Faithful | |||
Blessed Sacrament | 6:00pm | Francis K | |||
Mon | 19 | St. Juliana Falconieri, Virgin | III | 12:10pm | Brian Odgen RIP |
Tue | 20 | Feria – St Silverius Pope & Martyr | IV | 12:10pm | Simone Sunderland |
Wed | 21 | St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Confessor. | III | 12:10pm | Pius Mascarehenas RIP |
Men’s Group: 8:15pm | 7:00pm | Celebrant’s intentions | |||
Thu | 22 | St. Alban, Martyr | III | 12:10pm | Fr Norbert Cuypers |
Fri | 23 | Vigil of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist | II | 12:10pm | Padre Pio Intentions |
Sat | 24 | Nativity of St John the Baptist Adoration & Confessions 10am-12noon. 3pm: Confirmations; 4pm Blessing of Shrine hall by Archbishop McMahon OP | I | 12:10pm | St Mary’s Pro-Life intentions |
Sun | 25 | 4th Sunday after Pentecost. 12:30pm Pro-life FETE & Academy presentation. 5pm Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament | II | 9:00am | Veronica Doyle RIP |
11:00am | All St. Mary’s Faithful | ||||
6:00pm | Winifred Cahill RIP | ||||
Mon | 26 | Sts. John and Paul, Martyrs | III | 12:10pm | Jack Weaver RIP |
Tue | 27 | St. Etheldreda, Virgin | III | 12:10pm | John P.&Joan Struthers |
Wed | 28 | Vigil of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles | II | 12:10pm | Fr Vin McShane RIP |
Thu | 29 | Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, Apostles Holy Day of Obligation. Vespers 5:00pm Plenary indulgence for FSSP & CSP members | I | 7:00am 12:10pm 6:00pm | Celebrant’s intention FSSP & Conf.of St Peter Jacky, Anita and Girls |
Fri | 30 | Commemoration of St. Paul | III | 12:10pm | Conor Flood |
Sat | 1 | The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ Adoration & Confessions 10am-12noon. 3pm: Wedding of Henry Walker and Lucienne Cotton | I | 12:10pm 3:00pm | Church in China Henry & Lucienne Walker |
Sun | 2 | 5th Sunday after Pentecost | II | 9:00am | Francis Crookhall RIP |
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the | 11:00am | All St. Mary’s Faithful | |||
Blessed Sacrament | 6:00pm | Michael Kilsby |
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