Sunday Bulletin 27 March 2022
St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin
27 March-9 April 2022 (fortnightly)
Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool.
01925 635664
Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP ;
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP (also Choir & Organ); Assistant: Fr Alex Stewart, FSSP (any Mass bookings)
Assistant: Fr Gerard Quirke
Deacon: Rev Gwilym Evans, FSSP:
Visiting Priest: Fr Andrew Jolly; Shrine Secretary: Mrs Jane Wright:
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Daily Holy Mass readings:
Opening Times:
Sundays: 8:30am to 7:00pm
3 Sunday Holy Masses 9:00am, 11:00am & 6:00pm;
Sung Vespers & Benediction 5:00pm; Confessions 8:30am-8:55am, 10:30am-10:55am & 5:30pm-5:55pm
Weekdays: 9:00am-7:00pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-7pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with Confessions 10:05am-11:45am; Holy Mass 12:10pm); Sung Vespers 6:00pm
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Church & Priory Court car parks for Shrine visitors
Also, free 2hrs parking at ASDA across the street.
Organ practice Thu, Fri 2pm-4pm
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7days for latest Sunday Mass.
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Sunday best should be worn by all on Sundays and feasts: suit and tie for men and boys, dresses for ladies. Men keep their heads uncovered within church; women are encouraged to wear a scarf, hat or mantilla.
To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in the state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the traditional liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
Kindly switch OFF your mobile phone before you enter the church.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Pope Francis has confirmed the liturgical identity of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by decree dated 11th Feb. Deo gratias for such a response from heaven to prayers.
Regina Caeli Academy: deadline for registering children for September is 1st May 2022: Thank you for your continued support through 1) sharing the information by email and word of mouth; 2) praying for growth; 3) directing sponsors to St Mary’s Educational Trust: See Academy pictures here:
Solution for Catholic Education video, watch it here:
Sacrament of Confirmation at St Mary’s on Sat 2nd July 2022, 3:00pm; followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, and refreshments. We are grateful to Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP who comes every summer to confirm our parishioners.
Candidates should contact Fr Quirke by 30th April: Preparation will begin after Easter.
500 weekly visits to St Mary’s Shrine Church.
Clergy-led meditated Stations of the Cross every Friday in Lent at 1pm, with plenary indulgence.
Please do NOT bring and leave anywhere on Shrine premises any flyers, pamphlets, books, CDs, statues, images, videos, magazines without prior permission by Shrine clergy.
Pro-Life: happening now, Forty Days for Life Campaign. Contact Gabrielle to take part this Lent: 07895128073 / Or lift from St Mary’s offered to the Liverpool abortuary vigil each Wed. after 12:10pm Mass. Contact 07916578902.
First Communion Class: attendance subject to prior booking with Deacon Evans.
Adult Catechesis most Saturdays: email Deacon Evans.
Roof leaking: The scaffolding is now in place for survey and repair to take place. Thank you for the money raised and donated.
Thank you for helping us through the Offertory collection and standing orders.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: Ask us for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash: Lloyds Bank ;
Sort Code: 30-80-27 ; Account number: 30993368 ;
Account name: FSSP Warrington
GIFT AID: The new box sets of weekly Gift Aid envelopes are now ready for collection in the narthex for those who use them. Thank you to those who have recently signed up to this way of giving. For any enquiries regarding these envelopes, please contact Jane in the Priory office.
On Palm Sunday, palmswill be blessed only at the 11:00am Mass, not at the 9:00am one; then available for you to collect at the 6:00pm Mass or the following days.
Just arrived: Stabat Mater booklets. Bring £3.50 in cash to bookshop in Unit 3 and receive your copy after 11am Sunday Mass. (Also:new Baronius hand missals at £35.00) Baronius Catechisms were ordered and will arrive soon.

English Conversation Classes have started for anyone, especially our new parishioners from Hong Kong, Poland or elsewhere. Individuals, couples and
families, all welcome. Most Tuesdays after the 12:10pm Mass in Priory Court Unit 1. Contact Alison
Latin Classes for beginners: Contact Samuel:
Now 561 subscribers to St Mary’s YouTube channel: Homilies for Sundays and major feasts are uploaded regularly. Visit Thank you to our LiveMass/YouTube operators.
Penance Reminder: Catholics 14+ must abstain from meat every Friday; Catholics 18-59 must fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fast currently means: one full meal a day plus up to two snacks which altogether do not amount to another full meal.
Every Catholic must receive Holy Communion at least once a year, preferably at Easter; following Sacramental absolution.
Confessions times: kindly come as advertised, not later.
Prayer list: Ray Cilia, Rachel Eriksson, James H., Tim Wright, Michael Leacy, Wendy Moss, Bill Conder, Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, Deryck Sankey, Michael Meadows, M. Hawley, Theresa Reynard, Hilda Creagan.
HOLY MASS INTENTIONS: Other intentions are applied at Private Masses. Kindly ask Fr Stewart for details. | |||||
Sun | 27 | 4th Sunday of Quadragesima, Laetare | I | 9:00am | Alex Swift |
Summer time begins: arrive 1hr EARLIER. | 11:00am | All St. Mary’s Faithful | |||
5pm Vespers and Ben. of the Blessed Sacrament. | 6:00pm | Phil Houghton | |||
Mon | 28 | Feria | III | 12:10pm | Maureen Fraser RIP |
Tue | 29 | Feria | III | 12:10pm | Tim Wright |
Wed | 30 | Feria | III | 12:10pm | Holy Souls |
Men’s group 7:45-9:15pm | 7:00pm | All St. Mary’s Penitents | |||
Thur | 31 | Feria | III | 12:10pm | Victoria Rodriguez |
Fri | 1 | Feria | III | 12:10pm | Michelle Barnard |
First Friday Vot. Mass Sacred Heart & Holy Hour | 7:00pm | Celebrant’s intention | |||
Sat | 2 | First Saturday, Votive mass Immaculate Heart | III | 12:10pm | Kevin King |
Adoration &Confessions 10.00-12.00 Vespers 6pm | |||||
Sun | 3 | Passion Sunday | I | 9:00am | FSSP Priests |
5pm Vespers and Benediction of the | 11:00am | All St. Mary’s Faithful | |||
Blessed Sacrament | 6:00pm | Kilsby family | |||
Mon | 4 | Feria | III | 12:10pm | Holy Souls |
Tue | 5 | Feria | III | 12:10pm | Gill Nixon |
Wed | 6 | Feria | III | 12:10pm | Terence Keenan |
Men’s group 7:45-9:15pm | 7:00pm | All St. Mary’s Penitents | |||
Thur | 7 | Feria | III | 12:10pm | John Leslie |
Fri | 8 | Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows | III | 12:10pm | Suffering children of the world |
Sat | 9 | Feria Adoration &Confessions 10.00-12noon | III | 12:10pm | Mt Still |
Vespers 6pm | |||||
Sun | 10 | Palm Sunday Blessing of palms and Procession | I | 9:00am | Joseph RIP |
at 11am Mass only; 5pm Vespers and | 11:00am | FSSP & preserve tradit. Mass | |||
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament | 6:00pm | Irene Fraser |
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