United Kingdom and Ireland
July 6, 2024

Sunday Bulletin 7 July 2024

FSSP Chaplaincy Bulletin, 7 July 2024

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton

Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF

Landline: 01234 954 316

Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE

fssp.org.uk/bedford or fssp.org.uk/chesham     



Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:


Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho:


Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll: bedford@fssp.org

Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP Northampton Safeguarding officer William Currie.

Tel: 07825 089 336.

Email: safeguardingfssp@pm.me

Reminder: Children must be accompanied to the loo by a parent.

Watch daily Mass by the FSSP on www.livemass.net/locations/warrington.html

Daily Holy Mass readings: www.divinumofficium.com/cgi-bin/missa/missa.pl


BEDFORD: Sunday: 8:30am; Mon 10:00am; Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri: 8:00am; Sat 10:00am

CHESHAM BOIS: Sunday: 12noon

Holy Days: (check website before travelling)

Pray  for  the sick in our congregations: Michael Baron, Mrs Courtney, Claire Barret, Baby Vincent Jones, Tom and Inma Jones, Patsy Crocker, Baby Joseph Osborn. R.I.P. Carl Roberts. Please email to sick list.


GENERAL ELECTION: let us pray for the new Government to serve God and all citizens to the best of their ability.

After discussion with the FSSP Chaplaincy Council, with the competent authorities in the Northampton Diocese, and the CoE Kempston Parish, we are pleased to announce that we will relocate to Kempston Village & Rural this month.

Our new weekday church can accommodate only half of our Sunday congregation, hence the need for a second and larger church on Sundays, with large enough hall and car park.

The building at our new Sunday location is a pre-Reformation church dating back to the 11th century. We thank the CoE parish council for allowing us to use their building, and Bishop Oakley of Northampton for granting us canonical “permission to celebrate the sacraments” by letter dated 5th July 2024.

[Copyright Charles Durell]

The site made available to us every Sunday consists of the church, a church car park for about 40 cars, the parish hall, and the hall car park for about 20 vehicles (priority to family vans).

Click below to take a 360o tour of All Saints Church.

Congratulations to John and Amy Grimer on the baptism of their sixth child Lydia, on 6 July at Christ the King.

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 28th September 10am-5pm community gathering at Buckden Towers, High St, Buckden, Saint Neots PE19 5TA. We look forward to spending a splendid day together with families, children and single adults. There will be activities for every age, including workshops for children, Holy Mass, conference by chaplain on Fidelity, Joy, and Merit in Marriage (the mansion is the last-but-one place of internment of Queen Catherine of Aragon), and picnic.

Please pray for our confirmation candidates who will receive the Holy Ghost now in only three weeks.

Sponsoring offered for Regina Caeli Academy by benefactors willing to assist parents in our congregations of Bedford and Chesham Bois who would like to send their child(dren) to RCA. Please contact Fr de Malleray: malleray@fssp.org.

Last Juventutem London evening on Friday 12th July at 96 North Side Wandsworth Common, London SW18 2QU: 7pm Sung Mass and homily, after 6pm Confessions, before 8pm social. For 18-35s.

Listen to latest homily on Sacred Heart here https://www.facebook.com/share/v/TVdy44DFGtm5TizU/ .

Relics of St Thomas Becket at Northampton Cathedral 6-7 July. Visit https://northamptondiocese.org/relics/.


  • 8:30am & 11:00am Usual Sunday Mass at the Cathedral
  • Veneration of the Relic of St Thomas continues in the Cathedral except during Mass.
  • 12.30-2.30pm : Art Exhibition Workshop – Pray With Colour. St Andrews room in the St Thomas Centre.
  • 3:00pm Becket Lecture – St Thomas Centre. Hymn of Thanksgivings – the life of the Venerable Ignatius Spencer’ – Father Gerard Skinner
  • 4:00pm Vespers of St Thomas, and Solemn Benediction, which concludes the Veneration of the Relic.

General Chapter: July 3rd – 18th, 2018

Please pray for the FSSP delegates gathered between 3 and 18 July at our American seminary for the general chapter of our Fraternity. As every six years, they will discuss the ministry of our priests, the formation of our seminarians, and elect the Superior General.

The General Chapter of the FSSP, occurring once every six years, is an international meeting at which elected representatives make crucial decisions about the future growth of the Fraternity. Among the primary tasks of the Chapter are the elections and appointments of various leadership positions, including Superior General, District Superiors, Bursars and Seminary Rectors. The 2018 Chapter is to be held July 3rd – July 18th, 2018, at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Denton, Nebraska.

The following is taken from the letter of a previous Superior General to the members of the Confraternity concerning the items to be discussed at the Chapter:

Between the opening recollection and the closing Mass, the Chapter will carry out the most important work for the life and government of our Fraternity. During these days the essential decisions will be made which will guide us during the next 6 years. The Capitulants will vote for the members who will govern our Fraternity until the following Chapter. Particular laws, which determine how our founding charism is lived out by its members in the day to day, will also be discussed and later promulgated. Finally, the delegates of the Chapter will outline a course to be followed for the Fraternity’s development – both spiritual and material – over the next six years.

We ask you to join us in praying for the graces and guidance of the Holy Spirit during the Chapter. From June 18th to the conclusion of the Chapter on July 18th, the Veni Sancte Spiritus is offered each day for the intentions of the Chapter.

May God reward you for your prayers and your support of the Fraternity!

Veni, Sancte Spíritus, reple tuórum corda fidélium, et tui amóris in eis ignem accénde.V. Emítte Spíritum túum et creabúntur.R. Et renovábis fáciem terræ.Orémus. Deus, qui corda fidélium Sancti Spíritus illustratióne docuísti: da nobis in eódem Spíritu recta sápere, et de eius semper consolatióne gaudére. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. Amen.Come, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful and kindle in them the fire of Thy love.V. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created.
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.Let us pray. O God, Who taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that, by the gift of the same Spirit, we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


Statistics as of November 1st, 2023 (https://www.fssp.org/en/presentation-2/figures/)

Members today

  • Total: 569 (incl. 364 incardinated)
  • Priests: 368
    o   342 incardinated
    o   20 incorporated ad annum
    o   2 postulants
    o   4 associated
  • Deacons: 22
  • Non-deacons seminarians (including postulants): 179
  • Average age of members: 39 years
  • Deceased members: 12

♦ Priests   ♦ Deacons   ♦ Seminarians


All members

Incardinated members


Increase and ordinations

• Number of members (as of Jan. 1 each year)

♦ Total members   ♦ Definitively incorporated priests   ♦ Seminarians (incl. deacons)

• Priestly ordinations in the FSSP over the last 12 years


• Number of seminarians (excluding deacons and including postulants)

Confraternity of Saint Peter

  • Total members: 9546
    o French speakers: 1262
    o German speakers: 1231
    o English speakers: 6957
    o Others: 96


  • Dioceses served: 146
  • Mass centers: 249 locations
  • Personal parishes: 48

Dioceses served by countries

Dioceses served
by districts and regions

Mass centers
by districts and regions

• Number of houses: 138
• Number of erected houses: 95

• Number of houses (as of Jan. 1 each year)

♦ Nb. of houses   ♦ Nb. of erected houses

Congratulations to Seminarian Francis Grimer, ICKSP who was ordained Porter and Lector at his seminary in Italy, and will attend some of our Masses during his summer holiday.

Dowry Mag online: read articles on varied topics such as as Chaste Sleuths Win, Vocations, Challenges in Marriage, Vermeer, Tolkien and more. Visit https://fssp.org.uk/dowry-mag-summer-issue-now-online/

[Click on picture above to open the PDF file.]

In this issue,

Save the date: March for Life in London on Sat 7 September. We hope to have a large delegation from our FSSP chaplaincy to this family-friendly event.

A new chant choir is starting in Oakham, Rutland for children age 7-18, directed by Susie Hill, an accomplished professional singer and teacher of music and recently ex-Trinity College Cambridge chorister.   The primary aim is for children to learn to be excellent singers of chant, although the choir may accept invitations to sing at traditional masses on an occasional basis, and/or hold the occasional concert.  We are thinking about rehearsals on Wednesdays, 5.45-6.45 in term time only, or chant afternoons once a month, 12.30-3.30.  For more details or to register interest, telephone Jenny Urquhart on: 01572 770 580, or email rcchurchoakham@dioceseofnottingham.uk

Our Lady of Walsingham’s statue will stay with the Titmus family this Sunday.

Two altar servers’ simple black cassocks & cottas were offered for our move to Our Lady of Ransom.

Any hidden ones left, or any sowing projects?

Fr Coelho will be back in Bedford as of Wed 10th July.

Thank you for your contribution to the £198.16 parish collection for Peter’s Pence last Sunday.

About 90 children and adults attended an art tour at the National Portrait Gallery in London on Fri 5 July, organised by our families with two talks on the Tudor monarchs by Fr de Malleray.

MORE BOOKS at Sunday repository:
Just arrived: Know Your Mass comic book: £10.00/copy.

FSSP colouring books on the Gospels at the heavily discounted price of £5.00/copy.

Juventutem Summer Weekend on 2-4 August at Ampleforth Abbey for 18-35s: £165/person including all accommodation, food, and a space on the coach to/from York Station if required. Liturgies and talks by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, Fr Thomas Crean, OP, LMS Chairman Dr Joseph Shaw, Benedictine Nuns of Gower on vocation, William Carry of SPUC Scotland on pro-life, Mother-of-ten and convert Alison Cotton on Catholic upbringing. Simply complete the form at bit.ly/juventutem2024 or email juventutemldn@gmail.com if you have any queries!

Great feast of Sts John Fisher & Thomas More this Tuesday, with 8am Holy Mass. We need their prayer for country and families!

(Stain glass of the two saints at Chesham Bois Church)

FINANCES: online donations and standing orders are still gratefully received, being also much quicker and easier to process than cash. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Sort code: 30-80-27   Account number: 44025960 Thank you in advance.

GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.

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