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May 5, 2023

What’s on this week: No 12:30 Mass, Adult Catechism, Coronation Celebration

MASS INTENTIONSSunday 7th May 8.30 am Holy Souls No 12:30 Mass this Sunday only, because of the Parish coronation celebration. Back to normal service next week and beyond, but for this week, set your alarm clocks early! CONFESSION Saturdays 3-5pm PARISH CORONATION CELEBRATION Today Sunday 7th May from 12.15—5 pm in the hall and church grounds. All welcome. ADULT CATECHISMFr Phipps continues his series on the Seven Capital Sins next Saturday 13th May at 7 pm in the Patrick Doneganroom. FSSP […]

April 6, 2023

What’s on this week: Adult Catechism, Easter Collection and FSSP Summer Camps

MASS INTENTIONSSunday 9th April 8.30 am: Paul & Pauline Vooght’s intentions12.30 pm Private intention No confession this Holy Saturday EASTER COLLECTION FOR THE BEDFORD APOSTOLATEBy Fr Nicholas’s kind agreement, the collection money from the Latin Masses at 8.30 am and 12.30 pm on Easter Sundaywill go to support the work of the FSSP Bedford Apostolate.  If you want to make a personal gift to the FSSPpriests, then please do so outside of the collections, making it clear that it is […]

March 3, 2023

What’s on this week – Adult Catechism, Singing, and Raffle!

MASS INTENTIONSSunday 5th March  8.30 am Sebastian di Falco RIP12.30 pm Private intention CONFESSIONS Saturdays 3 pm—5 pm SUNG MASS Sung Mass at 8.30 am, practice tomorrow 4th March 3 pm—5 pm. New singers welcome.Please contact Fr Evans for more information: evans@fssp.org. ADULT CATECHISMSaturday 11th March in the Patrick Donegan room at 7 pm. Talk by Fr Phipps in a series on the Seven CapitalVices. Please let him know if you are planning to come so that we can cater accordingly: […]

February 25, 2023

What’s on this week – Lenten Tips, Almsgiving, and Singing Practice

MASS INTENTIONSSunday 26th February 8.30 am Conversion of Dyson & Jones Families 12.30 pm Private intentionCONFESSIONS Saturdays 3 pm—5 pm HINTS FOR LENTIf you haven’t yet picked them up, there are some hints for keeping a good Lent available on the table as youleave. They are also available at our website, https://fssp.org.uk/bedford/. SUNG MASS NEXT SUNDAY 5TH MARCHSung Mass next Sunday at 8.30 am, practice next Saturday 4th March 3 pm—5 pm. New singers welcome.Please contact Fr Evans for more information: evans@fssp.org. FINANCIAL […]

May 10, 2018

Happy Feast of the Ascension 

Today is a Holyday of Obligation! Mass tonight will be at 7:30.  Bi þon se witga song: “He wæs upp hafen engla fæðmumin his þa miclan meahta spede,heah ond halig, ofer heofona þrym. Of this the prophet sang: “He was lifted up in the arms of angelsin the great abundance of his powers,high and holy, above the glory of the heavens More beautiful poetry here: https://aclerkofoxford.blogspot.com/2014/06/christ-bird-and-play-of-hope-anglo.html

October 22, 2017

22 October – new FSSP priest and record attendance!

Today was the first Mass in Bedford of Father Patrick O’Donohue, a young priest who has recently joined the FSSP in Reading to test his vocation. 75 people were at Christ the King; a record for a Sunday morning. We thank God for such a wonderful blessing and pray that it may continue. Many of us had the pleasure of meeting Fr. O’Donohue in the church hall afterwards and learning more about his background. We look forward to seeing him […]

August 4, 2017

Transfiguration Mass this Sunday

This Sunday’s Mass coincides with the Feast  of the Transfiguration, one of the Luminous Mysteries. Here is a sermon of St Leo the Great, from the excellent New Advent website http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/360351.htm : I. Peter’s confession shown to lead up to the Transfiguration The Gospel lesson, dearly-beloved, which has reached the inner hearing of our minds through our bodily ears, calls us to the understanding of a great mystery, to which we shall by the help of God’s grace the better attain, […]

April 2, 2017

Easter 2017!

We are very fortunate to have Fr. Crean not just for Easter Sunday Mass but also for Tenebrae on Maundy Thursday and Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. Please spread the word and invite people to come along! The Latin Easter Schedule at Christ the King is as follows: Maundy Thursday: 6pm, Traditional Tenebrae, followed immediately by Mass in the Ordinary Form Good Friday: Stations of the Cross at Midday. Liturgy of the Passion in the Ordinary form is at […]

January 25, 2016

24th January – Septuagesima

While the secular world talks about “dry January”, Catholics attending the Old Rite were reminded that an altogether more fulfilling period of fasting and abstinence is shortly upon us. Septuagesima Sunday called for violet vestments and no Gloria – as Fr.Alldrit reminded us, the Gloria will now not be heard until the Easter vigil. A very good blog about is is here; my photos of the 49 people at the 830 Mass are somewhat less good, but hopefully they give […]

December 23, 2015

Good news for 2016!

From 3rd January 2016, confessions will be heard every Sunday before Mass (from 8:15) and for another 15 minutes after Mass. That’s half an hour each Sunday! Fr. Patrick has been extremely generous to agree to adding this to his usual Sunday commitments, and it will be a great help to many. From Pope Francis’s Year of Mercy letter The forgiveness of God cannot be denied to one who has repented, especially when that person approaches the Sacrament of Confession with […]