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February 10, 2023
MASS INTENTIONSSunday 12th February 8.30 am For conversion of husband and daughter12.30 pm Private intention CONFESSIONS Saturdays 3 pm—5 pm This Sunday is Sexagesima Sunday, where we continue to prepare for Lent. It is a good time to start thinking aboutwhat Lenten practices we will adopt, and coming up with a realistic, sustainable, and fruitful plan. Remember,the three elements of a good Lent should be prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. There will be some practical ideasto help with this on the […]
January 21, 2023
22nd January 2023—3rd Sunday after EpiphanyMASS INTENTIONS 8.30 am Ignacio Abad RIP12.30 pm Private intention SPUC WHITE FLOWER APPEAL 2023The parish appeal last weekend raised a total of £494.84. Many thanks to all who contributed. PARISH QUIZ NIGHT AND FISH AND CHIP SUPPERSaturday 28th January at 7.30 pm in the hall. £10 per person including fish and chips.Tickets from Rachel Kirkham, 01234 314093 NEXT SUNG MASSSunday 5th February at 8.30 am. Please come to the practice with Fr Gwilym Evans […]
April 2, 2017
We are very fortunate to have Fr. Crean not just for Easter Sunday Mass but also for Tenebrae on Maundy Thursday and Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. Please spread the word and invite people to come along! The Latin Easter Schedule at Christ the King is as follows: Maundy Thursday: 6pm, Traditional Tenebrae, followed immediately by Mass in the Ordinary Form Good Friday: Stations of the Cross at Midday. Liturgy of the Passion in the Ordinary form is at […]
January 25, 2016
While the secular world talks about “dry January”, Catholics attending the Old Rite were reminded that an altogether more fulfilling period of fasting and abstinence is shortly upon us. Septuagesima Sunday called for violet vestments and no Gloria – as Fr.Alldrit reminded us, the Gloria will now not be heard until the Easter vigil. A very good blog about is is here; my photos of the 49 people at the 830 Mass are somewhat less good, but hopefully they give […]
December 23, 2015
From 3rd January 2016, confessions will be heard every Sunday before Mass (from 8:15) and for another 15 minutes after Mass. That’s half an hour each Sunday! Fr. Patrick has been extremely generous to agree to adding this to his usual Sunday commitments, and it will be a great help to many. From Pope Francis’s Year of Mercy letter The forgiveness of God cannot be denied to one who has repented, especially when that person approaches the Sacrament of Confession with […]
December 21, 2015
Fr. Alldrit kindly came down from Northampton to celebrate the Old Rite Mass in Bedford on Sunday 20th December. A very encouraging 61 people were at Mass – a record – including many new faces. A reminder – Christmas Mass is at 830am on Christmas Day. Venite Adoremus!
December 2, 2015
Fr. Gabriel Diaz will be celebtrating Christmas Mass in Bedford, at 8:30am on Christmas morning. Fr. Diaz was recently in Rome with FIUV and the Summorum Pontificum pilgrimage: http://www.lmschairman.org/2015/11/photos-of-liturgies-for-fiuv-in-rome.html Mass takes place every Sunday at 830am. Tea, coffee (and cakes) are in the hall next door to the church afterwards. All are welcome! Some directions: – There is ample car parking space, and it’s easily reachable both from the north and the south (MK42 0SP for sat nav devices) […]
December 1, 2015
30th November was the first Sunday in Advent, and Fr. Alldrit kindly came down from Northampton to say Mass. The beautiful Advent vestments were very kindly donated to the church by Fr.Horgan.
November 24, 2015
This falls slightly outside the remit of a “Bedford Latin Mass” blog, but we were lucky enough to have Fr de Malleray and Marcus Williams here in Bedford a few weeks ago – they are now opening the latest frontier of the FSSP, in Warrington. More details of the inaugural Mass are here, along with some beautiful photos: http://www.lmschairman.org/2015/11/fraternity-of-st-peter-are-installed-in.html
Fr. Thomas Crean OP, from the Dominican priory in Leicester, was kind enough to say Mass on 22nd November. The Dominican rite is slightly different from the Extraordinary Roman Rite (see here for more details) and thanks also to go Nicholas for serving expertly! And while we are talking about serving – classes are available for anyone who would like to learn – please just contact us for more details. Fr. Crean returns on 13th December. Mass takes place every […]