United Kingdom and Ireland
April 24, 2018

A Musical Surprise

As Sung Latin Mass at Christ the King, Bedford, is normally on the first Sunday of the month, the congregation on Sunday 22 April were expecting a Low Mass, but they got a pleasant surprise.  Matthew Schellhorn, a professional musician well known in Traditional musical circles, was in the Bedford area over the weekend and had asked if he could sing the Mass.  Fr James Mawdsley, FSSP, the celebrant, readily agreed!

Matthew both played the organ and sang the Mass on his own. The music, combined with the liturgy going on simultaneously downstairs in the sanctuary, combined to lift all the senses heavenward.

Every Mass should be sung; Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger said more than thirty years ago, “Wherever man praises God, the word alone does not suffice”.  A Sung Mass is not possible at Bedford every Sunday, but Matthew has kindly agreed to return to Bedford to sing the Mass on Trinity Sunday, 27 May.  Between now and then, the newly formed schola will sing the Mass on Sunday 13 May to coincide with the visit of the Bishop of Northampton.

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