United Kingdom and Ireland
October 29, 2018

All Saints and All Souls

Holyday of Obligation alert!

This Thursday, 1st November, is a Holyday of Obligation, when all Catholics are bound to attend Mass. There will an Old Rite Mass at Christ the King at 7:30pm. We are extremely lucky in that there will also be an Old Rite Mass for All Souls at 10am on 2nd November.

We also get the chance to release 8 (eight) souls from Purgatory!

From November 1-8, a plenary indulgence is granted for the souls in purgatory if you visit a cemetery and say a prayer.

On All Souls Day a plenary indulgence is granted for the souls in purgatory if you visit a church and recite one Our Father and the Creed.

For the indulgences to be plenary, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Sacramental confession.
  2. A prayer for the intention of His Holiness the Pope must be recited for each indulgence. One prayer can be satisfied by reciting one Our Father and one Hail Mary, or by praying whatever else for His Holiness’s intention. And no, you don’t actually have to know His Holiness’s officially published intention.
  3. Reception of the Eucharist.
  4. You must be free from all sin, both mortal and venial.

This is a good explanation of indulgences:



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