United Kingdom and Ireland
December 14, 2018

Bulletin Sunday 16 December 2018

Click here to open this bulletin as pdf.


www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664

Watch our Mass daily on http://livemass.net/

Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool

 Image result for cartoon cleaning church

Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org

Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it

Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org


Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.

Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day

– including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass

and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am during Eucharistic Adoration. Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. Followed by the Angelus.


SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964

 Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.

Pro-life: Every last Saturday, 10:15am. Coordinator: Peter Boyle: p.boyle400@btinternet.com

Reminder: To receive Holy Communion: to be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting.

In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.

Lost Properties: on the table in the Narthex

This Week’s Mass Intentions: 

Sun 16 3rd Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) 11:00am


Ethan Jones

Eileen Corcoran RIP

Mon 17 Advent Feria

+ Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm

12:10pm Ethan Jones
Tue 18 Advent Feria  12:10pm Aidan Corcoran RIP
Wed 19 Ember Day Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm 12:10pm Monica Cardiff RIP
Thur 20 Advent Feria 12:10pm Monica Cardiff RIP
Fri 21 St Thomas Apostle

Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm



Elizabeth O’Grady
Sat 22 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Ember Day



Luke Fraser
 Sun 23 4th Sunday of Advent 11:00am


Ethan Hannah

John Mary McCarthy

Mon 24 Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord 12:10pm

11:30pm: Carols

Aidan Corcoran RIP
Tue 25 Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ

(NO 6pm Mass)

00.00am Midnight Sung Mass

9:00am Dawn Low Mass

11:00 Sung Mass of the Day

Faithful of St Mary’s

Audrey Jones

John Williams

CRIB & Tree: volunteers needed smile to install crib and decorate tree

Pre-Christmas Church cleaning: innocent please help make our church more welcoming than the stable in Bethlehem for the Baby Jesus: contact Jeff who coordinates: J.Hall@mmu.ac.uk

Dowry Magazine Fortieth Issue: now online and in your mailbox (subscribe for free here: https://fssp.co.uk/manageprofile/register.php).

Offertory collection and other donations: we are slowly moving towards financial equilibrium. For technical reasons, we hope to have a more accurate assessment of the weekly running costs of St Mary’s Shrine in the New Year. We thank those who have already set a standing order or give to St Mary’s on line. This has two advantages: 1) less time spent by our counters counting cash every week and 2) 1% more money for us (the bank charges 1% of our cash and cheques deposit, but does not charge us for donations received online). Thank you.

Pre-Christmas Clergy Dinner: Thank you to the ladies who kindly lend their skills to cook and set up the table for 12 priests at St Mary’s Priory this Tuesday.

Thank you to all those who supported our celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Protectress of the Unborn last Wednesday.

Young Adults Meeting Sat. 22 December: after the 10am-12noon Adoration and the 12:10pm Holy Mass, pizza lunch at the Presbytery at 1pm and 2pm talk by Fr de Malleray on The formulas of Consecration at Mass; followed by Q&A’s + coffee. Any 18-35 welcome!

Next Meeting: Sat 19th January: excursion to Holywell (North Wales, 45mins from St Mary’s).

PRIORY CAMPAIGN: By the end of next month, a pre-planning application process should hopefully confirm the change of use from ‘Business’ to ‘Community’, enabling our trustees to decide which part of the building(s) to purchase.  Meanwhile, further donations are gratefully received, as we have only 1/3 of the asking price. Contact malleray@fssp.org for any inquiries.

Free booklets on the Servant of God Mother Mary-Joseph of Jesus – Elizabeth Prout, donated by the Sister historian promoting her beatification. Sister asks us to report any favours or miracles granted by God through the intercession of E. Prout. In Stone, Staffordshire, she was converted by Bl. D. Barberi and founded the female branch of the Passionists. Since her community served at St Mary’s Warrington  School & Convent until 1929, this is a timely occasion to ask for a miracle for our Priory Campaign! 

Contact Fr Verrier for an audition if you would like to join our choir – including Junior choir: iverrier@fssp.org

Vocation Weekend 25-27 Jan. 2019, Warrington, for Catholic men 18-30.Already 5 men booked.  Contact: malleray@ssp.org

Christmas sales: 1/3 off! Ask priest for a copy of the discounted (£10 instead of £15) new book on the Holy Eucharist by Fr de Malleray, with Imprimatur from Archbishop McMahon of Liverpool. Also on www.lumenfidei.ie/product/ego-eimi-it-is-i/.

3 videoed Conferences on the Four Last Things by Fr de Malleray are uploaded on the Juventutem London page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/londonjuventutem/videos/?ref=page_internal

SPUC Youth Conference 15-17 March 2019 Milton Keynes. Sponsorship from St Mary’s: p.boyle400@btinternet.com.

Booking/info: www.spuc.org.uk

Already HALF FULL! Book while you can – for our Eucharistic Retreat 22-24 Feb 2019, Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading, Berkshire RG7 5TQ. Book directly with guestmaster@douaiabbey.org.uk.

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