United Kingdom and Ireland

Chesham Bois

December 10, 2019

Advent Day of Recollection in Reading

St William of York Church, Reading, Saturday 14 December
Led by Fr Seth Phipps, FSSP

10:15am Holy Mass (Mass of Our Lady on Saturday in Advent, Rorate), followed by refreshments in the Annex
11:30am First conference: “God became man so that man might become God”
12:15pm Lunch (bring your own packed lunch)
1:30pm Second Conference: “God chose a mother”
2.30pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, with opportunities for confession. Concluding with Rosary and Benediction, finishing at 3.30pm.

Our Persecuted Brethren

Out of 5 victims of religious persecution worldwide, 4 are Christians. Thank God for courageous Hungary, a small country speaking up for millions of persecuted Christians. Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP was privileged to attend, and reports:

The international conference last week in Budapest was attended by over 650 delegates from all over the world, with speeches by Prime Minister Orban and by dozens of Cardinals, Archbishops and dignitaries of the Catholic Church and of other Christian communities. Former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Cardinal Mueller stated that undergoing hostility from the world is part of being followers of Christ, so that we must not lose heart but bear witness and persevere.

Awareness must be raised and anti-Christian persecution must not be camouflaged under the guise of religious persecution in general (‘as if anti-Semitism were never addressed specifically, but only racism in general’, a lay speaker suggested); or even denied as if attacks against Christians were accidental manifestations of purely ethnic and economical problems (e.g. African tribes merely fighting for water or pastures). Hungarian Ambassador to the Holy See Eduard Habsburg wondered: ‘I ask myself why people suddenly turn quiet when you begin to speak about the plight of Christians all over the world.’

The main issues at stake are 1) the shrinking presence of Christians in the Levant after 20 centuries, now more and more under threat (90% Christians have left Irak since the fall of Saddham Hussein); and 2) how the West can learn from these tragedies and prevent the eradication of Christianity in our our own countries, where lawmakers and the media are unbloodily but even more successfully erasing the Christian values and identity.

‘Hungarians make up only 0.02 percent of the world’s population, so how much difference can it make? Is it worth it?’ Prime Minister Orbán asked. He answered his own question by reflecting on the 12 apostles who, though small in number, changed the world with the Good News. ‘Standing up for our persecuted brothers and sisters engenders courage in ourselves and others,’ Orbán continued.

Orbán noted that the first Hungarian tribes arrived in the Carpathian Basin 1,100 years ago but many other groups had come and gone before them. ‘To this day Hungarians are curious as to why we were the ones to survive,’ the prime minister said. ‘According to the most widely accepted answer, our military capabilities and vigour would not have been enough, so the key to our survival was our conversion to Christianity.’

‘There are some who see this as primarily a diplomatic feat or one of state organisation, and it was exactly those things, but first and foremost it was a spiritual rebirth and a real conversion,’ Orbán said. ‘The Hungarian people and their government believe that Christianity can help peoples and nations survive, just as it had happened with us,’ he added. ‘Our first Christian king was more than just a remarkable ruler,’ Orbán said, adding that King St. Stephen had been a visionary who had given Hungarians guidance and a ‘spiritual and political compass’. The prime minister said Hungary was right to stand up for Christianity, arguing that ‘goodness inspires goodness’ and Hungarians’ commitment to helping persecuted Christians ‘breeds courage’. ‘Our example can have a far reach,’ he said. ‘Actions can free those who are crippled and restore faith in personal action.’

Orbán said the question may arise whether there was already enough to be done about anti-Christian sentiment in Europe and if there was even a need to provide help to other continents. ‘The troubles of Christianity in Europe and the persecution of Christians in other places cannot be separated from one another,’ he argued. ‘Europe is quiet,’ Orbán said. ‘A mysterious force shuts the mouths of European politicians and cripples their arms.’ He said the issue of Christian persecution could only be considered a human rights issue in Europe, insisting that ‘Christians are not allowed to be mentioned on their own, only together with other groups that are being persecuted for their faiths.’ The persecution of Christians ‘is therefore folded into the diverse family of persecuted religious groups’, he added.

Hungarian State Secretary for the Aid of Persecuted Christians Tristan Azbej :
Defending Christianity is a matter of honour.

‘We have 245 million reasons to be here. This is how many people are persecuted daily because of their Christian belief,’ Hungarian State Secretary for the Aid of Persecuted Christians Tristan Azbej said Nov. 26 as he opened the conference.

The Prime Minister said that while religious persecution should not be underestimated, those who treated the persecution of Christians solely as a humanitarian problem failed to mention the most important thing. ‘It’s not just the people and the communities but also the culture as a whole that is being subjected to an organised and comprehensive attack,’ he said. ‘Even in the land of our culture, our civilisation, the most successful Christian civilisation to date: Europe.’ He said this attack was being carried out through ‘the replacement of the population, immigration, stigmatisation, insults and the muzzle of political correctness’.

Orbán said there were many ‘good and true Christian politicians’ in Europe today but they were stymied from openly stating their views due to a mix of constant coalition negotiations and succumbing to the power relations of Europe’s media. Hungary, he said, was blessed with political stability, a public against migration, and a majority that demanded the protection of Christian culture. He said Hungarian politics started from the position that ‘we Christians have the right to protect our culture and way of life’. Orbán said that unlike many politicians elsewhere in Europe, ‘we believe people should be encouraged to live and thrive where their ancestors have lived for centuries. So the Hungary Helps scheme is about rebuilding schools, hospitals and dwellings in troubled parts of the world and providing young people with an education at Hungarian universities, he said.

He said Europeans were wrong to think that the persecution of Christians could never take place in their own country. He said that even though Europe had suffered at the hands of terrorists several times, ‘many Islamic State soldiers’ had come from western European countries while ‘Islamic masses’ had migrated to Europe illegally and unchecked. Demographic forecasts indicate that the religious and cultural proportions in some European countries will change rapidly, he said, adding that Europe could only be ‘saved’ by re-establishing its Christian identity.

Read more at: https://dailynewshungary.com/international-conference-on-persecuted-christians-orban-europe-can-only-be-saved-by-returning-to-christianity/

December 4, 2019

Great Men’s Week-end

25 MEN reflected on…
‘Restoring Manhood: Man as son of God, husband and father.’

We spent a great weekend (29 Nov-1 Dec) at Theodore House, the brand new retreat centre at Stonyhurst. There were 23 laymen, most of them husbands and dads.
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP led the retreat, asssited by Deacon Roger Gilbride, FSSP.
Thank you to Director Stefan and to Parish Priest Fr Tim Curtis, SJ for their friendly welcome. We venerated the many relics of saints displayed in the School Museum (e.g. above: crucifix of St Thomas More).
We hope to come again soon.
(Our next scheduled retreat there is for clerics, from 27 April to 1 May 2020 – bookings@christianheritagecentre.com.)

November 15, 2019

5 hours left to save babies

Dear friends,

If you haven’t done so already please respond to the consultation by 5pm today. You may wish to do so using the link below as it only takes a few clicks! We need as many responses from  the pro-life side as possible, particularly in the Manchester area. Please share the link!!

Thank you all very much for your gallant efforts.

Manchester City Council has opened a consultation on a proposed censorship zone (PSPO) at Wynnstay Grove. If implemented the censorship zone would among other things criminalise:

  • Free speech
  • Signage
  • Prayer
  • Counselling
  • The offer of leaflets

You can respond to the consultation below! Please use this tool and share with like-minded people. The consultation closes on Friday 15th November!

November 4, 2019

FSSP Statistics 2019


Statistics as of November 1st, 2019

Members today

  • Total: 482 (incl. 317 incardinated)
  • Priests: 320
    o   300 incardinated
    o   8 incorporated ad annum
    o   7 associated
    o   5 postulants
  • Deacons: 17
  • Non-deacons seminarians (including postulants): 145
  • Average age of members: 38 years
  • Deceased members: 10

♦ Priests   ♦ Deacons   ♦ Seminarians


All members

Incardinated members


Increase and ordinations

• Number of members (as of Jan. 1 each year)

♦ Total members   ♦ Definitively incorporated priests   ♦ Seminarians (incl. deacons)

• Priestly ordinations in the FSSP over the last 12 years


• Number of seminarians (excluding deacons and including postulants)

Confraternity of Saint Peter

  • Total members: 6996
    o French speakers: 1011
    o German speakers: 967
    o English speakers: 5018


  • Dioceses served: 142
  • Mass centers: 255 locations
  • Personal parishes: 44

Dioceses served by countries

Dioceses served
by districts and regions

Mass centers
by districts and regions

• Number of houses: 131
• Number of erected houses: 93

• Number of houses (as of Jan. 1 each year)

♦ Nb. of houses   ♦ Nb. of erected houses

Vocation Discernment Weekend

24 Jan 2020 at 17:00 – 26 Jan 2020 at 14:00

St Mary’s Priory, Smith Street, Warrington WA1 2NS, England

Is God calling ME?
Matrimony, celibacy, monastery, seminary, Fraternity?

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing

If you are a single Catholic man between 18 and 29 years of age, come and discern with us at St Mary’s Priory & Church.
Shrine Rector Fr de Malleray, FSSP will lead the Weekend, assisted by Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP and Deacon Roger Gilbride, FSSP.
There will be talks, prayers (Divine Office in our beautiful church), Holy Mass and informal chatting with fellow guests. Possibility of private meetings with a priest, and of confession.

[No sign up sheet for the FSSP at the end of the Weekend!]
Feel welcome confidentially to call, email or write for any questions.
Residential, at St Mary’s Priory: 2 nights and 2 days.
FREE for unwaged and students. Others: £60 per person in total.

Please share the information with your friends!

BOOKINGS & CONTACT: [not via Facebook] malleray@fssp.org (read by Fr de Malleray only); 01925 635664 (Priory’s Landline).


General page: https://fssp.co.uk/vocations-to-the-priesthood/

Audio conferences on the priest 1) and Our Lady; 2) and Martyrdom : http://www.radioimmaculata.org/audio-on-demands/various-audio-on-demand/various-homilies/father-armand-de-malleray

New book on the Holy Eucharist here: https://www.lumenfidei.ie/product/ego-eimi-it-is-i/

Seminary blog: http://fsspwigratzbad.blogspot.com/

Know us better through browsing online our quarterly magazine Dowry here: https://fssp.co.uk/category/dowry/

International Vocation Prayer Network: www.fssp.org/en/help-us/confraternity-of-saint-peter/


We have currently six young men from England & Wales in formation at our two international seminaries. Three of our deacons from England were ordained priests at St Mary’s Warrington in the past two years by Archbishop McMahon, OP of Liverpool. Those were the first EF priestly ordinations by a diocesan bishop in England in fifty years.

Please pray for them (www.fssp.org/en/help-us/confraternity-of-saint-peter/) and for many more to enter the lists!

In total, 45 young men were admitted into our two seminaries this autumn including 3 from England and Ireland.

We give thanks for 1 new priest from the UK ordained every year over the past 4 years, and more generally for 11 of them ordained over the past 16 years: Fr Konrad Loewenstein in 2002; Fr Brendan Gerard in 2006; Frs Matthew Goddard and William Barker in 2009; Fr Simon Harkins in 2010; Fr Matthew McCarthy in 2011; Fr Ian Verrier in 2015; Fr James Mawdsley in 2016; Frs Alex Stewart and Krzysztof Sanetra in 2017; Fr Seth Phipps last year.

Please pray for us. We assure you of our prayer.

O Lord, grant us many holy priests!