Chesham Bois
Juventutem week-end at Douai Abbey: more spaces available:
Becoming Saints in an Anti-Christian World
Douai Abbey, Berks, 19-21 July 2019
Click here to see our schedule.
Convivial Weekend for young adults 18-35 with doctrinal and spiritual talks, debates, Holy Mass, Confessions and Eucharistic Adoration.
All meals provided, limited places available
Shared room in the cottage: £110*
Shared room (Guest House/en-suite): £125 (FEW PLACES LEFT)
Single room (Guest House/en-suite): £150 (FEW PLACES LEFT)
50% deposit required for reservation
*Student discount available
Led by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP & Fr Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP
Organised by Juventutem London & FSSP England
For more info or to reserve a place, please contact:
Juventutem London videos here:
New Group of the Guides & Scouts of Europe starting in Bedford
For more information, email
Great pictures of Corpus Christi Procession in Warrington!
Deo gratias for a splendid fourth annual Corpus Christi procession on the external solemnity of the feast, last Sunday 23rd June 2019. People came from far and wide to walk by Our Lord and sing, giving this beautiful witness of the Eucharistic truth. See all pictures here.
Thank you to our servers, singers, clergy, canopy bearers, stewards, flower petals gatherers, to our talented photographer J.K., and worshippers in general. The procession went from St Mary’s Church Shrine to St Alban’s, the mother church of Warrington.
Shrine Rector Fr de Malleray, FSSP carried the monstrance, assisted by Fr Loewenstein FSSP and Fr Andrew Jolly. Fr Dave Heywood PP led the procession with permanent deacons from the deanery. At the kind invitation of Warrington Dean Canon Christopher Cuningham, Fr Heywood gave the final Benediction at St Alban’s.
Next year, we envisage starting the procession immediately following the end of our 11:00am Sunday Mass, to make it easier for people already present to attend.
‘Ecce panis angelorum factus cibus viatorum.’
[To learn more about the Holy Eucharist, visit ]
Reading Mass Times, 23rd June to 6th July
Reading Men’s Group at the Cell of St Thomas More – Pictures
Click here to see pictures from the Reading Men’s Group recent visit to the Cell of St Thomas More at the Tower of London!
BBQ in Chesham Bois!

Now available online: click on picture below to open the pdf.
[Preferably display on your screen as double page.]
In this issue:
Editorial: Blasé, Blazing, Blessed
Fr de Malleray discusses the supernatural meaning of the fire at Notre-Dame for Europe and Christianity
Interview with an Ex-Mason
A courageous man shares his past experience as a freemason and why he left.
Forthcoming Events
Our summer camps and youth apostolates, for your diaries.
Fr John Gerard: The Jesuit Pimpernel
Fr Loewenstein reviews the autobiography of a humorous and inventive English missionary under Penal Times.
Death Penalty and Church Teaching
Dr Cyrille Dounot explains the teaching of the Church and Fathers on this delicate question.
Young Men Travel To Amsterdam And Beyond
Fr Armand de Malleray reviews The Spirit and the Flesh, a recently published conversion narrative by T. J. Dias.
The Case of Pope Liberius and St Athanasius
Dr Seth Phipps examines the evidence regarding the good standing of the heroic Patriarch of Alexandria.
Support Our Apostolate
We rely on your generosity to help us continue our service to souls in the British Isles, and even extend it.
Share this link with your relatives and friends: a costless way of evangelising!
Homily to young adults and professionals on the 15th anniversary of Juventutem, Friday 24th May 2019, Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, St Mary Moorfields, London, UK, by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, General Chaplain to the Juventutem International Federation (cf See typed summary below video screen – click on picture or link to start video.
On the 15th anniversary of the Juventutem movement, on the feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, Fr De Malleray, FSSP, gives a sermon on the sanctification of youth. He begins with an overview of Juventutem, which gets its name from the psalm “Judica Me”, and was created with the purpose of helping young Catholics become saints through the Roman traditions of the Church.
Fr De Malleray reminds us that sanctity is our most important goal. But we can often be persuaded that it’s far too ambitious, that sainthood is only reserved for others. Nevertheless, he says, every human being is called to become a saint, and they are called right now in this moment. Indeed, such a calling will not be easy. The youth of today are beset by media, celebrities, allured into false paradises, while the teaching of the Church is out of focus. Meanwhile, the Magesterium is losing some of its precision and determination. All of this makes it objectively more difficult for us to become saints. Yet we must remember: “where sin abounds, grace over-abounds”.
Fr De Malleray asks: “do you want to be a saint?”. It is the will of God and He has given us the means, if we will only dispose ourselves to them. What stands in the way? The frailty of our human condition, and the voice whispering in our ear that sainthood is beyond our reach. Difficult though these are, we should have some perspective. The youth of the historical church had it far tougher than those of today. We still enjoy freedom and we should make use of it to live a sacramental life. The sacrifice of the mass; confession; daily meditation; devotions – such as those to Our Lady – all of these enable us to draw closer to Our Blessed Lord.
He reflects on the emblem for Juventutem. It is a monstrance, and signifies the importance of deepening our Eucharistic faith. Fr De Malleray identifies the Traditional Latin Mass as the best means from which our sancrification must be drawn. This liturgy, which most eloquently expresses the salvific truth of Christian revelation, is unique. There has not been found a rite more adequate, fitting and fruitful than this. Countless saints, down the generations, have been nourished in their love for the Holy Eucharist through the words and gestures of what is called the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
Fr De Malleray concludes: “Do you want to become saints?” It is possible. There is only one problem. Sin. But this problem can be addressed if we are willing. If we cooperate with the grace of God, through the Sacrifice of the Mass, and welcome Our Lord into our hearts. Then, having received the truth, it is fitting to share it with others. We should tell our friends of this saving truth. God will help us in our mission. His grace has been made available. All it needs is our co-operation, of self-surrender in our daily lives. Fr De Malleray then invites the faithful, to give the Lord a blank cheque that He might dispose of our talents in the way that He knows best, in order to be His apostles, and facilitate the conversion of London, and England back to Our Blessed Lord and Our Blessed Lady.
“This we ask through the intercession of all the young canonised saints and Our Lady Help of Christians”
Countdown to the Summer Camps!

Click here to see photographs of last year!