Reading Mass Times 9th – 22nd June
Thank God for a third UK applicant admitted at our international seminary in America.
Please pray for any hurdle to be overcome for Harry, Conan and Tom to begin formation for the sacred prieshood next September at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary.
There are various causes explaining why these three brave men applied, and got admitted. But surely, your prayers for priestly vocations are an important factor, in response to the Lord’s command: “The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out labourers for his harvest” (Mt 9:38).
Congratulations to Monica from Liverpool and Matteo from West Sussex who will be enrolled in our international prayer network, the Confraternity of St Peter, next 9th June, on Whitsunday.
Like them, make your prayer for vocations more efficient through…/help-us/confraternity-of-saint-peter/, and have 460 FSSP clerics + 6,600 Confraternity members include you in their daily prayers.
Confraternity of Saint Peter FAQ’s
Can I still join the Confraternity if…
1) If I can’t travel easily and I would not have the time to attend events with the Confraternity?
– Yes, you may join. Provided you say the daily decade and Prayer, and have the Mass offered once a year by any priest in good standing, you are not required to do anything more, even on the day of your enrolment.
2) If I do not intend to be part of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter?
– Yes, you may join. The Confraternity of St Peter (CSP) is formally distinct from the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP). Any Catholic can join the former; but only priests and future priests can join the latter. Confraternity members retain full liberty and can decide to leave at any time.
3) If I already have spiritual commitments?
– Yes, you may join. For instance, if you are already committed to praying one decade of the rosary daily, you can apply it to the Confraternity’s intentions, added to your other intentions. If those were meant to exclude any other, you simply say a further decade.
4) If I normally attend the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite, not the Extraordinary Form.
– Yes, you may join. Your prayers for priestly vocations and ministry as a committed Catholic are always valued.
5) If I want to pray for vocations not exclusively to the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter?
– Yes, you may join. As a member of the Confraternity, you intend your prayer to benefit principally our seminarians and priests, but you may include others at your discretion.
6) If I am a seminarian / deacon / priest / bishop / religious / sister?
– Yes, you may join. The Confraternity is not for lay persons only. Any clerics and consecrated persons in good standing are welcome.
7) If I am not able to give any money?
– Yes, you may join. Your commitment is purely spiritual, and we do not expect you to contribute financially. Financial support to the formation of our seminarians and to the ministry of our priests is gratefully received, irrespective of Confraternity membership.
8) If I can’t conveniently recite the daily decade and Prayer in Latin, nor have the yearly Mass offered in the Extraordinary Form?
– Yes, you may join. You may say the decade in your preferred language and use any approved translation of the Prayer. While it is fitting to have the yearly Mass offered according to the Extraordinary Form of the Roman rite, any other rite authorised by the Catholic Church may be used as an alternative.…/help-us/confraternity-of-saint-peter/
Click here to view the entire photo album!
Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church
30 Amersham Road
Chesham Bois
All welcome – Families are invited to stay for as much of the programme as they wish. Tea & coffee will be available in an adjacent room.
Activities | |
2pm | Altar Serving Practice |
3pm | Post-Confirmation Catechism |
3.20pm | Post-First Holy Communion Catechism |
3.40pm | Pre-First Holy Communion Catechism |
4 – 4.30pm | Holy Rosary & Benediction |
This talk will take place at the next Juventutem meeting in Reading on Thursday 23 May at 7pm in St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading, RG1 5RU. Starting with Holy Mass, followed by a pizza supper and then the talk given by Joshua Madrid. Joshua is currently completing an MA in the History of Warfare at the University of Birmingham.
Juventutem is an international movement of young Catholics (ages 18 to 35) who are devoted to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Its aim is to foster and strengthen relationships between young people at a national and international level, and to encourage and assist them in developing their faith.
After their successful annual Conference at St George’s Cathedral in London last 4th May (nearly 150 attended).
Great articles in this issue on Conversion, Islam, Education, Literature, Faith, by Cardinal Sarah, Gabriele Kuby, Fr Linus Clovis, Fr Armand de Malleray and more.
Click here or on cover picture below to open the online magazine.
This pilgrimage is organised primarily for members of the Confraternity of St Peter, the 6,600-strong international prayer network for vocations linked with the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter. But anyone supportive of Catholic priestly vocations is welcome to join.
Chaplain: Fr de Malleray, FSSP – General Chaplain to the Confraternity of St Peter.
Included: Eighth annual Summorum Pontificum Int’l. Pilgrimage in Rome.
Pilgrims from the UK & Ireland are welcome to join this pilgrimage for the following rate:1995 GBP for land only. The single room cost would be an additional 395 GBP.
Please contact Syversen Touring for any questions:
Facebook page for this event:
Even though you may be unable to participate, please pray for many holy priests!
Click here to see a selection of photos from the Easter Ceremonies!