The bleak state of the world and Church should not dishearten us: rather, it should lead us to give thanks for every small achievement granted by God. There are signs that seeds planted some decades ago have started bearing fruit, by God’s grace, Fr de Malleray observes.
The Catholic Doctrine of the Angels
Oxford theologian Fr John Saward has written a new and accessible summary of the Catholic faith on the fascinating topic of uncorporeal created spirits, good and evil. Fr de Malleray reviews the book that explains why fear the demons and why rely on the good angels.
Dr Jordan Peterson, Commonsensically Ours
Sophia Rumpus reports on Dr Jordan Peterson’s recent Conference at the O2 Academy in London. She explains that Peterson, a clinical psychologist, author, and educator has risen to influential fame for speaking common sense to the modern audience. The absence of religious belief makes the younger generations even hungrier for truth.
Ivan Merz, A Youth Passionate For the Liturgy
Seminarian Stjepan Androić, FSSP describes the life and work of his fellow-Croatian Blessed Ivan Merz (1896–1928). The young layman had identified the Roman liturgy of his time as the richest vehicle of sanctification. His example shows that no only experts, but any of us Catholics, may become passionate for the way we pray and be strengthened in our faith.
On the Liturgy as the Highest Form of Art
Whereas Richard Wagner defined opera as the total form of art encompassing all other cultural expressions, Bl. Ivan Merz points to the Roman liturgy as the deepest implementation of that ideal, uniting music, poetry, choreography, painting, sculpture, architecture, goldsmithing, sowing, and sculpture in the most harmonious praise to God.
Support our Apostolate
With now five houses across the UK & Ireland, our ministry increases. Find out how you can endow us with the resources we need to serve more souls. Help us bring this country back to Our Blessed Lady, for the love of Jesus.
FSSP UK & Ireland Wall Calendar 2024
Our Dowry subscribers received our beautifully illustrated calendar free of charge, inserted in their printed copy of Dowry. Discover pictures of our various apostolates and ceremonies, and benefit form up to date guidance on the holy days of obligation, days of fast and particular feasts. Our 2024 calendar will also be available at our churches in December.
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Holy Days: 11:30am (check website before travelling)
Sat 11:00am-12noon. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the FSSP England Safeguarding Lead, Fr Matthew Goddard:
Some wonder what little penance or resolution to make for the holy season. None will please the Child Jesus better than attending his Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on a weekday.
Immaculate Conception on Fri 8 Dec (not a holy day of obligation):
TWO holy Masses in Bedford at 8am and 7:30pm (with confessions 30mins before Mass).
We had a great family day at Christ the King on Sat 2 Dec. About 60 attended the 10am Holy Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (First Saturday votive devotion) at which Fr de Malleray preached on the two hearts of Jesus and Mary as our twin spiritual “mansion”. Fr Coelho was kept busy hearing confessions for nearly two hours during Mass and during the following holy Hour of Eucharistic adoration prayed especially for the families at the Bedford and Chesham Bois FSSP Chaplaincy.
A shared picnic followed in the (well heated) parish hall, with various stalls displaying children’s books, Regina Caeli Academy mugs and Christmas cards, pro-life literature and books by FSSP Chaplain Fr de Malleray. At 2pm, the many children were treated to a catechism session by Fr Coelho in the adjacent room, while the adults listened to a spiritual conference by Fr de Malleray on Our Lady and the Incarnation, followed by questions and answers. The day ended with a live performance of O Come Emmanuel by all the children on stage, after they had rehearsed with our lead singer Katherine. The feedback was very positive and there is interest for similar events to be scheduled in the future. Anyone is welcome. Contact us with suggestions of dates and themes.
LADIES’ group at Christ the King Church (Patrick Donegan Room) on Monday 11 December: 7:00pm Biscuits & Tea; 7:30pm Conference by Fr de Malleray, FSSP on “How God prepared his coming into our flesh according to the 7 Greater O Antiphons.”
Congratulations to Jon and Jacinta Moxham for the holy Baptism of their eight child, newborn Theodore, who became a child of God on 29 Dec; and to Vincent and Alex Grimer for the holy Baptism of their firstborn, little Lily Grimer, scheduled at Christ the King Church on Sat 9 Dec, 12noon. Let us pray for these newly baptised (or soon to be) and for their families.
(Picture Peter Jones)
Please kindly email Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll ( the full details of candidates for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation (includes date of birth). Also for Holy Matrimony (if any), and Baptism. Once we know the size of each group we can schedule meetings.
On Mon 27 Nov several families attended the 10am Holy Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal. Fr Coelho blessed medals after Mass and offered them to those who did not already have one. These sacramentals are powerful means of sanctification.
Telephone: A landline number will be communicated soon.
In London last week Fr de Malleray attended a clergy gathering organised by the Ordinariate.
The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst was fully booked for a retreat on the Incarnation last weekend. Fr de Malleray’s conferences will be uploaded soon.
Fr de Malleray sung the Mass and preached on religious life for the monthly Juventutem meeting at St Mary Magdalene’s in Wandsworth, attended by 65 young adults including some non-Catholics. The annual summer weekend of Juventutem will take place at Ampleforth Abbey on 2-4 August 2024.
On Sat 9 Dec, Fr de Malleray will attend the fayre of the Goretti Girls, a Catholic social society named after purity martyr St Maria Goretti, for girls aged 10-17. Visit
Three holy Masses this Christmas: In Bedford our traditional Christmas Holy Mass will start at midnight this year again (Mass of the Night), followed by the Mass of Dawn at 8:30am. The Mass of the Day will be offered at Chesham Bois at 11:30am.
Can you sing Christmas carols and/or play of an instrument? Contact us. Also, as mentioned from the pulpit, we have started singing hymns right before and after Sunday Mass, plus a simple Latin one during Holy Communion. After a few weeks we should all become familiar with tune and words.
FINANCES: Thank you to the families who have now shifted their standing order from the Reading bank account to the newly created Bedford one with Lloyd. Kindly proceed with the change if you have not done so already, since two priests full time implies ongoing expenses, which are not covered by Reading or by the diocese. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Or simply visit the Chaplaincy’s dedicated webpage via, or, and click to the right of the screen on “Subscribe to our Bedford and Chesham Bois bulletin”.
Envelopes for Holy Mass intentions are being printed. Meanwhile, you can write on any envelope the intention, contact details, and preferred date if any, and your stipend (average £10.00).
St Nicholas will visit us in the parish hall on Sunday 3 Dec after our Mass.
Pray for the sick in our congregations. Email their names for insertions in next bulletins.
First Sunday of Advent (I)Bedford, then Chesham Bois
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Hoy Days: 11:00am (check website before travelling)
Sat 11:00am-12noon. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Department or speak with Christ the King Church’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
ADVENT FAMILY GATHERING in Bedford Sat 2 December (Christ the King church & hall).
Feel welcome to bring and sell good books, Christmas cards and other items.
10:00am Holy Mass
11:00am Confessions and Eucharistic adoration for the intention families.
12noon-2pm: Shared picnic lunch in hall with stalls of books and devotional articles to buy as Christmas presents, while chatting with priests and families.
2:00pm Spiritual Conference by Fr de Malleray on Why God became Man. Followed by Q&As. Simultaneously, talk for children and/or learning a few simple hymns.
3:00pm Onward: Coffee, tea.
The spiritual conference by Fr Coelho on Divine Motherhood was attended by 14 ladies (picture below). Would more ladies wish a monthly event of that kind? We could organise it at Christ the King church and hall to welcome more participants than in a private house. There could be holy Mass before or after. In Warrington that event attracted between 30 and 40 ladies on a Saturday afternoon. The same could be offered for men. Please send feedback to
Fr de Malleray offered Holy Mass at Regina Caeli Academy as new Chaplain, attended by about 80 pupils and staff.
Please kindly email Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll ( the full details of candidates for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation (includes date of birth). Also for Holy Matrimony (if any), and Baptism. Once we know the size of each group we can schedule meetings.
Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal this Monday 27 Nov with blessing and imposing of the Medal after the 10:00am Holy Mass: cf. Rue du Bac apparitions in Paris in 1830.
Extra Mass for the Immaculate Conception: to celebrate the glorious privilege of our heavenly Mother, two holy Masses will be offered by the FSSP Chaplaincy in Bedford on Friday 8th December 2023:
8:00am and 7:30pm.
Welcome to Baby Joseph Osborne who attended his first holy Mass last Sunday after having spent the first two months of his life in hospital. Thank you to the ladies who took turns to cook for the Osborne family during those trying weeks. Let us pray for the health of little Joseph.
Improving the website: Unlike on desktops, information was poorly displayed on mobile phone screens. This was improved. Send us feedback.
Internet: theoretically installed this past Friday, its signal proves very low and will need fixing. Therefore, sadly we are not yet able to communicate well online.
Telephone: A landline number will be communicated soon.
Frs de Malleray and Coelho attended the Deanery meeting with clergy from the Bedford area, hosted by Canon Benny Noonan.
Juventutem London monthly Mass and social on with Fr de Malleray on Friday 1st Dec.:;
Juventutem Summer Weekend (special 20th anniversary) in Ampleforth Abbey on 2-4 Aug 2024.
1 to 1 helper (practicing Catholic) sought for a seven-year-old autistic boy at the Regina Caeli Academy in Meppershall. Mon and Thurs in term time, 8.45-15.15, starting Jan. Call 07737 020188 if interested.
Three holy Masses this Christmas: In Bedford our traditional Christmas Holy Mass will start at midnight this year again (Mass of the Night), followed by the Mass of Dawn at 8:30am. The Mass of the Day will be offered at Chesham Bois probably (TBC) at 11:00am.
Can you sing Christmas carols and/or play of an instrument? Contact us. Also, as mentioned from the pulpit, we have started singing hymns right before and after Sunday Mass, plus a simple Latin one during Holy Communion. After a few weeks we should all become familiar with tune and words.
FINANCES: Thank you to the families who have now shifted their standing order from the Reading bank account to the newly created Bedford one with Lloyd. Kindly proceed with the change if you have not done so already, since two priests full time implies ongoing expenses, which are not covered by Reading or by the diocese. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Or simply visit the Chaplaincy’s dedicated webpage via, or, and click to the right of the screen on “Subscribe to our Bedford and Chesham Bois bulletin”.
Envelopes for Holy Mass intentions are being ordered. Meanwhile, you can write on any envelope the intention, contact details, and preferred date if any, and your stipend (average £10.00).
Parish Christmas Fayre on 26 Nov 1-3 pm. There will be a Latin Mass table. Also raffle tickets available with cash prizes, which will be drawn at the Christmas Fayre.
Pray for the sick in our congregations. Email their names for insertions in next bulletins.
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Hoy Days: 11:00am (check website before travelling)
Sat 11:00am-12noon. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Department or speak with Christ the King Church’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
This month of November, please remember to pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.
‘An Angel Frees the Souls of Purgatory’, by Ludovico Carracci
Frs de Malleray and Coelho (pronounce “Father Co-Hello”) have started visiting families at home. It is a great joy to see the eagerness for the household to meet with clergy, who take part in the family prayer and give blessings. Feel welcome to invite the priests at home, even just for coffee or tea.
In addition, two spiritual conferences by Fr Coelho are now scheduled, one for all on Sat 25 Nov in Chesham Bois, 7pm; the other for mothers near Bedford on 20Nov. We would like to start such groups monthly, for men and for ladies.
We also need to begin altar servers’ sessions.
Fr de Malleray will offer Holy Mass at Regina Caeli Academy as new Chaplain, on Mon 20 Nov, 2:20pm.
Fr de Malleray has his first meetings scheduled for converts, Baptism and Marriage preparations.
Please kindly email us the full details of candidates for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation (includes date of birth). Also for Holy Matrimony (if any), and Baptism. Once we know the size of each group we can schedule meetings.
Thank you to the generous men from our congregations who gave their Saturday morning to build the platform for the future chapel at St Alban House. An altar has been ordered and next month the priests will have a decent setting to pray Lauds, Vespers and Compline, offer private Masses and do meditation.
Also, thank you to the ladies who are putting together a rota for cooking for the clergy.
Fr de Malleray thanks you for your prayers during his annual retreat last week. He kept you in his prayers as well.
Improving the website: Unlike on desktops, information was poorly displayed on mobile phone screens. This was improved. Send us feedback.
Internet: theoretically installed this past Friday, its signal proves very low and will need fixing. Therefore, sadly we are not yet able to communicate well online.
Telephone: A landline number will be communicated soon.
Fr de Malleray attended the monthly Juventutem Youth Group in London, of which he is the chaplain, last 10 Nov. 70 young adults were present, including as always new faces and converts. Visit and The next date is Friday 1 Dec. Confessions 6-7pm, Sung Mass with homily 7-8pm, social with Q&As 8-9:30pm.
1 to 1 helper (practicing Catholic) sought for a seven-year-old autistic boy at the Regina Caeli Academy in Meppershall. Mon and Thurs in term time, 8.45-15.15, starting Jan. Call 07737 020188 if interested.
Martin, Barbara and Peter Kay would like to thank the community for the Spiritual Bouquet offered for them on their move to Rutland and for their friendship over the past eight years.
FINANCES: Thank you to the families who have now shifted their standing order from the Reading bank account to the newly created Bedford one with Lloyd. Kindly proceed with the change if you have not done so already, since two priests full time implies ongoing expenses, which are not covered by Reading or by the diocese. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Or simply visit the Chaplaincy’s dedicated webpage via, or, and click to the right of the screen on “Subscribe to our Bedford and Chesham Bois bulletin”.
ADVENT FAMILY GATHERING in Bedford Sat 2 December.
Feel welcome to bring and sell good books, Christmas cards and other items. Special guest: St Nicholas!
10:00am Holy Mass
11:00am Confessions and Eucharistic adoration for the intention families.
12noon-2pm: Picnic lunch in hall with stalls of books and devotional articles to buy as Christmas presents, while chatting with priests and families.
2:00pm Spiritual Conference by Fr de Malleray on Why God became Man. Followed by Q&As. Simultaneously, talk for children and/or learning a few simple hymns.
3:00pm Onward: Coffee, tea.
Members of our congregations in Bedford and Chesham Bois attended the successful ball of the Good Counsel Network last Saturday in London. Learn more about this deserving pro-life charity here:
Envelopes for Holy Mass intentions are being ordered. Meanwhile, you can write on any envelope the intention, contact details, and preferred date if any, and your stipend (average £10.00).
Parish Christmas Fayre on 26 Nov 1-3 pm. There will be a Latin Mass table. Also raffle tickets available with cash prizes, which will be drawn at the Christmas Fayre.
Pray for the sick in our congregations. Email their names for insertions in next bulletins.
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Diocese of Northampton
Residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Worship: Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP; and on Sundays and major feasts at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, Chesham Bois, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Hoy Days: 11:00am (check website before travelling)
Sat 11:00am-12noon. And during or around Holy Mass when possible, including in Chesham Bois.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Department or speak with Christ the King Church’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Daily Masses in the traditional form have started last week in Bedford. Chaplaincy members are discovering this long prayed-for treasure: attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the rite of ages, daily if they can. The times given are based on your feedback expressed to us via the forms we gave you. Feel welcome to send further feedback. A morning weekday Low Mass is quite a different experience from the busy Sunday Mass. There is much space available across the pews to keep to oneself if one wishes, and meditate silently. The Mass is said within about half an hour.
Remembrance Sunday: This Sunday all across the UK and Europe, we pray for the souls of those who gave up their lives during the two World Wars. Masses of Requiem are offered to that intention. RIP.
Remembrance display at Stowe House
This month of November, please remember to pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed.
Frs de Malleray and Coelho (pronounce “Father Co-Hello”) have started visiting families at home. It is a great joy to see the eagerness for the household to meet with clergy, who take part in the family prayer and give blessings. Feel welcome to invite the priests at home, even just for coffee or tea.
In addition, two spiritual conferences by Fr Coelho are now scheduled, one for all on Sat 25 Nov in Chesham Bois, 7pm; the other for mothers near Bedford on 20 Nov. We would like to start such groups monthly, for men and for ladies.
We also need to begin altar servers’ sessions.
Fr de Malleray will offer Holy Mass at Regina Caeli Academy as new Chaplain, on Mon 20 Nov, 2:20pm.
Fr de Malleray has his first meetings scheduled for converts, Baptism and Marriage preparations.
Thank you to the generous men from our congregations who gave their Saturday morning to build the platform for the future chapel at St Alban House. An altar has been ordered and next month the priests will have a decent setting to pray Lauds, Vespers and Compline, offer private Masses and do meditation. This is an essential part of the priestly ministry to souls, although little visible.
Also, thank you to the ladies who are putting together a rota for cooking for the clergy.
Please pray for Fr de Malleray on annual retreat this week (scheduled before the move to Bedford was known). He will keep you in his prayers as well.
Improving the website: Unlike on desktops, information was poorly displayed on mobile phone screens. This was improved. Send us feedback.
Internet: theoretically installed this past Friday, its signal proves very low and will need fixing. Therefore, sadly we are not yet able to communicate well online.
Telephone: A landline number will be communicated soon.
Fr de Malleray attended the monthly Juventutem Youth Group in London, of which he is the chaplain, last 10 Nov. 70 young adults were present, including as always new faces and converts. Visit and The next date is Friday 1 Dec. Confessions 6-7pm, Sung Mass with homily 7-8pm, social with Q&As 8-9:30pm.
Fr Coelho represented the Chaplaincy at the Mass of Reparation for abortion in Bedford on 11 Nov. It is an important annual occasion to intercede with God for the end of abortion and support to mothers. We hope to be more involved in pro-life work soon.
FINANCES: Thank you to the families who have now shifted their standing order from the Reading bank account to the newly created Bedford one with Lloyd. Kindly proceed with the change if you have not done so already, since two priests full time implies ongoing expenses, which are not covered by Reading or by the diocese. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Sort code: 30-80-27 Account number: 44025960
GIFT AID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
Or simply visit the Chaplaincy’s dedicated webpage via, or, and click to the right of the screen on “Subscribe to our Bedford and Chesham Bois bulletin”.
ADVENT FAMILY GATHERING in Bedford Sat 2 December. Feel welcome to bring and sell good books, Christmas cards and other items. Special guest: St Nicholas!
10:00am Holy Mass
11:00am Confessions and Eucharistic adoration for the intention families.
12noon-2pm: Picnic lunch in hall with stalls of books and devotional articles to buy as Christmas presents, while chatting with priests and families.
2:00pm Spiritual Conference by Fr de Malleray on Why God became Man. Followed by Q&As. Simultaneously, talk for children and/or learning a few simple hymns.
3:00pm Onward: Coffee, tea.
The Good Counsel Ball is back, in Kensington, London Saturday 18 Nov, 6pm. Don’t miss it! Great Company, great food and a great live band. Tickets are £125 and you can host a table of 10 friends if you want to. Don’t know anyone who is coming? Don’t worry, it’s a friendly event and we can find you a welcoming spot at St Raphael’s table. For enquiries call Clare on 07795205117. To book tickets email
Envelopes for Holy Mass intentions are being ordered. Meanwhile, you can write on any envelope the intention, contact details, and preferred date if any, and your stipend (average £10.00).
Parish Christmas Fayre on 26 Nov 1-3 pm. There will be a Latin Mass table. Also raffle tickets available with cash prizes, which will be drawn at the Christmas Fayre.
Pray for the sick in our congregations. Email their names for insertions in next bulletins.
By appointment of Bishop David Oakley of Northampton
Chaplain: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:
Visiting Priest: Fr Miguel Coelho
Secretary: Mrs Rita Carroll:
Daily Mass at Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford MK42 0SP
Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church, 30 Amersham Road, HP6 5PE
Chaplain’s residence: St Alban House, 18 Brett Drive, Bromham, Bedford MK43 8RF
Webpage:, or
Welcome to this first edition of the bulletin of our community in this new chapter of its history. It has been a week since Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP moved from Warrington into a house in Bedford as the new priest Chaplain. Much remains to be done for utilities and furnishing, and the Internet should be installed next weekend. Fr de Malleray is kindly assisted by Fr Miguel Coelho (pronounce “Father Co-Hello”), a visiting priest from Portugal.
After years praying for FSSP clergy in permanent residence in Bedford, this is now happening. As you may know, FSSP priests have been serving the needs of the people who like to worship in the traditional form in the Northampton Diocese since 2007. Our priests travelled from London, then from Reading, and also from Warrington. For years we had to stay every Saturday night in the local Travelodge. Living in Bedford will improve the spiritual environment for Catholics and for anyone needing our spiritual input. (It will also benefit the natural environment, lowering our carbon footprint considerably, some of our readers will happily notice.)
Mass of Christ the King, at Christ the King Church in Bedford, on 29 Oct 2023
By appointment from Bishop David Oakley, since 25 October 2023 Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP succeeds Fr Matthew Goddard, FSSP as Chaplain to the Gregorian Chaplaincy serving the needs of Catholics worshipping in the traditional Latin rite, at Christ the King Church in Bedford, and at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church in Chesham Bois. The Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) is an international Roman Catholic community, founded in 1988 through direct intervention of Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. The FSSP is of pontifical right, that is, under the direct authority of the Holy See. On 11 February 2022, Pope Francis issued a decree confirming their liturgical charism.
The FSSP have ministered in the Northampton Diocese since 2007. Bishop Peter Doyle had established them as a “Gregorian Chaplaincy” and Bishop Oakley has now granted them permanent residence in the diocese. The FSSP Chaplaincy is served from Bedford, now its permanent base, whence the priests travel to Chesham Bois for Sundays and major feasts. Members of the FSSP Chaplaincy have been committed parishioners of Christ the King Parish and of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Parish for years.
Contact: For further information, please visit or email the FSSP Chaplain Fr de Malleray:, or the FSSP Chaplaincy Secretary Mrs Rita Carroll:
Answering your needs:
Numbers on our first Sunday, for the feast of Christ the King, were encouraging, with 194 attending Holy Mass in Bedford (8:30am Mass only, since no 12:30pm Mass anymore); and 129 in Chesham Bois (at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church – no 8:00am Mass anymore). What is more, one third of the congregation are children and the other third or about are parents.
It has been a busy but grace-filled first week, with our first Sunday Masses, then the feast of All Saints in both churches (including an impressive 120 people at 7:30pm in Bedford, with numerous children), All Souls with three consecutive Masses of Requiem for the dead, and First Saturday.
On the feast of Christ the King, FSSP Chaplain Fr de Malleray said that families were the outposts of Christ’s kingdom, and encouraged them to be havens of peace where parents, children, and also visitors grow closer to Jesus through Mary and St Joseph. Father reminded people of the encyclical Quas Primas, published in 1925, which affirms that by right Christ must reign not only upon individuals but also upon institutions and nations. With prudence and charity, all Catholics should pray for such a salvific outcome.
On the feast of All Saints, the Chaplain suggested that the secret of saints is to keep focussed on God in everything they do, however menial, and to do it all for the love of God and neighbour. That way, even chores and trials are turned into worthy purification for oneself, and into brotherly intercession for others, friends and fiends alike, after the example of Christ.
Stain-glass window of saints at Chesham Bois Church
On the Commemoration of all the faithful departed (All Souls), the Chaplain asked all to pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, since they cannot hasten their entrance into everlasting bliss, but we can. This we do through our devout participation in the saving Sacrifice of Christ reenacted at Holy Mass, and through gaining indulgences when visiting a cemetery between 1 and 8 November to pray for the repose of any soul (and fulfilling the other usual conditions such as state of grace, Holy Communion that day and prayer to the perennial intentions of the Sovereign Pontiff).
All Souls with catafalque at Christ the King Church on 2 Nov 2023
On the First Saturday, Fr de Malleray explained how, when hanging on the Cross, Our Lord had entrusted us all to Our Lady as her spiritual progeny. Being our Mother through grace, she is never oblivious of our needs, or weary of our petitions. On the contrary, caring for us is her deepest joy as she anticipated even on her Annunciation, when she said Yes to Archangel Gabriel. Her Immaculate Heart represents her intercession to God on our behalf, almighty as per God’s very will and power.
Meeting our Parish Priests: On Friday 27 October, in the presence of the Dean of Bedford, Fr de Malleray and Fr Coelho attended the Mass of Installation of the new Parish Priest at Christ the King Church, Fr Richard Aladics who, like Fr de Malleray recently arrived from a northern diocese. Fr Aladics introduced the two priests to the congregation. Lay members of the FSSP Chaplaincy were in attendance. On Wednesday 1 November, the priests met with the Parish Priest of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church in Chesham Bois, Fr Roy Karakkattu, who welcomed them and said that the change of time from 8:30am to 12noon for the traditional Latin Mass would benefit the wider parish.
Fr Aladics PP cutting his “induction” cake.
Holy Mass times in Bedford:
Based on your feedback regarding weekday Mass times (Bedford), by agreement of Fr Richard Aladics PP, the following schedule is now in force:
Sun 8:30am
Mon 10:00am
Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri 8:00am
Sat 10:00am
(Bedford): Sat 11:00am to 12noon, and before and during every Mass when a second priest is available.
(Chesham Bois): Shortly before the Sunday 12noon Holy Mass, and during the Mass when a second priest is available.
CHRISTMAS: How many in your household would actually attend Midnight Mass at Christ the King if starting at midnight?
FINANCES: Thank you to at least 11 households who have now shifted their standing order from the Reading bank account to the newly created Bedford one. Kindly proceed with the change if you have not done so already, since two priests full time means ongoing expenses, which are not covered by Reading or by the diocese. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Sort code: 30-80-27
Lloyds Bank account number: 44025960
GIFTAID: Increase your donation to the FSSP Chaplaincy by 25% at no further expense to you. Ask Rita for a Gift Aid form, fill it in and hand it back to her. That will help us a lot.
MAILINGLIST: Please subscribe for free to the newly created Mailchimp list, now the official medium of information for the Northampton FSSP Chaplaincy. CLICK ON THIS LINK:
Or simply visit the Chaplaincy’s dedicated webpage via, or, and click to the right of the screen on “Subscribe to our Bedford and Chesham Bois bulletin”.
RETREAT: Places left on the Weekend of pre-Advent recollection preached by Fr de Malleray in the amazing setting of Stonyhurst, at Theodore House. Please visit this link to book for the event. “Why God became Man.“ Book NOW directly with Stonyhurst:
24-26 Nov 2023.
EF Holy Mass each day, talks by Fr de Malleray, adoration and confessions.
See you there!
ADVENT FAMILY GATHERING in Bedford: tell us today the preferred date for your household:
Sat 2 or Sat 9 December.
10:00am Holy Mass
11:00am Confessions and Eucharistic adoration for the intention families.
12noon-2pm: Picnic lunch in hall with stalls of books and devotional articles to buy as Christmas presents, while catting with priests and families.
2:00pm Spiritual Conference by Fr de Malleray on Why God became Man. Followed by Q&As. Simultaneously, talk for children and/or learning a few simple hymns.
On Sat 4 Nov, after 10am Confessions, 11am Mass of the Immaculate Heart of Mary with homily by Fr de Malleray, FSSP; at Christ the King Church, Harrowden Road, Bedford.
Greetings in Christ the King, whose feast we will celebrate this Sunday.
By now you may have heard that Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP was appointed full-time chaplain of the FSSP Gregorian Chaplaincy established several years ago in the Northampton Diocese, serving Bedford and Chesham Bois, starting on Sunday 29 October 2023. We thank Bishop David Oakley of Northampton and Fr Richard Aladics, P.P. for their continued support to our ongoing ministry in the Northampton Diocese.
Fr de Malleray takes over from Fr Phipps, FSSP and the other FSSP priests based in Reading. He is currently moving into a property in Bedford. You may recall that he offered Mass regularly in these two locations, as early as 2008, in 2015, and in Bedford in 2021, then travelling from Warrington. He is eager to meet again with you from this Sunday onward.
A MailChimp list will soon be advertised to share information.
Mrs Rita Carroll accepted to be the Secretary of the FSSP Gregorian Chaplaincy. She can be contacted at
Fr de Malleray can be contacted at his usual address:
Please note that this webpage ( is the official page of this apostolate.
SUPPORT: Please shift your standing order from the Reading account to the new Bedford & Chesham Bois Lloyd bank account:
Sort Code: 30-80-27
Account number: 44025960
Forthcoming events:
On Friday 27 October at 7pm, at Christ the King Church in Bedford, Fr de Malleray will attend the induction ceremony of Fr Richard Aladics as the new Parish Priest. All are welcome to attend.
Saturday 28 Oct3pm-5pm: Confessions at Christ the King Church, Bedford
Sunday 29 Oct, 8:30am: Holy Mass at Christ the King Church, Bedford (patronal feast of the parish according to the 1962 calendar). Please note: the 12:30pm Sunday Mass no longer takes place, as Fr de Malleray must travel to Chesham Bois instead.
Sunday 29 Oct, 12noon: Holy Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church in Chesham Bois. Please note: the 8:00am Sunday Mass no longer takes place. It is from now on postponed to 12noon, so as to allow time for Fr de Malleray to travel from Bedford.
Wednesday 1 Nov, 11:00am in Chesham Bois: All Saints (a holy day of obligation)
Wednesday 1 Nov, 7:30pm in Bedford: All Saints (a holy day of obligation)
Thursday 2 Nov, 11:15am in Bedford: All Souls: three consecutive Low Masses of Requiem (ending by 12:30pm)
To be confirmed: First Saturday Confessions and Holy Mass in Bedford on Sat 4 Nov, morning.
Let us pray for the spiritual fruit of this apostolate.
Click here to open the 20-page magazine or on the picture below.
In this issue:
Editorial: The Youth of Roman Traditions
Fr de Malleray reports on World Youth Day in Portugal last August with the Juventutem youth movement. A low-key presence but loaded with many graces, not least the protection of Our Lady of Fatima.
Juventutem Summer Weekend at Ampleforth
Tom Clovis, FSSP describes the successful annual Summer Weekend organised by Juventutem for 70 young adults in Ampleforth Abbey last July, boding well of next summer’s edition for the 20th anniversary of Juventutem.
Good News: Truth Can Be Known
A typed version of the talk by Conan McGonagle, FSSP on objective truth and how we can grasp it. Relativism influences us all. With St Thomas Aquinas, common sense is the best guide to use God’s creation fruitfully.
Priest Novelists: Evangelising through Fiction
The example of Cardinals Newman and Wiseman, among others, illustrates why some priests write novels to reach out to souls. Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP surveys the involvement of clerics in the literary apostolate.
First FSSP House in Ireland
Fr Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP rejoices as the Bishop of Waterford blesses the first permanent dwelling of the FSSP on the Emerald Isle in Waterford. A major encouragement in our Irish mission.
Novel The Island without Seasons
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP reviews a recent novel by a Romanian author and Tolkien expert. Hero Alexander Wills is sent on a quest for lost Atlantis, a warning to our modern age to have to learn from the past.
Support our Apostolate
Our ministry depends on the charity of our benefactors: parishioners, visitors and readers. Every little (and big) help enables us to do more and better across these Isles.Thank you for your generosity!