If you haven’t done so already please respond to the consultation by 5pm today. You may wish to do so using the link below as it only takes a few clicks! We need as many responses from the pro-life side as possible, particularly in the Manchester area. Please share the link!!
Manchester City Council has opened a consultation on a proposed censorship zone (PSPO) at Wynnstay Grove. If implemented the censorship zone would among other things criminalise:
Free speech
The offer of leaflets
You can respond to the consultation below! Please use this tool and share with like-minded people. The consultation closes on Friday 15th November!
Is God calling ME? Matrimony, celibacy, monastery, seminary, Fraternity?
If you are a single Catholic man between 18 and 29 years of age, come and discern with us at St Mary’s Priory & Church. Shrine Rector Fr de Malleray, FSSP will lead the Weekend, assisted by Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP and Deacon Roger Gilbride, FSSP. There will be talks, prayers (Divine Office in our beautiful church), Holy Mass and informal chatting with fellow guests. Possibility of private meetings with a priest, and of confession.
[No sign up sheet for the FSSP at the end of the Weekend!] Feel welcome confidentially to call, email or write for any questions. Residential, at St Mary’s Priory: 2 nights and 2 days. FREE for unwaged and students. Others: £60 per person in total.
COME & SEE. Please share the information with your friends!
BOOKINGS & CONTACT: [not via Facebook] malleray@fssp.org (read by Fr de Malleray only); 01925 635664 (Priory’s Landline).
We have currently six young men from England & Wales in formation at our two international seminaries. Three of our deacons from England were ordained priests at St Mary’s Warrington in the past two years by Archbishop McMahon, OP of Liverpool. Those were the first EF priestly ordinations by a diocesan bishop in England in fifty years.
In total, 45 young men were admitted into our two seminaries this autumn including 3 from England and Ireland.
We give thanks for 1 new priest from the UK ordained every year over the past 4 years, and more generally for 11 of them ordained over the past 16 years: Fr Konrad Loewenstein in 2002; Fr Brendan Gerard in 2006; Frs Matthew Goddard and William Barker in 2009; Fr Simon Harkins in 2010; Fr Matthew McCarthy in 2011; Fr Ian Verrier in 2015; Fr James Mawdsley in 2016; Frs Alex Stewart and Krzysztof Sanetra in 2017; Fr Seth Phipps last year.
“Restoring Manhood: Man as son of God, husband and father”
Led by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, the weekend is intended for any man aged 18 years or older, single or married.
The retreat will consist of conferences preached by Fr Armand, within a framework of prayer.
Holy Mass will be celebrated each day in the Extraordinary Form. The day’s structure will include Eucharistic adoration, rosary and Latin compline and Confession.
Make use of the Theodore House Oratory or St Peter’s church for private prayer.
Enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside with its network of footpaths.
Comfortable en-suite accommodation make Theodore House a fantastic retreat setting!
Timings Arrivals: from 3pm, Friday 29th November. Retreat commences with Mass at 6pm, followed by dinner at 7pm. Departures: after lunch, Sunday 1st December
Cost Full board and single room: £160 p.p. Full board and twin room: £110 p.p. A £50 deposit will be required upon booking.
In the brand new retreat centre in historic Jesuit college in Lancashire. Make use of the Theodore House Oratory or St Peter’s church for private prayer. Enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside with its network of footpaths. Comfortable en-suite accommodation make Theodore House a fantastic retreat setting!
• Clergy Retreat 27 April – 1st May 2020 • Arrival by 3pm on Monday 27th April 2020 • Departure 3pm on Friday 1st May 2020 • Theme: The priests and Holy Church: her sons and defenders. • Preached by : Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP • For: Any diocesan and religious clerics, including deacons and seminarians • Daily Mass (missal of your choice), Holy Hour and Latin Compline
Scope: Holy Church is under attack and her priests are undermined. Can we still profess the Church as holy and the priesthood as sacred? The traditional ecclesiology, spirituality and liturgy explain why the sins of her sons wound the Bride of Christ and yet do not mar her purity, neither invalidate their calling. After the example of the Sovereign High Priest Jesus Christ, today as ever, priestly sanctity is essential to the welfare of Holy Church.
Cost £320 in total (4 days full board single room with ensuite). BOOKINGS: send your £50 and/or full payment to:
About the preacher: For fifteen years Fr de Malleray has been giving clergy retreats at various venues in England and abroad. Based in the Liverpool Archdiocese, he is the author of ‘Ego Eimi – It is I: Falling in Eucharistic Love‘ [https://www.lumenfidei.ie/product/ego-eimi-it-is-i/]. His forthcoming book is on the sacred priesthood. He is the editor of the quarterly magazine Dowry, and general chaplain of the youth movement Juventutem and of the Confraternity of St Peter, an international prayer network for priestly vocations and ministry.
———————– In response to a priest’s enquiry: the retreat is not aimed at promoting the Extraordinary Liturgy in Latin. Fr de Malleray gives retreats to clergy every year. Their purpose is spiritual input for fellow priests, regardless of what form of the Mass they offer. In fact, most participants are diocesan clergy who say only or mostly the Ordinary Form of the Mass.
The themes are diverse: Year of Mercy, Year for Priests, The Priest and Our Lady, The Priest and Martyrdom, The Priest and the Eucharist.
ADVENT RECOLLECTION for the laity at Douai Abbey, Berks.: 20-22 December 2019 ——————————— Starts Friday 20 December 2019 with EF Holy Mass at 6PM, followed by 7PM Supper (arrival from 4PM). Ends Sunday 22 December 2019 at 3PM after lunch and last conference. ——————————— Led by Frs Armand de Malleray, FSSP & Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP on the theme: “Our Holy Mother the Church”.
——————————— Costs: £141.60 for single room with en-suite full board; £108.00 for shared room.
The price above is integrally to meet the costs of Douai Abbey on whose behalf we coordinate the bookings. Please budget an added £10 per person (suggested) to hand to us while at the Abbey for the costs incurred by our Fraternity to organise and give the retreat. ——————————— Location: Douai Abbey, Upper Woolhampton, Reading RG7 5TQ, Berkshire, England. ——————————— Booking: ATTENTION: Please DO NOT book directly with Douai Abbey. Instead, please send any booking correspondence and fees to us at: ‘Advent Retreat 2019, St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading RG1 2NS, Berkshire, England’. Preferably pay by direct bank transfer to our FSSP England bank account: Bank Name: Lloyds Bank Sort Code: 30-93-04 Account number: 02027225 Account name: FSSP England
Alternatively, include in your booking form a cheque in British Pounds payable to ‘FSSP England’ for either the full amount, or for a non refundable £30.00 deposit per person.
Please pray for the students and staff of Regina Caeli UK, which starts its first semester on Monday next. The photo is from Thursday’s ‘settling in’ morning!
The Academy is a centre for home educators operating in the Catholic tradition, with pastoral support from the FSSP.