United Kingdom and Ireland


March 13, 2024

Summer Camps 2024

This year’s summer camps will once again take place at Savio House in Bollington, near Macclesfield.

The St Peter’s Summer Camp for Boys will be 5-10 August. The St Petronilla’s Summer Camp for Girls will be 12-17 August.

Booking forms will be available soon.

March 1, 2024

Pope Francis encourages FSSP


Audience with Pope Francis


Official communiqué of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter – Fribourg, March 1st, 2024.

Following a request from the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter, Pope Francis invited Fr. Andrzej Komorowski, Superior General of the FSSP, to meet with him. He received him in private audience at the Vatican on Thursday, February 29, 2024, accompanied by Fr. Benoît Paul-Joseph, Superior of the District of France, and Fr. Vincent Ribeton, Rector of St. Peter’s Seminary in Wigratzbad.

The meeting was an opportunity for them to express their deep gratitude to the Holy Father for the decree of February 11, 2022, by which the Pope confirmed the liturgical specificity of the Fraternity of St. Peter, but also to share with him the difficulties encountered in its application. The Pope was very understanding and invited the Fraternity of St. Peter to continue to build up ecclesial communion ever more fully through its own proper charism. Fr. Komorowski informed the Holy Father that the decree of February 11, 2022 had been given on the very day of the Fraternity of St. Peter’s consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, on the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. The Holy Father hailed this coincidence as a providential sign.

Source : www.fssp.org
Photos : © Vatican Media

The papal decree signed on 11 February 2022 (pictures of the original here)


Decree of Pope Francis confirming the use of the 1962 liturgical books


[Original: Latin and Spanish]

The Holy Father Francis, grants to each and every member of the Society of Apostolic Life “Fraternity of Saint Peter”, founded on July 18, 1988 and declared of “Pontifical Right” by the Holy See, the faculty to celebrate the sacrifice of the Mass, and to carry out the sacraments and other sacred rites, as well as to fulfill the Divine Office, according to the typical editions of the liturgical books, namely the Missal, the Ritual, the Pontifical and the Roman Breviary, in force in the year 1962.

They may use this faculty in their own churches or oratories; otherwise it may only be used with the consent of the Ordinary of the place, except for the celebration of private Masses.

Without prejudice to what has been said above, the Holy Father suggests that, as far as possible, the provisions of the motu proprio Traditionis Custodes be taken into account as well.

Given in Rome, near St. Peter’s, on February 11, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, in the year 2022, the ninth year of my Pontificate.


January 20, 2024

Reading Bulletin, 21 January

The latest edition of the St John Fisher Parish bulletin is now available here.

  • Urgent Action Item: respond to the government’s consultation on buffer zones (see more details here)
  • Funeral of Mary Carey, who died 11th January, on Thurs. 25th Jan at 1pm at St William’s.
  • Juventutem 25th Jan; St Bruno Men’s Group Thurs. 1 Feb.
  • First Thursday Adoration for Priests
  • Candlemas 2nd Feb.
December 8, 2023

Rorate Mass and Sunday bulletin

Remember this Saturday, 9 December, at 7am is the Rorate Mass.

This is followed by breakfast, and an Advent Recollection:

c.8.30-9.30am Breakfast

9.30 First Spiritual Conference

10.15 Second Spiritual Conference

10.45 Solemn Exposition with Litany of Loreto and Rosary

11.45 Benediction.

Here is the latest Reading Bulletin, including details of Christmas Masses.

December 7, 2023

Dowry No60 Winter issue now online

In this issue: [click here to open the magazine]

November 24, 2023

Advent Begins! Reading Bulletin 26 Nov – 9 Dec

Here is the latest edition of the Reading bulletin. Some highlights:

  • Adoration until Midnight to prepare for Advent, Friday 1 December
  • Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Sung Mass, Friday 8 December 7pm.
  • Rorate Mass at 7am on Saturday 9 December, followed by Advent Recollection
  • Prayer for priests before the Blessed Sacrament, every first Thursday of the month.