United Kingdom and Ireland


July 7, 2018

Tradition, Civilisation, Limitless Help–Summer Camp for Girls

There are ten places remaining for girls aged 10 – 17 years-old on Summer Camp St Petronilla this August 13-18. The venue is the Salesian Savio House in the Peak District. If you would like to know more about the camp or to request a booking form, please email us here. (The Boys’ Camp is full.) FLICKR albums from previous years’ camps can be viewed here: Girls 2017;  Boys 2017; Girls 2016; Boys 2016.


The Source of Civilisation
From Jesus “all that remains good in the world–even a half pagan world–takes its rise. All that remains of good civilisation comes from the Cross, from the Heart and Blood of the Redeemer, and on this account it is still a Christian civilisation. The Redeemer Himself has told us what should be the fruit of all His work of Redemption–the continuation of that Redemption itself. Don Bosco says to you today: ‘Live the Christian life as we have lived it and taught it.’ Don Bosco’s love of the Redeemer became love of the souls which He has redeemed at the price His Precious Blood, and he points out to you the great and powerful help on which you must count to carry out that love of Christ which translates itself into love of souls. Mary, Help of Christians, is your inheritance. One of the most precious fruits of the Redemption is the Motherhood of Mary. It is the Divine Redeemer Who has given us Mary as our universal Mother. Here is a help which has no limitations to its power–Mary, our Mother, who desires nothing more than to lend her aid to the good works which we desire to do for the glory of God and the good of souls.” (Pope Pius XI at the canonisation of St John Bosco in 1934, quoted from Saint John Bosco, Seeker of Souls by F.A.Forbes (1935), page 160.)
For more from the patrons of this year’s Summer Camps, see herehere and here.

June 26, 2018

Juventutem Meeting in Reading

Next Thursday 28thJune at 7pm

in St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading, RG1 5RU



Starting with Holy Mass, followed by pizza and brief spiritual talk.

Juventutem is an international movement of young Catholic (ages 18 to 36) who are devoted to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. Its aim is to foster and strengthen relationships between young people at a national and international level, and to encourage and assist them in developing their faith.

June 16, 2018


1) Transubstantiation;
2) Concomitance; 
3) Fragments; 
4) Presence.

on https://vimeo.com/livemass.

Thank you for your interest for this important topic of our faith.
This series of conferences (each of them about 45 minutes) was offered by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP at St Mary’s Shrine Church in Warrington on 11-14 June 2018, and was advertised by the Liverpool Archdiocese in June 2018, in preparation for Adoremus, the National Eucharistic Congress in Liverpool (7-9 Sept. 2018).
The texts of the conferences were approved for publication on 5 June 2018 by Fr John Berg, Superior General FSSP.

Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP preached on the Holy Eucharist at the International Eucharistic Congresses in Quebec (2008) and Dublin (2012) and wrote several articles on the same topic in Dowry, the quarterly magazine of the FSSP in the UK & Ireland (https://fssp.co.uk/category/dowry/). He preaches retreats every year to the laity and to clergy as part of his ministry in the UK and as General Chaplain to the Juventutem International Federation (juventutem.org) and to the Confraternity of St Peter (https://www.fssp.org/…/help-us/confraternity-of-saint-peter/).

June 14, 2018

Last Eucharistic Conference of Four

Fourth and last live Eucharistic conference this evening at 7pm 

Eucharistic Conferences 11-14 June ‘Ego Eimi – It is I’ (John 6:51)
A series of conferences on the Most Holy Eucharist by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, at St Mary’s Shrine Church in Warrington, England, in preparation for the National Eucharistic Congress in Liverpool (7-9 Sept. 2018).

Each 40-min conference starts at 7:00pm GMT (after extra 6:00mm Mass) and will be broadcasted live on LiveMass.net, and on demand on https://vimeo.com/livemass.

• Monday 11 June: Transubstantiation: how the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ occur under the externals of bread and wine. Watch it here https://vimeo.com/274553225
• Tuesday 12 June: Concomitance: how Christ’s Blood also is in the Host, and His Body also in the Chalice. W
atch it here: https://vimeo.com/274752427  
• Wednesday 13 June: Fragments: why each of them is Christ, and how to treasure them. Watch it here: https://vimeo.com/livemass
• Thursday 14 June: Presence: how God’s presence is supreme in the Holy Eucharist. Watch it here https://vimeo.com/livemass


This series of conferences was advertised by the Liverpool Archdiocese in preparation for Adoremus, the national Eucharistic Congress.
The texts of the conferences were approved for publication by Fr John Berg, Superior General FSSP.
June 7, 2018

Corpus Christi global

On Thursday, May 31st and Sunday, June 3rd (external feast), FSSP parishes across the District celebrated the feast of Corpus Christi, the ceremonies of which include a majestic outdoor procession with the Blessed Sacrament enthroned in the monstrance. This procession often involves halting for Benediction at several prepared altars, or “stations”, placed at intervals on the procession route. Sometimes the path is strewn with petals, and sometimes it is decorated with astounding artwork created with flowers or, as in the case of FSSP Dayton (see below), colorfully dyed wood chips. We took a virtual tour of the ceremonies, and we share with you below the beautiful things we found. Click on a picture in the gallery to see where it is from.

June 6, 2018

Priestly Ordination this Saturday in Warrington

All are welcome to attend the ordination to the
sacred priesthood 
of Rev Mr Seth Phipps, FSSP
by the Archbishop of Liverpool Malcolm McMahon, OP 
11am on Saturday 9 June, Feast of the Most Pure Heart of Mary
at St Mary’s Shrine, Smith St, Warrington, WA1 2NS
(click here for more details)

Fr Phipps will be celebrating his first Mass at
11am on Sunday 10 June at St Mary’s Shrine, Warrington
and the following week will celebrate Mass at
11am on Sunday 17 June at St William of York Church, Reading
 bestowing first blessings after each Mass.