We are very pleased to announce that we are increasing the number of Sung Masses at Bedford!
You might recall that a few weeks ago Matthew Schellhorn kindly sang and played the organ at our 8.30 Mass. The FSSP is pleased to announce that he has accepted the invitation to sing and play on two Sundays a month outside of July and August.
Matthew has been involved in Sacred Music for all of his life. From 2013–15 he was the first Director of Music for the International Federation Una Voce, during which time he served as Moderator of the Sacred Music Sub-Committee. More recently, between 2017–18 he was Associate Director of Music at St Dominic’s Priory, Haverstock Hill, and continues as Director of Music for the celebrations according to the 1962 Missal at St Anne Line, South Woodford. Since 2015 he has been Director of Music for London of the Latin Mass Society, where in that capacity and with his professional group Cantus Magnus he provides the music for the monthly Masses organised by Juventutem London and for the Sacred Triduum held at St Mary Moorfields, London. His other work includes giving recitals and recording as a pianist, examining for ABRSM, and teaching in Cambridge where is a member of the Faculty of Music. He currently lives in London with his wife, Benna, and their two sons, Ferdinand and Caspar.
Matthew’s involvement with us will be to play the organ and sing on the third Sunday of each month plus one additional Sunday. The dates of those additional Sundays will be chosen with an eye to important celebrations such as the feast of Christ the King and the annual November Requiem for war dead. Our schola, led by Katherine Smith, will continue to sing on First Sundays.
As we look forward to welcoming Matthew, our thanks goes to Katherine and our schola for their ongoing commitment and hard work. After the week before last, they can now pride themselves in saying that they have sung a Pontifical Mass!
Over time Matthew hopes to get to know Christ the King’s parishioners and explore how his musical contribution to the life of our apostolate in Bedford can organically grow and develop.
Pentecost Sunday saw a record attendance – 82 people came to the Old Rite Mass at 8:30am. This represents a 400% increase in less than three short years, showing the significant demand for Mass in the Extraordinary Form. We also had a very gracious letter from Bishop Doyle, where he said “It was a joy to celebrate the Masses, including the Mass in the Extraordinary Form,and to meet so many members of the parish.”
We are truly grateful for all Bishop Doyle’s support and for that of Fr. Patrick Hutton and of course all the priests of the Fraternity of St. Peter.
Watch this space; another very exciting development will be announced shortly!
During his pastoral visit to Christ the King, Bedford, on the weekend of 12 – 13 May, Bishop Peter Doyle of Northampton was called upon to go the extra mile. He was due to preach at the Latin Mass, but at the last minute, due to unforeseen circumstances, he not only gave the homily, but celebrated the Mass as well.
He told us afterwards that it was the first time he had celebrated in the Extraordinary Form. Bishop Doyle’s Latin proved to be excellent, and with guidance from Fr Goddard, all went smoothly and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was duly and properly offered.
We are very grateful to both Bishop Doyle and Fr Goddard for adapting so readily to the situation and so enabling the Mass to take place.
We have a fantastic evening planned for Friday 6 July under the auspices of the Social Committee at Christ the King. Mick Wooldridge, the husband of one of our congregation, is a barn dance caller and has very kindly offered his services free of charge. Mick also plays the saxophone and will be playing between dances while we catch our breath!
Bring your own food, but there will be a bar, raffle and barn dance costume fancy dress competition. All for a very reasonable £5 for adults and £3 for children. After expenses, the proceeds will be divided equally between the parish and the FSSP. Mary Wooldridge has tickets available in the hall on Sunday mornings. The parish contact is Sue Anstead, 01234 965497.
As Sung Latin Mass at Christ the King, Bedford, is normally on the first Sunday of the month, the congregation on Sunday 22 April were expecting a Low Mass, but they got a pleasant surprise. Matthew Schellhorn, a professional musician well known in Traditional musical circles, was in the Bedford area over the weekend and had asked if he could sing the Mass. Fr James Mawdsley, FSSP, the celebrant, readily agreed!
Matthew both played the organ and sang the Mass on his own. The music, combined with the liturgy going on simultaneously downstairs in the sanctuary, combined to lift all the senses heavenward.
Every Mass should be sung; Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger said more than thirty years ago, “Wherever man praises God, the word alone does not suffice”. A Sung Mass is not possible at Bedford every Sunday, but Matthew has kindly agreed to return to Bedford to sing the Mass on Trinity Sunday, 27 May. Between now and then, the newly formed schola will sing the Mass on Sunday 13 May to coincide with the visit of the Bishop of Northampton.
The car park was packed and there was an excited buzz in the church hall at Christ the King, Bedford, on Saturday 21 April, the day of the long awaited visit of a representative from the American organisation Regina Caeli Academy, which provides classical hybrid education in the Catholic Tradition. Many home schooling families came along – one from near Norwich – and it was lovely to see such an age range, including several unborn!
There was great interest in, and enthusiasm for, what Regina Caeli can offer, including alternative examinations to GCSEs and ‘A’ levels, but which are still accepted by British universities.
It is, of course, early days yet, and a lot of prayer and planning stands between now and the realisation of the dream. We will keep you updated on developments as they unfold.