Fr Homolya has been appointed to be Assistant Priest at St Mary’s, replacing Fr Evans, who has been sent by our superiors to undertake further studies. Fr Homolya’s SolemnFirst Massat St Mary’s will be on Sunday 4 August at 11am. The Apostolic Penitentiary, by mandate of Pope Francis, grants a plenary indulgence to those who faithfully assist at this Mass.
PARISHES OF BLESSED JAMES BELL, AND SACRED HEART & ST ALBAN CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION through Warrington town centre Sun 2 Jun, beginning at 2pm at St Mary’s, ending with Benediction at St Alban’s (Bewsey Street)
The garden of the Priory will be available to use, for those who’d like to stay on after the 11am Mass to eat their own picnic lunches, prior to the Procession!
…to Bronagh, Cecily, David and Jessica, who will receive their First Holy Communion at the 11am Mass on Sun 2 Jun.
“If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.”
The Feast of the Ascension of Our Lord is a holy day of obligation in the UK, when all Catholics are obliged to assist at Holy Mass, as well as “to abstain from those works and affairs which hinder the worship to be rendered to God, the joy proper to the Lord’s day, or the suitable relaxation of mind and body”, unless “family needs or important social service” so require.
GIFT AID ENVELOPES for the new tax year are now available to collect from the narthex.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please consider increasing your regular donations by Gift Aid. You can increase the value of your donation by 25% at no extra cost or inconvenience to yourself. Either pick up a ‘one-off’ envelope from the church porch, or contact the office if you’d like to start using the numbered envelopes for your weekly giving.
…to our very own St Mary’s Shrine football team, who convincingly beat St Joseph’s Men’s Group from Bolton at their match on Easter Monday!
N.B. Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence. All Catholics aged 18-59 inclusive are obliged to fast (one meal & two small snacks permitted); and, as usual on Fridays, all Catholics aged 14+ must abstain from meat.
Maundy Thursday: at the singing of Tantum ergo after the Procession;
Good Friday: by adoring and kissing the Cross at the Solemn Liturgy;
Holy Saturday: by joining with renewal of baptismal promises at the Vigil.
Thank you…
…to the children from our shrine community, who raised £315.21 at their home-made cakes and crafts sale on Lætare Sunday! The proceeds will be split between the Life charity and towards funding the completion of Priory Court. (See photos here.)
…to our seminarian, Péter Uhel, who has been with us on pastoral placement for the past six months. He leaves us on Easter Monday to return to his seminary formation at the FSSP’s European seminary in Wigratzbad. We thank him and assure him of our continued prayers.
Following on his private audience two years earlier, Pope Francis met again with FSSP superiors last 29 February. No particular decision was made but benevolence was shown, a comforting gesture for those attached to the Roman traditions of the Church, comments Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP.
A Fresh Look at Courtship
Since most marriages nowadays end up in divorce, and whereas young Catholics have fewer opportunities to meet like-minded souls, a young Catholic layman (attending Juventutem events and recently married) finds wisdom in the traditional way of courtship.
Two Young Women Love Sacred Art
Young convert Rachel Moberly paints sacred pictures to evangelise, and one-of-twelve cradle Catholic Francesca Stevens seeks traditional artistic formation abroad after failed attempts in the UK. Their artistic involvement can inspire other Catholics young and old.
Evangelising Britain in the Digital Age
Webmaster Robert Sławik introduces the website This new tool for evangelisation provides easy access to a wealth of articles about faith, spirituality, family matters and education, liturgy, vocations, history, sacred art and literature published in the magazine Dowry since 2008.
The Spiritual Meaning of Making Altar Bread
A nun in formation at the Cistercian monastery of Valley of Our Lady in America reflects on the process of baking hosts for holy Mass, one of the manual tasks performed by her community. She sees in it a spiritual comparison illustrating her life hidden with Christ.
Picasso’s Guernica or, This Is Not A Corrida
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP suggests a different title for Pablo Picasso’s famous war painting. Started months before the Basque town was bombed, the picture was subsequently given a title that changed its meaning without substantially altering its composition, though.
Priory Campaign Appeal Update
Rector of Warrington Shrine Fr Matthew Goddard, FSSP explains how the long-awaited completion of the conversion work will provide a versatile hall next to the beautiful Pugin church. Costs rise lead to a final appeal to the generosity of anyone wishing to support this growing traditional apostolate.