August 3, 2019
Click here to open this bulletin as pdf.
4th August 2019 Fortnightly
www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664
Watch our Mass daily on http://livemass.net/
Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter
by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool
Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org
Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org
Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day – including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass, and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am
Eucharistic Adoration: Sat 10:00am-12 noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm; most Thurs afternoon after school
Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. + 12noon Angelus
Sung Compline: Sunday 7:15pm, Wednesday 9:15pm
Stations of the Cross: Mon, Fri 1:00pm
Men’s group: Every Wed 7:00pm Mass + Talk & Compline
Mothers’ Prayer group: Wed 1:00pm
Adults Catechesis: Most Sat 6pm with Fr Loewenstein
Family School: Most Thursdays 1pm-3:30pm. Contact Alison Kahn 01925 727759.
Choir: Every Thur & Sun. Contact Fr Verrier for an audition if you would like to join our choir – including Junior choir.
Young Adults & Professionals 18-35: Monthly Sat walk and/or talk: www.facebook.com/juventutem.warrington/
Divine Mercy group: every second Tuesday 1:00pm
Pro-life group: Last Sat 10:15am: p.boyle400@btinternet.com
SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964
Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Church cleaning: please given an hour of your time each week to keep St Mary’s fit for divine worship. Contact Jeff Hall: jeffreyhall001@hotmail.com
Addicts to drugs, alcohol: help available with high success rate. Free. Confidential phone contact: 07916578902.
☞To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. If no server, please hold the Communion plate against your throat. Thank you in advance.
☞ Printed Mass sheets: please don’t bin them, as we will use them next year. Leave them in church Porch.
☞ Modesty in church: please cover your bodies at least down to elbows and below knees; no tight or see-through garments.
☞ Did you know? St Mary’s Shrine costs £1,444/week to run and maintain. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. |
Life Matters at St Mary’s: On July 18th last, MPs at Westminster voted to impose abortion upon Northern Ireland. St. Mary’s Pro life group have composed a letter to the new PM, Boris Johnson,on your behalf to voice our opposition to this vicious attack against democracy and life. The letter will be ready this Sunday before 11.00am Mass for you to sign and print your address. Please pick a letter up from the assigned person as you go into Mass and return it to him/her after Mass.
12 FSSP priests & seminarians this weekend at St Mary’s Priory. Many thanks to all those who helped with food and further logistics. We welcome among many others Fr Seth Phipps, ordained at St Mary’s last year; Deacon Gilbride who was with us for Christmas 2017; Miklos, one of our UK-born vocations, Nick, Brian and more. Please pray for them and more.
Prayer for Vocations: Congratulations to Paul, Debra, Damian, Julie and Paul, from Plymouth, Manchester and Merseyside, who will be enrolled in our international prayer network, the Confraternity of St Peter, next 6th August on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. Like them, make your prayer for vocations more efficient through https://www.fssp.org/en/confraternite.htm, and have 460 FSSP clerics + 6,500 Confraternity members include you in their daily prayers.
Our weekly MEN’S GROUP (18+) clearly meets an aspiration from men. We like getting together as men, whether married or single, with no concern about being seen as Catholics. Some travel over an hour. The age range is telling: 20 to 80! In addition to Holy Mass, doctrine and Compline, male camaraderie plays an important role as we chat with a drink. The group is under the protection of St Joseph, a wonderful model for all men. Bring your friends along next Wednesday, 7pm!
Pilgrimage to Ladyewell Sat 10th Aug 10am-4pm: please register interest now with Elaine to assess coach size: 01925 382 458, with traditional Latin Mass at Ladyewell. Coach departs from St Mary’s at 10am. All welcome to the Lancashire Marian Shrine!
Special Assumption celebrations: All-night vigil for all starting on Wednesday 14th August at 9:00pm (after Men’s Group), ending at 6:30am;
alternating Stations of the Cross, Holy Rosary and silent adoration.
Tea/coffee breaks at will in Cloister.

Put your name down on Vigil Sheet in Narthex to ensure the Lord is never left without adorers.
Church car park and street gates open all night.
At 6:30am, Low Mass of the Assumption. 12:10pm Low Mass and 7:00pm Sung Mass.
Please note that every able Catholic must attend Holy Mass on the Assumption under penalty of grave sin: ask your priest in advance if unsure.
Congratulations to Edward, a young man from our congregation who started a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela on the feast of St James. Please pray for him.
Summer Camps this fortnight: please pray for the success of our Catholic holidays involving 70 children, clergy and lay staff. Like last year, it takes place at Savio House near Macclesfield in the Peak District. See pictures on our albums here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/138056205@N08/albums.
Juventutem Young Adults & Professionals: Sat 31st August: trek with Fr Verrier, FSSP.
Thank you for your prayers for the Juventutem Weekend at Douai Abbey, which was attended by 25 young adults, led by Frs de Malleray and O’Donohue. See pictures here https://www.facebook.com/londonjuventutem/posts/2274927409278633

Letting ads by parishioners:
- Lodger wanted ca. £350 a month, including bills, 10 miles from St Marys.
- Very large Four-bed end terraced house, Partington, M31 4FU, newly refurbished; four bed house. Immaculate condition. £ 675 p.c.m. 8 ½ miles from St Mary’s. Contact: 07916578902 or marycjones42@yahoo.co.uk.
Holy Mass Intentions:
Sun 4 |
8th Sunday after Pentecost
(Music collection) |
6:00pm |
Margaret Farrall
Christopher Stevens RIP |
Mon 5 |
Our Lady of the Snows
Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Billy Dawes RIP |
Tue 6 |
Transfiguration of the Lord 2nd Class |
12:10pm |
Deacon Gary May |
Wed 7 |
St. Cajetan, Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm
Men’s group: Mass, Talk, Q’s & A’s, Compline |
7.00pm |
Gordon Davies RIP
Celebrant’s Intention |
Thu 8 |
St. John Mary Vianney |
12:10pm |
Tara McSorley |
Fri 9 |
Vigil of St. Lawrence
Stations of the Cross after Mass |
12:10 pm |
Fr. Andrew Robinson |
Sat 10 |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
St. Lawrence |
10.00 am
12:10pm |
Fr. Barrie O’Toole |
Sun 11 |
9th Sunday after Pentecost |
6:00pm |
Fam. Leslie Jones
Thomas Wood |
Mon 12 |
St. Clare
Stations of the Cross for Priests after Mass |
12:10 |
Rosemary & Michael McSorley, & Carer |
Tue 13 |
Sts. Hippolytus and Cassian, Martyrs, commem |
12:10pm |
Health of a Lady |
Wed 14
Vigil of the Assumption Mothers’Prayer Group 1pm
Men’s group: Mass, Talk,Q’s & A’s.
All-night Vigil 9pm-6:30am |
7:00 pm
Aileen Power
Celebrant’s Intention
Thu 15 |
The Assumption of the B.V.M.
1st Class feast, Holy Day of Obligation |
7: 00 pm |
Celebrant’s intention
Protection of Unborn
Charles Lathom |
Fri 16 |
St. Joachim, Father of the B.V.M.
Stations of the Cross after Mass |
12:10pm |
Monica Faulkner |
Sat 17 |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
St. Hyacinth |
12:10pm |
The Family
Freedom from political evil |
Sun 18 |
10th Sunday after Pentecost |
11:00am 6pm |
Anne Norris RIP
Triumph of Traditional Catholicism |
by Fr AM
July 31, 2019
Our weekly MEN’S GROUP (any man 18+, including non Catholics) at St Mary’s Shrine Church, Warrington WA1 2NS.
Talk by Fr de Malleray this evening on : ‘Why every knee must bow before Jesus.’

We started in June 2019 with a dozen; a fortnight ago there were 17; last Wednesday we were 20 (clergy included). This group clearly meets an aspiration from men. We like getting together as men, whether married or single, with no concern about being seen as Catholics. Some travelled from Sheffield and Manchester. The age range is telling: 20 to 80!
In addition to Holy Mass, doctrine and Compline, male camaraderie plays an important role as we chat with a drink. The group is under the protection of St Joseph, a wonderful model for all men.
Bring your friends along next Wednesday, 7pm!
7:00pm Low Mass
7:35pm Silent thanksgiving up to 7:55pm
7:45pm Chat and drinks
8:00pm Talk by priest on doctrine & spirituality
8:30pm Questions & Answers
9:05pm Novena to St Joseph
9:15pm Compline
9:30pm End
Although men like to stay for the whole schedule, if on occasions you cannot do so, feel welcome to arrive later or depart earlier.
by Fr AM
July 24, 2019
One space has now become available on the Summer Camp for Boys.
by Fr PD
July 23, 2019
Our weekly MEN’S GROUP (any man 18+, including non Catholics)
Talk by Fr de Malleray on : Why humans seek God.

We started in June 2019 with a dozen; a fortnight ago there were 17; last Wednesday we were 20 (clergy included). This group clearly meets an aspiration from men. We like getting together as men, whether married or single, with no concern about being seen as Catholics. Some travelled from Sheffield and Manchester. The age range is telling: 20 to 80!
In addition to Holy Mass, doctrine and Compline, male camaraderie plays an important role as we chat with a drink. The group is under the protection of St Joseph, a wonderful model for all men.
Bring your friends along next Wednesday, 7pm!
7:00pm Low Mass
7:35pm Silent thanksgiving up to 7:55pm
7:45pm Chat and drinks
8:00pm Talk by priest on doctrine & spirituality
8:30pm Questions & Answers
9:05pm Novena to St Joseph
9:15pm Compline
9:30pm End
Although men like to stay for the whole schedule, if on occasions you cannot do so, feel welcome to arrive later or depart earlier.
by Fr AM
July 18, 2019
Click here to open this bulletin as pdf.
21st July 2019 Fortnightly
www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664
Watch our Mass daily on http://livemass.net/
Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter
by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool

Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org
Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org
Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day – including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass, and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am
Eucharistic Adoration: Sat 10:00am-12 noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm; most Thurs afternoon after school
Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. + 12noon Angelus
Sung Compline: Sunday 7:15pm, Wednesday 9:15pm
Stations of the Cross: Mon, Fri 1:00pm
Men’s group: Every Wed 7:00pm Mass + Talk & Compline
Mothers’ Prayer group: Wed 1:00pm
Adults Catechesis: Most Sat 6pm with Fr Loewenstein
Family School: Most Thursdays 1pm-3:30pm. Contact Alison Kahn 01925 727759.
Choir: Every Thur & Sun. Contact Fr Verrier for an audition if you would like to join our choir – including Junior choir.
Young Adults & Professionals 18-35: Monthly Sat walk and/or talk: www.facebook.com/juventutem.warrington/
Divine Mercy group: every second Tuesday 1:00pm
Pro-life group: Last Sat 10:15am: p.boyle400@btinternet.com
SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964
Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Church cleaning: please given an hour of your time each week to keep St Mary’s fit for divine worship. Contact Jeff Hall: jeffreyhall001@hotmail.com
Addicts to drugs, alcohol: help available with high success rate. Free. Confidential phone contact: 07916578902.
☞To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. If no server, please hold the Communion plate against your throat. Thank you in advance.
☞ Printed Mass sheets: please don’t bin them, as we will use them next year. Leave them in church Porch.
☞ Modesty in church: please cover your bodies at least down to elbows and below knees; no tight or see-through garments.
☞ Did you know? St Mary’s Shrine costs £1,444/week to run and maintain. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. |
Now 20! Our weekly MEN’S GROUP (18+) started a month ago with a dozen; a fortnight ago there were 17; last Wednesday we were 20 (clergy included). This group clearly meets an aspiration from men. We like getting together as men, whether married or single, with no concern about being seen as Catholics. Some travelled from Sheffield and Manchester. The age range is telling: 20 to 80! In addition to Holy Mass, doctrine and Compline, male camaraderie plays an important role as we chat with a drink. The group is under the protection of St Joseph, a wonderful model for all men. Bring your friends along next Wednesday, 7pm!
Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP wrote about the 8 Confirmed last 4th July: ‘Last night’s Sacrament of Confirmation [was] a wonderful celebration. I was impressed by the enthusiasm and joy of the candidates and, indeed, of the congregation. I know a great deal of encouragement and preparation lies behind such occasions and I ask you to thank all those involved in the journey taken by the confirmands.’
Bring back ELGAR! Fr Verrier is in France as chaplain to our musical colony near Lourdes, with our seminarian Gwilym and 60 French children. To any musical children in the UK, don’t leave poor Edward Elgar in exile in France: register interest now to start this musical colony in England soon. Watch the musical colony’s short video performing Elgar’s Ave Verum here: https://youtu.be/miGz42HdKyk
Pilgrimage to Ladyewell Sat 10th Aug 10am-4pm: please register interest now with Elaine to assess coach size: 01925 382 458. Already 42 booked in. Fr Andrew Jolly will offer a traditional Latin Mass at Ladyewell. Coach departs from St Mary’s at 10am. All welcome to the Lancashire Marian Shrine!
Congratulations to a dozen parishioners who received the Brown Scapular on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, last 16th July (cf picture).

GIRL BOOKINGS WANTED for Summer Camps 2019 aged 10-13 & 14-17 in Macclesfield SK10 5RW: Girls 12-17 Aug. Contact Priest: odonohue@fssp.org
Juventutem Young Adults & Professionals: Sat 31st August: trek with Fr Verrier, FSSP.
Pray for spiritual fruit for our young adults on a Youth Weekend at Douai Abbey, Berks 19-21 July 2019. Becoming Saints in an Anti-Christian World, with Frs de Malleray and O’Donohue.
Letting ads by parishioners:
- Lodger wanted ca. £350 a month, including bills, 10 miles from St Marys.
- Very large Four-bed end terraced house, Partington, M31 4FU, newly refurbished; four bed house. Immaculate condition. £ 675 p.c.m. 8 ½ miles from St Mary’s. Contact: 07916578902 or marycjones42@yahoo.co.uk.
3 Eucharistic conferences:
Sun 21 |
6th Sunday after Pentecost |
11:00am 6:00pm |
Catherine Nelson
Fr. Gerard Byrne |
Mon 22 |
S Mary Magdalen Penitent
Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Mary Louise McCartney 1st anniv |
Tue 23 |
S Apollinaris B & M |
12:10pm |
Conversion of sinners |
Wed 24
St Christina Virgin & Martyr (Comm)
Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm
Men’s Group: 7pm Mass, Talk, Q&A’s, Compline |
7:00pm |
Clair Munn
Celebrant’s intention |
Thu 25 |
S James, Apostle |
12:10pm |
Maureen RIP |
Fri 26 |
S Anne, Mother of the Bl. Virgin Mary
Stations of the Cross after Mass |
12:10 pm |
Jacob Jones |
Sat 27 |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Our Lady’s Saturday |
10.00 am
12:10pm |
Kirby Brodie |
Sun 28 |
7th Sunday after Pentecost |
6:00pm |
Christopher Stevens RIP
Leigh O’Connor |
Mon 29 |
S Martha Virgin
Stations of the Cross for Priests after Mass |
12:10pm |
Lucy & Adrian Porter & Family |
Tue 30 |
feria |
12:10pm |
Joseph Parkinson |
Wed 31 |
S Ignatius Loyola
Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm
Men’s Group: 7pm Mass, Talk, Q&A’s, Compline |
7:00pm |
Olive de Courcy
Celebrant’s intention |
Thu 1 |
S Peter in Chains, 3rd class FSSP |
12:10pm |
Christopher Stevens RIP |
Fri 2 |
Sacred Heart 1st Friday Mass (S Alphonsus Liguori)Stations of the Cross after Mass
Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration with
Sacred Heart Litanies and Act of Reparation |
Billy Dawes RIP
Tracey McNicholas & Family
Sat 3 |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Immaculate Heart of Mary 1st Sat devotion |
12:10pm |
Gary & Joanne Stevens & Family |
Sun 4 |
8th Sunday after Pentecost
(Music collection) |
11:00am 6:00pm |
Margaret Farrall
Christopher Stevens RIP |
by Fr AM
July 16, 2019

The summer camp for boys is now fully booked, and only 15 spaces are remaining on the camp for girls, which is from 12th-17th August. For booking forms, contact odonohue@fssp.org
by Fr PD
July 6, 2019
11 FSSP priests ordained this year:

by Fr AM
Click here to open this bulletin as pdf.
7th July 2019 Fortnightly
www.fssp.co.uk/warrington • 01925 635664
Watch our Mass daily on http://livemass.net/
Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter
by appointment of the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool
Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP: malleray@fssp.org
Assistant: Fr Konrad Loewenstein, FSSP: padrek@libero.it
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP: iverrier@fssp.org
Holy Masses: Sunday 11am & 6pm; Mon-Sat 12:10pm daily.
Confessions 30mins before every Mass every day – including from 5:30pm before 6pm Sunday Mass, and on Saturdays 10am-11:45am
Eucharistic Adoration: Sat 10:00am-12 noon; 1st Fri 7:40pm-8:40pm; most Thurs afternoon after school
Daily Rosary 11:30am Mon-Fri, 11am Sat. + 12noon Angelus
Sung Compline: Sunday 7:15pm, Wednesday 9:15pm
Stations of the Cross: Mon, Fri 1:00pm
Men’s group: Every Wed 7:00pm Mass + Talk & Compline
Mothers’ Prayer group: Wed 1:00pm
Adults Catechesis: Most Sat 6pm with Fr Loewenstein
Family School: Most Thursdays 1pm-3:30pm. Contact Alison Kahn 01925 727759.
Choir: Every Thur & Sun. Contact Fr Verrier for an audition if you would like to join our choir – including Junior choir.
Young Adults & Professionals 18-35: Monthly Sat walk and/or talk: www.facebook.com/juventutem.warrington/
Divine Mercy group: every second Tuesday 1:00pm
Pro-life group: Last Sat 10:15am: p.boyle400@btinternet.com
SUPPORT—Bank details: Account name: FSSP Warrington. Account number: 30993368. Sort Code 30-80-27; Lloyds Bank, Palmerston Road Branch. Ask us for Gift Aid forms and envelopes: warrington@fssp.org. Registered Charity number 1129964
Safeguarding: Children, teenagers and vulnerable adults must be accompanied or supervised at all times within the Shrine. If you have concerns, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department on 0151 522 1043 or e-mail safeguarding@rcaol.co.uk, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
Church cleaning: please given an hour of your time each week to keep St Mary’s fit for divine worship. Contact Jeff Hall: jeffreyhall001@hotmail.com
Addicts to drugs, alcohol: help available with high success rate. Free. Confidential phone contact: 07916578902.
☞To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. If no server, please hold the Communion plate against your throat. Thank you in advance.
☞ Printed Mass sheets: please don’t bin them, as we will use them next year. Leave them in church Porch.
☞ Modesty in church: please cover your bodies at least down to elbows and knees; no tight or see-through garments.
☞ Did you know? St Mary’s Shrine costs £1,444/week to run and maintain. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. |
Thank you for your participation in the following events: Corpus Christi procession, Family Sport Day, Walking Day, Pro-Life Fete, Confirmations. Visit our Flickr page and discover Joachim Kahn’s amazing pictures here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/138056205@N08/albums/72157709278697467

8 confirmed:
Congratulations to Lee, Phylicia, Le, Gerard, Amanda, Xavier, Barbara, and Rhianwen
who were confirmed at St Mary’s last Thursday by His Grace Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP.
We are deeply grateful to our Archbishop who came for the third consecutive year to confirm our candidates.
Pilgrimage to Ladyewell Sat 10th Aug 10am-4pm: please register interest now with Elaine to assess coach size: 01925 382 458. Already 42 booked in. With Fr Andrew Jolly. EF Mass at Ladyewell (or at St Mary’s 9am, to be confirmed). All welcome!
We give thanks for six new FSSP priests out of 11 worldwide this year, ordained in Germany last 29 June (splendid pictures here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/2mMh2xE9qzBX3cQ16) and more here https://photos.app.goo.gl/N3cKndDqYfyVxc2J8).

See the video of our ordinations in Nebraska last month here: https://vimeo.com/337119028.
We also give thanks for four Marian Franciscan priests, Frs Philomeno, Rosario, Faustino and Michele, ordained in Portsmouth Cathedral by Bishop Philip Egan on 5 July, also in the traditional form. Please remember to pray as well for Frs James Mawdsley, FSSP now 3 years ordained, Krzysztof Sanetra FSSP and Alex Stewart, FSSP now 2 years ordained, Seth Phipps, FSSP now 1 year ordained. Also, for Fr Matthew Jolley ordained at St Mary’s four years ago for the archdiocese before the FSSP took over, and for Deacon Thomas Clarke to be ordained a priest in Liverpool next 13th July.
GIRL BOOKINGS WANTED for Summer Camps 2019 for children aged 10-13 & 14-17 in Macclesfield SK10 5RW: Boys 5-10 Aug; Girls 12-17 Aug. Contact Priest: odonohue@fssp.org
Juventutem Young Adults & Professionals: Sat 13th July 1pm-4pm, at St Mary’s, pizza & talk by Fr Verrier on Faith, with a focus on the teachings of the great Saint Alphonsus Liguori, and his steps to “Holiness and Perfection”.
Youth Weekend Douai Abbey, Berks19-21 July 2019. Becoming Saints in an Anti-Christian World, with Frs de Malleray and O’Donohue. Organised by Juventutem London Your VERY LAST CHANCE to book! Contact: juventutemldn@gmail.com or 07768 060068. See full schedule HERE.
3 Eucharistic conferences:
Accommodation ads by parishioners:
To let: Lodger wanted ca. £350 a month, including bills, 10 miles from St Marys.
For sale £160,000: 7 Erskine Road, Partington, M31 4FU. Freehold, four bedroom end terraced house, newly refurbished; 20 minutes drive from St Mary’s.
Estate agents: Paul Birtles, Urmston https://www.paulbirtlesestateagents.co.uk/properties-for-sale/property/9666557-erskine-road-partington-manchester
Contact details: Mary Jones, marycjones42@yahoo.co.uk, 01925 756604
Masses were offered for: Martin Staddon RIP, Joan Phillips RIP, Family of Joan Phillips, Joseph Parkinson, Fr. Windsor, Fr. P. Deegan, Pro-Life, FSSP (2), Geoff, Colin & Audrey Jones, Ethan Jones, Conor Jones, ,Riley Michael Jones, Patricia Jones, Joanne & Kevin King, Louis King, Holy Souls (3), Forgotten Holy Souls, Lawrence Taylor, Ronald Hannah, Francine Hannah, Sr. Maria Graziella of Jesus Crucified (2), Patricia Worsley, John Norris, Jack Anderson, Mary Catherine Morley (ill). Since we have a backlog of over 100 Mass intentions, we are having to apply many of these to private Masses. We shall publish these intentions in the newsletter. For allocating the public Masses we give precedence to anniversaries of death, and then to those on other dates or week-days specified. The intentions will be allocated on a fortnightly basis, and the earlier an intention reaches us, the more probable it is that we can accommodate your wishes. With this system we should be able to do so more efficiently, so that you do not feel obliged to have Masses said elsewhere. We apologize for any disappointment which you may have had in the past in this regard.
Mass Intentions:
Sun 7 |
4th Sunday after Pentecost (Music Collection) |
6:00pm |
Miss M. Allen
Patricia Jones |
Mon 8 |
St. Elizabeth
Stations of the Cross for Priests 1pm |
12:10pm |
Adele Berry |
Tue 9 |
Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More, 1st Class |
12:10pm |
60th Wed. Anniversary
Thanksgiving |
Wed 10
Seven Brothers, Saints and Martyrs
Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm
Men’s Group: 7pm Mass, Talk, Q&A’s, Compline |
7:00pm |
Bridget Hannah
Imelda O’Hart |
Thu 11 |
Votive Mass for a Happy Death |
12:10pm |
Terence Keenan |
Fri 12 |
St. John Gualbert
Stations of the Cross after Mass |
12:10 pm |
Imelda & Dominic. O’Hart |
Sat 13 |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Saturday of Our Lady |
10.00 am
12:10pm |
Confraternity of St Peter
Confraternity of St Peter |
Sun 14 |
5th Sunday after Pentecost |
6:00pm |
Michael Windsor
Thanksgiving to Divine Mercy |
Mon 15 |
St. Henry, Emperor
Stations of the Cross for Priests after Mass |
12:10pm |
Thanks to Sts. Joseph, Anthony, & Jude |
Tue 16 |
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, commem |
12:10pm |
Austin M. McCartney |
Wed 17 |
Requiem Mass
Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm
Men’s Group: 7pm Mass, Talk, Q&A’s, Compline |
7:00pm |
Richard Lapierre RIP
Celebrant’s intention |
Thu 18 |
St. Camillus de Lellis.
31st anniversary of founding of the FSSP |
12:10pm |
Michael J. McCartney |
Fri 19 |
St. Vincent de Paul
Stations of the Cross after Mass |
12:10pm |
Andrew & Patricia Pollard, Wed. anniv |
Sat 20 |
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
St. Jerome Emiliani |
12:10pm |
The Family
Catherine Eaton |
Sun 21 |
6th Sunday after Pentecost |
11:00am 6:00pm |
Catherine Nelson
Fr. Gerard Byrne |
by Fr AM
July 4, 2019
Juventutem week-end at Douai Abbey: more spaces available:
Becoming Saints in an Anti-Christian World
Douai Abbey, Berks, 19-21 July 2019
Click here to see our schedule.

Convivial Weekend for young adults 18-35 with doctrinal and spiritual talks, debates, Holy Mass, Confessions and Eucharistic Adoration.
All meals provided, limited places available
Shared room in the cottage: £110*
Shared room (Guest House/en-suite): £125 (FEW PLACES LEFT)
Single room (Guest House/en-suite): £150 (FEW PLACES LEFT)
50% deposit required for reservation
*Student discount available
Led by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP & Fr Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP
Organised by Juventutem London & FSSP England
For more info or to reserve a place, please contact: juventutemldn@gmail.com
Juventutem London videos here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/londonjuventutem/videos/
by Fr AM
June 27, 2019
Deo gratias for a splendid fourth annual Corpus Christi procession on the external solemnity of the feast, last Sunday 23rd June 2019. People came from far and wide to walk by Our Lord and sing, giving this beautiful witness of the Eucharistic truth. See all pictures here.

Thank you to our servers, singers, clergy, canopy bearers, stewards, flower petals gatherers, to our talented photographer J.K., and worshippers in general. The procession went from St Mary’s Church Shrine to St Alban’s, the mother church of Warrington.
Shrine Rector Fr de Malleray, FSSP carried the monstrance, assisted by Fr Loewenstein FSSP and Fr Andrew Jolly. Fr Dave Heywood PP led the procession with permanent deacons from the deanery. At the kind invitation of Warrington Dean Canon Christopher Cuningham, Fr Heywood gave the final Benediction at St Alban’s.
Next year, we envisage starting the procession immediately following the end of our 11:00am Sunday Mass, to make it easier for people already present to attend.
‘Ecce panis angelorum factus cibus viatorum.’
[To learn more about the Holy Eucharist, visit https://www.lumenfidei.ie/product/ego-eimi-it-is-i/ ]
by Fr AM