New Opening Times

“At this difficult moment, we ask that, as a Catholic community, we make full use of our churches as places of individual prayer and sources of solace and help.” Statement by Cardinal Vincent Nichols and Archbishop Malcom McMahon OP about this new lockdown.
Dear worshippers at St Mary’s Shrine (WA1 2NS, Buttermarket Street, Warrington), following the decision by the Government to ban public worship between 5th Nov and 2nd Dec 2020, thus turning down the petition made by Cardinal Nichols on behalf of the Catholic Church in England, we are sadly forced to close our doors during all our public liturgies, including every public Holy Mass, Divine Office, Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Thus, the faithful will be unable to attend in person, but all are welcome to watch them live on at the usual times: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm.
Opening Times for Private Prayer:
Sunday: Church OPENS 9:00am – Church CLOSES 10:30am – Church OPENS 5:40pm (while the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for private adoration) – Church CLOSES 7:00pm
Mon-Fri: Church OPENS 11:00am – Church CLOSES 12noon
Sat: Church OPENS 10:00am (while the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for private adoration) – Church CLOSES 11:45am
We thank our stewards who generously give their time to secure a safe environment for all visitors to St Mary’s. Please make sure to follow their instructions and abide by the regulations (unless exempt from some), including social distancing and one-way system.
A priest will be available at those times for Confession and for private distribution of Holy Communion on request.
As during the previous lockdown, St Mary’s clergy remains available for pastoral support.
Please do make good use of the provision granted you to visit St Mary’s, in accordance with our own Archbishop’s encouragements: “At this difficult moment, we ask that, as a Catholic community, we make full use of our churches as places of individual prayer and sources of solace and help. We must sustain each other in our patterns of prayer“. Read here the full response released by Cardinal Nichols and Archbishop Malcolm McMahon OP, and here the Bishops Conference’s statement.
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