Reading: Parish of St John Fisher

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April 18, 2020

Low Sunday LiveMass

LiveMass.net schedule from St Mary’s Shrine Warrington for Low Sunday (19 April 2020 – UK time): 11:00am: Solemn High Mass 5:00pm: Solemn Vespers and Benediction with Divine Mercy chaplet. Thank you for sending your Offertory gift to us via: www.fssp.co.uk/donate

April 15, 2020

Easter 2020 Sermon Warrington

Easter Sunday 12 April 2020 Announcements: Thank you for your support through prayer and gifts over the past weeks of lockdown. Lockdown continues. It is painful for us clergy and servers to celebrate the sacred mysteries with no one in the pews, since only those residing at St Mary’s Shrine can take part in our liturgical celebrations. Please support this Shrine financially: bank transfer to WARRINGTON and  PayPal on https://fssp.co.uk/donate/ . Easter Sunday Homily, by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP […]

April 13, 2020

Easter in lockdown – a Sermon

A monk of my acquaintance once drily remarked, as he looked across at the banks of gloomy faces in the choir stalls opposite, that he sometimes doubted the Resurrection had really happened. The point is well made. It can be easier in a way, for us Catholics, to identify with Lent and Passiontide than with Easter. Even if we haven’t kept our Lenten resolutions as well as we would have liked, we still relate more readily to the themes of […]

April 9, 2020

Tenebrae booklets online

To download the full liturgical texts for Tenebrae, three booklets are available by clicking on the link right under each image below. Please note, all these prayers, without the chant notation, are also available in the Baronius Hand Missal [for sale at St Mary’s Shrine] on pages 1778, 1811 & 1842 for the respective days of the Triduum. Follow the choral singing of Tenebrae from St Mary’s Warrington via LiveMass.net on 9th, 10th and 11th April 2020, from 10am to 12noon.

April 8, 2020

Men’s Talk 8pm tonight

Our FSSP Warrington weekly Men’s Group will meet via LiveMass this evening, Wednesday 8th April, at 8:00pm (Warrington UK time), for a Lenten meditation by Fr de Malleray, FSSP on ‘The Cross and the Mass’ followed by choral singing of Compline. 😇https://www.livemass.net/

April 6, 2020

Blessing LiveMass Warrington cameras!

Our LiveMass equipment has been working satisfactorily daily for years, but your prayer will help!Our apologies to any viewers for the loss of sound for the first part of holy Mass on Palm Sunday; we were having technical issues following a loss of power earlier in the week which meant that we had to restart the equipment during holy Mass.Some of our local people were communicating live on WhatsApp and, finding that all of them had lost the sound simultaneously, […]

April 4, 2020

SOLEMN HOLY WEEK 2020 at ST MARY’S SHRINE via www.livemass.net

(All liturgies behind closed doors – Covid-19 Lockdown Version 9th April 2020) Times are given as local UK time zone, that is, Greenwich Meridian Time + 1 hr [due to summer time] All liturgies are according to the Holy Week reformed under Pope Pius XII, currently in force as part of the 1962 Roman missal. Location: Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS, Cheshire, England Website: fssp.co.uk/warrington SUPPORT our SHRINE: https://fssp.co.uk/bank-details-for-fssp-warrington/ Palm Sunday, 5 April 11:00am-12:30pm Solemn High Mass with blessing of Palms and […]

March 30, 2020

LiveMass connection

Dear Friends, try for weekdays: http://s3.amazonaws.com/livemass/warrington/warrington-mass-of-the-day.html if https://www.livemass.net/warrington/index.html does not work. And try for Sundays: http://s3.amazonaws.com/livemass/warrington/index.html Listen to the polyphonic litany of Loreto sung by the FSSP here: https://youtu.be/pp0CMz9hd1k . Support St Mary’s Shrine as a broadcast site via bank transfer: For FSSP WarringtonBank Name: Lloyds BankSort Code: 30-80-27Account number: 30993368Account name: FSSP Warrington For international transfers, you may also need: Bank Branch: Palmerston Rd SouthseaBank Address: Ariel House, 2138 Coventry Road, Sheldon, B26 3JWIBAN: GB97LOYD30802730993368SWIFT code: LOYDGB21721 More feedback from […]