Reading: Parish of St John Fisher

Latest News

January 29, 2020

FSSP Summer Camp for girls

Dates: 3rd-8th August 2020 Residential summer camp for girls aged 10 to 17. Based at Savio House, Ingersley Road, Bollington, Macclesfield The Camp will involve scheduled activities including Holy Mass, prayer and catechetical talks, sports / hiking /games, quizzes, preparing and acting in a drama production and excursions by bus to local places of interest. Full price £220. Subsidised: £100. For more information and booking forms contact Fr Phipps: sphipps@fssp.org

January 24, 2020

12 young men discerning

Please pray for 12 young men from all over the UK discerning God’s calling while on recollection at St Mary’s Shrine in Warrington this weekend. While low level of comfort makes healthy candidates and priests, please send us donations to convert our newly bought Priory building, so that these men and future guests might not need to sleep on mattresses in the photocopy room or in the parish hall, and that ideally our priests might not need to vacate their […]

January 11, 2020

Rare Catholic Film To See

We warmly recommend watching Terrence Malick’s latest film ‘A Hidden Life’ (UK release 17 January 2020) about unsung hero, Blessed Franz Jägerstätter, who refused to fight for the Nazis in World War II. When the Austrian peasant farmer is faced with the threat of execution for treason, it is his unwavering faith and his love for his wife Fani and children that keeps his spirit alive. This deeply poetical, familial and (long) film raises many questions.What would we have done? […]