Reading Mass Times 27th Oct – 9th Nov

Click here to open the magazine as pdf. In this issue: Editorial: God is at work My First Christendom Pilgrimage To Chartres The Fraternity in the Czech Republic Reviving Religious Life in Britain Catholic Film Production Heroic Priest in the Trenches Fostering Extra-liturgical Devotions FSSP England Charity Bursar’s Report Mental Prayer as Union with Christ For Your Diaries Support Our Apostolate
“Restoring Manhood: Man as son of God, husband and father” Led by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, the weekend is intended for any man aged 18 years or older, single or married. The retreat will consist of conferences preached by Fr Armand, within a framework of prayer. Holy Mass will be celebrated each day in the Extraordinary Form.The day’s structure will include Eucharistic adoration, rosary and Latin compline and Confession. Make use of the Theodore House Oratory or St Peter’s […]
In the brand new retreat centre in historic Jesuit college in Lancashire. Make use of the Theodore House Oratory or St Peter’s church for private prayer. Enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside with its network of footpaths. Comfortable en-suite accommodation make Theodore House a fantastic retreat setting! • Clergy Retreat 27 April – 1st May 2020• Arrival by 3pm on Monday 27th April 2020• Departure 3pm on Friday 1st May 2020• Theme: The priests and Holy Church: her sons and defenders.• […]
ADVENT RECOLLECTIONfor the laity at Douai Abbey, Berks.: 20-22 December 2019———————————Starts Friday 20 December 2019 with EF Holy Mass at 6PM, followed by 7PM Supper (arrival from 4PM). Ends Sunday 22 December 2019 at 3PM after lunch and last conference. ———————————Led by Frs Armand de Malleray, FSSP & Patrick O’Donohue, FSSP on the theme: “Our Holy Mother the Church”. ———————————Costs: £141.60 for single room with en-suite full board; £108.00 for shared room. The price above is integrally to meet the […]
Listen to this 15-minute homily, given at St Mary’s Warrington on the 14th Sunday after Pentecost 2019. Reviving Religious Life in Britain from LiveMass on Vimeo.
Please pray for the students and staff of Regina Caeli UK, which starts its first semester on Monday next.