Reading: Parish of St John Fisher

Latest News

June 4, 2019

Countdown to the Summer Camps!

Only six places remaining out of forty on the camp for boys, whereas the camp for girls is just less than half booked with eighteen girls now signed up.

June 1, 2019


Thank God for a third UK applicant admitted at our international seminary in America. Please pray for any hurdle to be overcome for Harry, Conan and Tom to begin formation for the sacred prieshood next September at Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary. There are various causes explaining why these three brave men applied, and got admitted. But surely, your prayers for priestly vocations are an important factor, in response to the Lord’s command: “The harvest is abundant but the labourers are […]

May 11, 2019

Family & Life Magazine just released

After their successful annual Conference at St George’s Cathedral in London last 4th May (nearly 150 attended). Great articles in this issue on Conversion, Islam, Education, Literature, Faith, by Cardinal Sarah, Gabriele Kuby, Fr Linus Clovis, Fr Armand de Malleray and more. Click here or on cover picture below to open the online magazine.  

May 1, 2019

CSP Pilgrimage Italy Oct. 23 – Nov. 1, 2019

This pilgrimage is organised primarily for members of the Confraternity of St Peter, the 6,600-strong international prayer network for vocations linked with the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter. But anyone supportive of Catholic priestly vocations is welcome to join. Chaplain: Fr de Malleray, FSSP – General Chaplain to the Confraternity of St Peter. Included: Eighth annual Summorum Pontificum Int’l. Pilgrimage in Rome. Pilgrims from the UK & Ireland are welcome to join this pilgrimage for the following rate:1995 GBP for land […]