Reading Mass Times 28th April – 11th May

WHY BE A CATHOLIC: TO BE A TRUE DISCIPLE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST 4th May 2019 CONFERENCE @ ST GEORGE’S CATHEDRAL Webpage & booking: Facebook Event Page: Basing itself on scripture and tradition, Vatican II teaches that the Church is necessary for salvation since Christ, the one mediator and way of salvation, is present to us in his body which is the Church. He himself explicitly asserted the necessity of faith and baptism (cf. Mk. 16:16; Jn. 3:5), and […]
Easter Monday Gospel as illustrated by Caravaggio. CARAVAGGIO’S SUPPER AT EMMAUS Caravaggio gave two renditions of the Supper at Emmaus: the earlier one (1601, first picture left below) is in England at the London National Gallery; the later one (1606, second picture right below) is in Italy at the Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan. This commentary by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP is about the latter painting. Click on this link to open best definition picture: KNOWLEDGE “Then […]
Notre-Dame collapses in fire at the beginning of Holy Week. Although the fire may be accidental, this looks like a symbol of our times of Catholic apostasy and Christian persecution. The flames destroying this Gothic jewel figure the culpable ‘amnesia’ of our Western elites, sabotaging the Christian legacy of Europe and further afield. Let us pray that all may realise what the civilised world owes to the centuries of Christendom past. Let all tourists fall on their knees and become […]
Earlier this month the Guild of Catholic Home Educators in Reading welcomed Brother Vincent (from the Fraternity of Saint Vincent Ferrer’s monastery in France) who gave two classes to the children on sacred art.