Fr Goddard’s Installation as Parish Priest

Bishop Philip Egan installed Fr Goddard as the first Parish Priest of St John Fisher Parish in Reading on Sunday 3 March.
Bishop Philip Egan installed Fr Goddard as the first Parish Priest of St John Fisher Parish in Reading on Sunday 3 March.
Click here to open the latest issue of our magazine. In this issue: Editorial: The Great Thaw? Former Muslims Give Thanks For Conversion Muslim Invasion Stopped By Otranto Martyrs A Paradigm of Unfolding Waiting For My First Traditional Latin Mass Finding One’s Predominant Fault Forthcoming Events Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus Support Our Apostolate
A Paradigm of Unfolding An Analogy between Christ’s Holy Shroud and Divine Revelation – by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP Introduction All along Church history, new doctrinal statements are issued as part of the Magisterium, in fulfilment of the Church’s teaching mission. In what sense are they new? Never can such pronouncements contradict earlier ones. They can only make more explicit what has always been part of Divine Revelation, consisting of Scripture and Tradition. The Hierarchy of the […]
This talk will be given by the Director of Music of the Gregorian Chaplaincy in the Diocese of Northampton, Matthew Schellhorn.
Please join us for an Open Day for the forthcoming Regina Caeli Academy, launching in September 2019. This is a chance to experience RCA UK first hand – you can meet the RCA UK Tutors and Board, hear from two Directors from RCA in the US and a priest from our chaplaincy, the Fraternity of St. Peter, and see the layout, books and uniform.
At long last, our pre-planning applications for Community Use of the building(s) received a favourable response from Warrington Borough Council on Friday. Although this approval is only in principle (subject to full planning application being granted once we decide which building we can afford), it will guide the purchase decision we must make imminently, based on various considerations, including the amount of money presently raised and the need for a stable income for the upkeep of the new building. Please ask Our Lady […]
Thursday, 7th February at 7:15pm in St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading, RG1 5RU