Reading Mass Times – 3rd to 16th February

This Saturday, February 2, is the Feast of the Presentation (Candlemas). In Reading there is a special schedule: 9am Rosary in defence of the unborn outside BPAS on Southampton Row 10am Sung Mass at St William of York, with blessing of candles and procession c. 11:15 St Margaret Clitherow Ladies Group, meeting in the Annex of St William of York – convivial breakfast followed by a talk by Fr Phipps on the capital vices (this week, avarice and gluttony).
Thursday, 3rd January at 7:15pm
in St John Fisher House, 17 Eastern Avenue, Reading, RG1 5RU
16th December to 5th January
On Saturday 19th January the Reading branch of Juventutem (for ages 18 to 35) will visit Tyburn in London, the famous site of martyrdom from the Reformation era.
As Advent begins, we are delighted to share with you the 40th issue of our quarterly magazine Dowry (December 2008-December 2018). Click here to read: In this issue: Editorial: There Was A Great Earthquake The Doctrine Of Indulgences Disappeared: Christian Slaves in Islamic Lands Good Books For Children Two Novels On Martyred Priests The Egyptian Guide – From Jihad To Joy On Clerical Abuse: Handling The Right Body Three Complementary Educational Initiatives Forthcoming Events Support our apostolate Data protection laws prevent […]
Juventutem London Day of Recollection with Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP. Saturday, 17 November 2018 11:00-17:00 St Mary Moorfields, 4-5 Eldon Street, EC2M 7LS London November focuses on the afterlife. On that month, Catholics celebrate the saints in heaven (1st Nov); and intercede for the Holy Souls in Purgatory (2nd Nov). On 11th Nov in Europe, we commemorate the end of the First World War, when victims died on an unprecedented scale. In England, by special indult, a Holy Mass […]