Reading: Parish of St John Fisher

Latest News

August 6, 2018

Summer Camp St Peter underway in the Peak District!

The 2018 Summer Camp for boys, under the patronage of St Peter, got underway on Monday. We are at a new location this year, in Bollington on the edge of the Peak District. The theme for the camp is the True Devotion to Mary of St Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort. You can see photos of the camp at the Flickr page. Please pray for the success of this camp and for all the participants.

August 3, 2018


Great aerial pictures and video of targetted Priory and former School in Warrington: (thanks to expert team Tony & Fin!) Help us buy back the former Benedictine Priory in Warrington (the two attached Georgian houses along Buttermarket Street aligned with church on the left of this picture) and Priory Court at the rear (the detached longer building at the bottom of this picture, where former St Mary’s School used to stand).  As you can see, both buildings are part of […]

July 17, 2018


LAUNCHING the PRIORY CAMPAIGN: [updated] Nazareth in Lancashire… Dear Friends, we have three months to raise £1.5m and buy back the former Priory and St Mary’s School next door to St Mary’s Shrine in Warrington (total Net Internal Area of 1,383.19 Sq m or 14,891 Sq ft.) This is a unique opportunity to endow St Mary’s with the space we urgently need: parish hall, music room, clergy offices, and classrooms. In addition, a pro-life office, a publishing company, a vestments-sewing […]