Reading: Parish of St John Fisher

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May 4, 2018

Eucharistic Conferences 11-14 June

‘Ego Eimi – It is I’ (John 6:51) A series of conferences on the Most Holy Eucharist By Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP, Rector of St Mary’s Shrine Given live at St Mary’s Shrine Church, Buttermarket Street, Warrington WA1 2NS, England In preparation for the National Eucharistic Congress in Liverpool (7-9 Sept. 2018) Free for all. All welcome to St Mary’s. Each 40-min conference starts at 7:00pm GMT and will be broadcasted on LiveMass.net • Monday 11 June, 7:00pm: Transubstantiation: how […]

April 29, 2018

On fatherhood, brotherhood and Alfie Evans

Homily by Fr Armand de Malleray at St Mary’s Warrington on the 4th Sunday after Easter – On Fatherhood, brotherhood and Alfie Evans. 29 April 2018. New: direct link to the 14:58 min video here. “Every perfect gift is coming from above, coming down from the Father of lights… for of His own will has He begotten us in the word of truth… You know, my dearest brethren.” Dear Friends, What is a parent? What is a father? What are […]

March 14, 2018

Great Servers’ Weekend

FSSP Servers’ Training a Great Success See article in The Universe below. By Józef Łopuszyński A very successful Altar Servers Training Weekend was held at St Mary’s Shrine Church, Warrington from March 2nd to March 4th. The course was attended by people from across the country wishing to learn to serve the Traditional Roman Mass, especially the Low Mass. The weekend was packed with information as students worked hard practising how to assist the Priest at the Altar during Holy […]

March 8, 2018

Join us for 36th Chartres Pilgrimage!

Plans are afoot for a delegation from the FSSP communities in Reading and Warrington to participate in the Chartres pilgrimage on Pentecost weekend. The theme of this year’s pilgrimage is “St Joseph, Pilgrim and Servant”. We will be going with the Latin Mass Society. Departure is from London on Friday, 18 May 2018 at 7:30am. Arrival back in London about 8pm on the following Tuesday, 22 May 2018. The pilgrimage consists of a walk from Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, to Notre-Dame […]

March 2, 2018

Dowry Mag Online!

Dowry 37 now online! Click here to open the 24-page pdf, or on the picture below. (Dowry is the quarterly magazine of the FSSP in the UK & Ireland) Forward the link to your acquaintances and post it on your own media. This is a simple way to help us spread the Good News! In this issue: Editorial: Overlooked Migrants Let This Not Be Your Last Dowry! Should Priests Marry To Be Merry? Thirsting for Truth The Veil of Saint […]