Shrine Bulletin 13 May 2020
- Bishops’ Message on Reopening churches
- Mass times & intentions
- Patrick Cahill RIP
- Two new babies
- Stabat Mater Talk tonight 8pm
- Good Shepherd Homily: see further down.
- Church re-opening actions: see further down.
- Statistics LiveMass: see further down.
Let us pray with and for our bishops, that they may obtain
from the Government the re-opening of places of worship as soon as possible.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has responded to the government’s document released today, 11 May, titled ‘Our plan to rebuild: The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy’.
The timing and the manner of the opening of churches touches profound sensitivities and spiritual needs. The Government’s document and statements fail to recognise this.
The Government’s position, established today, includes these steps aimed at opening churches as soon as possible: the establishment of a task force for places of worship, to work closely with ‘stakeholders’ in ensuring that premises are COVID-19 secure; and heeding the experience of other countries in which churches are already open for worship.
In dialogue with the Government, the Catholic Church will continue its engagement in this process and has already submitted a detailed plan, in full accordance with public health guidelines, for churches to be opened for private prayer.
The Church is ready to play its full part in the task force, understanding that this includes the possible earlier use of churches for private prayer, as a first safe step towards their use for public worship.
Mass times & intentions 10-24 May 2020
Sun 10 |
Sunday after Easter Vespers & Benediction |
11:00am 5:00pm |
Mary’s LiveMass worshippers and benefactors |
Mon 11 | Ss Philip & James Apostles | 12:10pm | Pauline Brewer RIP, and Roger & Paul Brewer |
Tue 12 | Ss Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla & Pancras | 12:10pm | Patrick Cahill RIP |
Wed 13 |
Robert Bellarmine Men’s Group Talk & Sung Compline |
12:10pm 8:00pm |
Orfila |
Thu 14 | Dedication of the Cathedral Church | 12:10pm | Thomas Fraser RIP |
Fri 15 | St John Baptist de la Salle | 12:10pm | Tom Reilly |
Sat 16 | St Ubaldus | 12:10pm | Tilly Cunningham |
Sun 17 |
Sunday after Easter Vespers & Benediction |
11:00am 5:00pm |
Confraternity |
Mon 18 | St Venantius | 12:10pm | Frank Gately |
Tue 19 | St Peter Celestine | 12:10pm | Holy Souls |
Wed 20 |
of the Ascension Men’s Group Talk & Sung Compline |
12.10pm 8:00pm |
King |
Thu 21 | The Ascension of Our Lord | 12:10pm | Lucy & Adrian Porter & Family |
Fri 22 | Votive Mass against Pestilence (Feria) | 12:10pm | Matt Smith & Les Grover |
Sat 23 | Our Lady’s Saturday | 12:10pm | Our Lady’s Holy Souls |
Sun 24 |
after the Ascension Vespers & Benediction |
11:00am 5:00pm |
Parkinson |
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Patrick Cahill, the father-in-law of Phil Clarkson, of St Mary’s Men’s Group, who passed away in hospital fortified by the sacraments of the Church. Requiem Masses were offered in private at St Mary’s for the repose of his soul. We asure his daughter Donna and all the family of the deceased of our prayer in this time of grief.
Congratulations to Joshua and Samantha Langley on the birth of their first child Jacob, who was baptised just before St Mary’s had to be closed. It was Deacon Gilbride’s first Baptism (assisted by the priests).

Also, congratulations to Tony and Becky Kiely on the birth of their sixth child Thomas, born during the lockdown and hopefully to be baptised soon.

We assure the parents of our prayers for their newborn sons and for all their families.
Stabat Mater Talk today 8pm
(Wed 13th May 2020)
The Men’s Talk this evening (Wed 13 May 2020 8pm) on (Warrington live) will be given by Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP.

In response to interest expressed after a Lenten sermon on this topic, Fr de Malleray will offer the third part of a commentary on the celebrated Marian hymn.
While the Stabat Mater fits with Lent rather than Eastertide, its spirituality can benefit Catholic souls at all times, especially in the present sacramental dearth.
This is part of St Mary’s weekly Men’s Group (but surely Our Lady won’t object to women attending remotely). Litany of St Joseph and Sung Compline will follow as usual.
We recommend this sober and evocative
renddition of the sung Stabat
Mater with subtitles.
In your Baronius handmissal, pp. 450-451.
Mater dolorosa Iuxta crucem lacrimosa Dum pendebat Filius. |
grieving Mother stood weeping beside the cross where her Son was hanging. |
animam gementem Contristatam et dolentem Pertransivit gladius. O quam tristis et afflicta Fuit illa benedicta Mater unigeniti! |
her weeping soul, compassionate and grieving, a sword passed. O how sad and afflicted was that blessed Mother of the only-begotten, |
moerebat et dolebat, Pia Mater, dum videbat Nati poenas incliti. |
mourned and grieved, seeing and bearing the torment of her glorious child. |
est homo qui non fleret, Matrem Christi si videret In tanto supplicio? Quis non posset contristari, Christi Matrem contemplari Dolentem cum Filio? |
is it that would not weep, seeing Christ’s Mother in such agony? Who could not feel compassion on beholding the Holy Mother suffering with her Son? |
Pro peccatis suae gentis Vidit Iesum in tormentis, Et flagellis subditum. Vidit suum dulcem natum Moriendo desolatum Dum emisit spiritum. |
For the sake of his peoples’ sins, she saw Jesus tormented, and subjected to whips. She saw her sweet child die desolate, as he gave up His spirit. |
Mater, fons amoris Me sentire vim doloris Fac, ut tecum lugeam. Fac, ut ardeat cor meum In amando Christum Deum Ut sibi complaceam. Sancta Mater, istud agas, Crucifixi fige plagas Cordi meo valide. |
Mother, fountain of love, make me feel the power of sorrow, that I may grieve with you. Grant that my heart may burn in the love of Christ my God, that I may greatly please Him. Holy Mother, make the wounds of the Crucifixion in my own heart. |
Tui nati vulnerati, Tam dignati pro me pati, Poenas mecum divide. |
me share the pain of your own wounded Son who chose to suffer so much for me. |
me tecum, pie, flere, Crucifixo condolere, Donec ego vixero. |
me weep with you, O pious one, and show compassion for the crucified as long as I live. |
crucem tecum stare, Et me tibi sociare In planctu desidero. |
wish to stand with you next to the Cross and to be your companion in lamentation. |
virginum praeclara, Mihi jam non sis amara Fac me tecum plangere. |
illustrious virgin of virgins, Do not be harsh with me, allow me to weep with you. |
ut portem Christi mortem Passionis fac consortem, Et plagas recolere. |
that I might bear the suffering and death of Christ, and receive his wounds. |
me plagis vulnerari, Fac me cruce inebriari, Et cruore Filii. Flammis ne urar succensus, per te virgo sim defensus, in die judicii. |
me with his wounds, make me drunk with the Cross and the blood of your son. Burning and on fire, let me be defended by you, O Virgin, on the Day of Judgment. |
corpus morietur, Fac, ut animae donetur Paradisi gloria. Amen. |
my body dies, let my soul be given the glory of paradise. Amen. |
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Good Shepherd Sunday, 25 April 2020, Warrington
[Homily by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP:]
Watch it on permanent access on our LiveMass Vimeo channel:
Church re-opening actions:
The following advice was given by a good pastor in England: It is important
that the government, and in particular the Secretary of State for Housing,
Communities and Local Government, Robert Jenrick, understands the specific
importance to Catholics of popping into church to pray before the Blessed Sacrament
and the depths of spiritual feeling of the Roman Catholic Community with regard
to our need for the spiritual nourishment of receiving the Eucharist and the
other sacraments. Bishops can express this to him, and the wider government,
but their argument will be more persuasive if Catholics write to express to Mr
Jenrick, calmly and clearly, their feelings. Please do this and tell other
Catholics to do this. In this way you will be positively adding support to the
presentations of the bishops.
Contact details:
Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP
Ministry of Housing,
Communities and Local Government
2 Marsham Street
Phone: 0303 444 0000
Please remember to write
with courtesy, clarity and concision.
You may like to include some of the following considerations:
- Clergy are front-line workers even by phone and email to support the population against depression, breakdown and violence caused by the lockdown.
- This key role of clergy must be recognised through the safe re-opening of their workplaces, the churches.
- Every priest in charge can state the seating capacity in his cathedral, church or chapel.
- A percentage of the seating capacity (20% to 30%?) is recognised as a safe amount of people to be in the church at the same time for public worship and/or private prayer.
- Two pews must be left empty between worshippers to keep the 2-meter social distancing.
- Only members of the same household may sit on the same bench.
- No one is admitted into the building without a sanitizer.
- Confessions are permitted behind a screen, with sanitation of the prie-dieu.
The following message is
shared here purely for the sake of inspiration. It was sent to a Catholic
leader and is not destined as such to a Cabinet Minister.
“I am writing to ask that you and all the
Bishops of England and Wales lobby the government to allow the reopening of Churches
and the re-implementation of our Masses.
It has been 6 long weeks since our churches closed their doors to Masses, and 5
long weeks since we lost access to our Sacraments all together.
In this time I have stood in many a supermarket queue and dodged my way around
many crowded aisles in order to feed my mortal body. During all of this it has
been blatantly clear that the 2m rule cannot be kept and sanitation is
impossible. You queue in the exact same spot as the person in front of you,
milliseconds afterwards, as you move towards the shop door. You pick and handle
your trolley or basket, and only then have the option of cleaning it. You play
dodgems in narrow aisles which you are forced to walk down, despite never
having needed the pet food aisle in your life. All the food has been handled
multiple times: in preparation, in being stocked, potentially handled and put
back by other shoppers, touched again by the shop assistants and put through
conveyor belts and checkouts where a thousand other touched items have been
that day. We are lying to ourselves that we can stay safe in a shop. Yet they
remain open because we must feed our mortal bodies.
So our immortal bodies must also be fed, and after 6 long weeks in the
wilderness, my soul is starving. How, logically, can we crowd into small
supermarket aisles where hundreds of people have passed through in the last
half an hour, but groups of circa 50 people cannot meet in large churches once
a week where social distancing can be easily implemented? How can we and
multiple other people handle our temporal food in a supermarket, but we cannot
receive our spiritual nourishment from the hands of one priest?
What could be more important than our immortal souls? With every passing day,
the chances of slipping away become ever greater. Priests throughout the ages
have understood the importance of the sacraments, and died bringing them to
their flock. I beg that you petition the government to reopen churches and you
re-introduce the Sacraments to your starving flock as soon as possible.
Your sincerely, N.”

LiveMass Statistics:
- 1/2 million pages accessed over past 6 weeks (includes all 5 LiveMass sites, mid-March until end April 2020)
- From: USA 62%; UK: 13%; Canada 6%; Germany 2%
- Warrington: 300 households connected daily (Mon-Sat Masses only); 3,000 households connected every Sunday (that is, Sunday Mass only, watched from Sunday to following Saturday included, not simultaneously)
- Connection duration varies globally: only 21% last over one hour.
- Since our global audience is mostly made of practising Catholic families with children, and during the lockdown period in particular, its seems realistic to count an average of three souls united in prayer during Holy Mass for each household connected. This gives an estimate of about 10,000 souls united at every Warrington Sunday Mass.
- Our Warrington record audience: 1,754 households connected on Maundy Thursday (live only).
Pray for the fantastic LiveMass team, a handful of lay volunteers spead in various FSSP aspotolate worlwide. They make this possible.
Tell your friends about – including the LiveMass smartphone apps, the Vimeo, YouTube and Twitter associated accounts, the online missal and the up-to-date interactive map.
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