Sunday 1st March 2020 Bulletin
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Preparation Courses for First Holy Communion (to be conferred on Corpus Christi Sunday, 14th June, 11am) and for Confirmation (to be conferred on Sat. 18th July, 3pm by Archbishop McMahon of Liverpool). Both courses will begin on 15th March and every following Sunday 9:45am-10:45am.
1) For First Holy Communion course, please contact as soon as possible if you want (or your child) to be included.
2) For Confirmation course, please contact as soon as possible. Confirmation candidates from outside the Liverpool Archdiocese are welcome with a statement of due preparation from their pastor. Please note: we reserve the right to postpone admission to either sacrament if a candidate has missed sessions and is not ready to receive.
[Updated on 4th March 2020:] Our Lenten Shrine community alms this year will go to Cenacolo, a community helping people suffering from addictions. Pray for the work of the Cenacolo Community and the individuals and their families that need help to ‘walk from the darkness of addiction’ to healing through God’s Love and Grace.
Please donate cash in envelopes clearly labelled ‘Cenacolo’. Please note: FSSP Warrington is exclusively responsible for this initiative and will personally transfer the amount collected to the Cenacolo Community as a Lenten offering from our Shrine community to Cenacolo UK. The only valid contact details for Cenacolo UK are available on their website:
First Women’s Group Meeting, Sat. 7th March, 1pm: After (optional) 10am-12noon adoration and 12:10pm Holy Mass, bring and share packed lunch to Shrine Hall, followed by talk by Fr Henry Whisenant.
Any women from 18 to 118 welcome!
Brand new Baronius hand missals for only £35.00 each! St Mary’s Shrine being such a good customer, Baronius Press granted us a major discount on their public price of £53.95 + shipping ( Hand your £35 in cash to a priest and he will give you your precious new hand missal. Make sure to stick a large label with your name on the outside cover of the missal (and inside as well), as about 100 other copies are used at St Mary’s.
St Patrick’s Party, Tuesday 17th March: 6pm shared Irish dishes followed by 7pm film. Please bring some IRISH CHEESES, SODA BREADS, DRINKS/WINES (email to find out where you can buy those). At 7pm, showing of the EWTN Film ‘Bravery Under Fire’ about the life of Irish Fr William Doyle, SJ (90 mins). Fr Doyle is considered a ‘Martyr of Charity’ as he died on the battlefield of Ypres in WWI rescuing wounded soldiers (
New Video on ‘Parents as Heroes and Saints’ by Fr de Malleray:
Diocesan Safeguarding Training session at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School, near St Benedict’s Church: at the end of Quebec Road, WA2 7SB, Thursday 19th March, 7pm. Free. With the participation of Frs Dave Heywood and Armand de Malleray FSSP.
Mass of Thanksgiving for Converts: Sat 21st March, 12:10pm.
Any converts and their families and friends, especially those received or baptised at St Mary’s in the past four years, are heartily invited to attend this Mass and join our wider community in giving thanks to God for the gift of faith and of belonging to the Church. It will be an opportunity to meet with other converts. Adults under instruction to become Catholics or simply with interest in Catholicism are very welcome to attend as well. Please bring and share lunch in Shrine Hall at 1pm. Arrive earlier if you can for a time of Eucharistic Adoration in thanksgiving for the same intention, from 10am (with confessions).
Dowry Magazine:

Feast of the Annunciation, Wed 25th March: Low Mass at 8:00am, Solemn Mass at 12:10pm; Low Mass at 7:00pm (exceptionally open to ALL, before the usual 8pm Men’s Group talk).
The re-dedication of England by our bishops as Our Lady’s dowry will take place at 12noon on Sunday, 29th March, 2020. St Mary’s will host special events on that day.
Congratulations to our parishioner Martin Turner and his fiancée Georgie Burrows, who were united in Holy Matrimony by Archbishop Malcolm McMahon in Liverpool Cathedral on 28th February. We assure them of our prayer.
Educational Initiative Regina Caeli Academy – coming soon to the North of England!
Our new Priory buildings give hope for increased educational opportunities at St Mary’s. A meeting here will be announced soon for all those interested, most likely on a Sunday afternoon.
Next trek with Juventutem Young Adults (18-35): 14th March: to Macclesfield. Meet us at St Mary’s at 10:30am (after optional 9:30am Trekkers’ Mass) or meet us traight at St Albans Catholic church, SK11 8DJ at 11:30am, bringing waterproof clothing and appropriate footwear. We will also have a pub lunch. (Further dates: 18th April; 16th May). Contact
Also, Juventutem Summer Weekend near London 3-5 July 2020.
Also, CHARTRES Pilgrimage: 30th May-1st June 2020 with Frs de Malleray and Whisenant. Contact Pippa:
40 Days for Life, MANCHESTER: Help save lives this Lent by praying for an end to abortion in our community. Web Tel 07810 791032.
Mass Intentions:
(Other intentions were applied over the past 2 weeks at private Masses. Please ask Fr Whisenant for details.)
Sun 1 | 1st Sunday of Lent | 11:00am 6:00pm | Thanksgiving to the Bl. Virgin Mary Dr Gordon Brydon RIP |
Mon 2 | Feria • Stations for Priests 1pm | 12:10pm | Michelle & Lee Austin |
Tue 3 | Feria | 12:10pm | Ursula Emsden RIP |
Wed 4 | Ember Day • Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm Men’s group: Mass, Talk, Q’s & A’s, Compline | 12:10pm 7:00pm | Francis McGurk RIP David Hall RIP |
Thu 5 | Feria | 12:10pm | Theresa Crookall |
Fri 6 | Ember Day • Stations for Priests 1pm • First Friday Evening Mass & Adoration | 12:10pm 7:00pm | Peter J Wallace RIP Bridget Hannah |
Sat 7 | Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament St Thomas Aquinas (II Class Feast for FSSP) | 10:00am 12:10pm | The renewal of purity in our culture Confraternity |
Sun 8 | 2nd Sunday of Lent | 11:00am 6:00pm | Martin Turner & Georgina Burrow Doreen McAleer |
Mon 9 | Feria • Stations for Priests 1pm | 12:10pm | Brenda Hancox |
Tue 10 | Feria | 12:10pm | Daniel Jones |
Wed 11 | Feria • Mothers’ Prayer Group 1pm • Men’s group: Mass, Talk, Q’s & A’s, Compline | 12:10pm 7:00pm | Phenenna Thompson Margaret & Arthur Felton |
Thu 12 | Feria | 12:10pm | Josephine Taylor |
Fri 13 | Feria • Stations for Priests 1pm | 12:10pm | Nicola Barrat |
Sat 14 | Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Feria | 10:00am 12:10pm | The success of 40 Days for Life Bernadette, Patrick & Family |
Sun 15 | 3rd Sunday of Lent | 11:00am 6:00pm | Brenda Smith RIP Marjorie Fox RIP |
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