Sunday Bulletin 24 October 2021
St Mary’s Shrine Church Bulletin
24 Oct-7 Nov 2021 (fortnightly)
Smith Street, Warrington, Cheshire, WA1 2NS, England
Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter by appointment from the RC Archdiocese of Liverpool.
01925 635664
Rector: Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP
Assistant: Fr Ian Verrier, FSSP (also Choir & Organ)
Assistant: Fr Alex Stewart, FSSP (any Mass bookings)
Visiting Priest: Fr Andrew Jolly
Shrine Secretary: Mrs Jane
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Daily Holy Mass readings:
Opening Times:
Sundays: 8:30am to 7:00pm
3 Sunday Holy Masses 9:00am, 11:00am & 6:00pm;
Sung Vespers & Benediction 5:00pm; Confessions 8:30am-8:55am, 10:30am-11:00am & 5:30pm-6:00pm
Weekdays: 9:00am-7:00pm (Confessions 11:40am-12:05pm; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Saturdays: 9:00am-7pm (Eucharistic Adoration 10:00am-12noon, with ongoing Confessions; Holy Mass 12:10pm)
Holy Rosary Mon-Fri 11:30am; Sat 11am; Sun 4:30pm
Stations of the Cross Mon & Fri, 1:00pm
Mothers’ Prayer Group: Wed 1:00pm
Priory Court Car Park reserved for Academy every Mondays and Thursdays; available ALL other days. Church car park available 7/7: please now use ALL empty spaces, including outside Presbytery & Garage.
Free 2hrs parking at ASDA across the street.
Organ practice Thu, Fri 2pm-4pm
Bookshop Unit 3 Open Sun 12:25pm-1:00pm.
Daily Holy Mass online with homily: on > Warrington: Sun 11:00am; Mon-Sat 12:10pm, and the same on demand 24hrs after 3pm upload for weekday Masses, and over 7days for latest Sunday Mass.
To receive Holy Communion: one must be a Catholic, in state of grace, one-hour fasting at least. In the EF liturgy, Holy Communion is received kneeling (unless unable to) and always on the tongue. Thank you in advance.
All must dress modestly in church out of reverence for God and of respect for fellow-worshippers. Chest and limbs must be covered down to elbows and knees at least. No sportswear. Sunday best should be worn by all on Sundays and feasts: suit and tie for men and boys, dresses for ladies. Men keep their heads uncovered within church; women are encouraged to wear a scarf, hat or mantilla. Thank you. Switch OFF your mobile phone before you enter our church.
Safeguarding: If you have concerns about children or vulnerable adults, please contact the Archdiocesan Safeguarding Department: or 0151 522 1013, or speak with Clare Fraser, St Mary’s Safeguarding Officer. Thank you for your awareness.
GOOD & BAD News:
Thankfully the sustained increase of our congregation by 100 souls was confirmed. Since Easter 2021 we counted a stable average of 250 visitors per Sunday against 150 until then. This higher number remained stable over the past 5 Sundays according to the archdiocesan annual Mass count: 249.2 visitors exactly on average (all three Sunday Masses included) from 19 Sept to 17 Oct.
The BAD news is that our Offertory collection did not increase in proportion, but paradoxically dropped in proportion. The average over 5 weeks has been £730/week. It is 40 % down on average collection over past years and months, and less than half what is needed to meet the running costs of St Mary’s Shrine. This is without mentioning the significant increase in cost since our purchase of Priory Court. We thank our parishioners who shifted to online standing orders as it makes it much easier for us to process. But sadly the online weekly income is very far from compensating the spectacular drop in weekly collection.
As you will understand, this situation is a most serious concern to us. Our newcomers may like to know that St Mary’s Church, Presbytery and Priory Court are legally owned by our Fraternity, not by the Liverpool Archdiocese, so that absolutely every expense has to be financed by you our congregation whether in the pews or online (we thank donors). The Liverpool Archdiocese does not contribute to the financial support of the Shrine. Neither does FSSP Warrington own a capital generating an added income. Put simply, unless we receive much more money than currently, we will be in real financial trouble. We invite you to speak with us or email if you would like more information on our needs and how you can help us. Thank you for your generosity.
Support St Mary’s Shrine: send your donation via our Donate page: Ask us for a Gift Aid form to increase your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you. Gift Aid envelopes can be obtained from our Secretariat. Standing orders are easier and quicker for us to process than cash:
- Lloyds Bank ;
- Sort Code: 30-80-27 ;
- Account number: 30993368 ;
- Account name: FSSP Warrington
On All Souls’ Day (Nov. 2nd ) a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Poor Souls in Purgatory, is granted to those who visit a Catholic church and there recite one Our Father and one Creed. On all the days from November 1st through November 8th inclusive, a plenary indulgence, applicable only to the Poor Souls in Purgatory, is granted to those who visit a cemetery and pray even if only mentally for the departed. There must be one visit for each day one seeks to gain the indulgence; one visit will not apply for several days. Any public cemetery with Christian tombs will do. The nearest one is 5 minutes walk from St Mary’s: St Elphin’s, Church Street, WA1 2TL.
Conditions for both indulgences: 1. Only one plenary indulgence can be granted per day. 2. It is necessary to be in the state of grace, at least by completion of the work. 3. Freedom from attachment to sin, even venial sin, is necessary; otherwise the indulgence is only partial. (By this is meant attachment to a particular sin, not sin in general.) 4. Holy Communion must be received each time the indulgence is sought. 5. Prayers must be recited for the traditional intentions of the Holy Father on each day the indulgence is sought. No particular prayers are prescribed. One Our Father and one Hail Mary suffice, or other suitable prayers. 6. One must be absolved in confession the fortnight before or following.
ALL SAINTS PARTY: Sunday 31st October after 11am Holy Mass, during an extended tea and coffee social in Priory Court. Bring a small contribution of food or drink for a shared table if you wish. All ages welcome, young and old! Come dressed as a saint, or with a symbol for us to identify who you are representing.
FSSP England gathering 18-20 Oct: the five FSSP priests in England met for prayer together, excursion and conversations. Thank you to the Marta’s Team who prepared the meals for the priests on that fraternal occasion.

Confraternity pins arrived from the USA: £4.00 (we lose a bit of money on this item but we wish to make the item affordable to CSP members).
Listen to the 6 Holy Matrimony conferences given by Fr de Malleray at Stonyhurst last summer here:
Pray outside Liverpool abortuary, like our young adults and other parishioners: ask Gabrielle for details on 07895128073 &
Wednesday 27th October is the 54th anniversary of the Abortion Act being passed in England and Wales. Since then 9,789,238 babies have lost their lives to abortion. Millions of women and men have also had to deal with the suffering which so often follows an abortion. Please join us in praying and fasting for the end of abortion in this country on Wednesday 27th October. For Post Abortion help and to support Pro-Life counselling see; Please invite your friends and Family to join us via this Facebook event;
Thank you for the volunteering forms already returned. Can you give 1 hour of your time to St Mary’s Shrine? With about 100 penitents and 500 visitors per week (250 on Sunday and about the same during the week), St Mary’s Shrine is becoming busy. Please take and fill separate form. Thank you.
Continuous Rosary Project for the FSSP’s ministry and its members: Go to and register, and sign up for a slot by clicking (please note: times are Central European – calculate accordingly).
Pray for our Second Year seminarian David, from Warrington tonsured and the cassock on 23rd October, together with 32 fellow seminarians (16 in Bavaria and 17 in Nebraska). Please also pray for our 49 First Year seminarians who started formation last month, including Federico from Wales.
Best All Hallows’ Eve ever: Sunday 31st October: Following 7pm-8pm candlelight Vigil at Liverpool abortion centre, social gathering at St Mary’s Shrine’s Parish Room 9pm-10pm. Followed by ALL NIGHT adoration in church 10:00pm-7:00am ending with 7:00am Mass of All Saints.
Vocation Day in London Sat. 13th Nov 2021, St Mary Magdalen Church, 96 North Side Wandsworth Common, London SW18 2QUFSSP: organised by Juventutem. Preacher Fr de Malleray. For men and women 18-35.
Vocation Weekend in Warrington 26-28 Nov 2021: for single Catholic men 18-29. Facebook event: Info & Contact:
Marian & Pro-life Gaudete Sunday on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 12th December 2021.
Juventutem Young Adults Group: Warrington Sat 23rd Oct – London Fri 15th Oct.
Now 414 subscribers to St Mary’s YouTube channel: Homilies for Sundays and major feasts are uploaded regularly. Visit Thank you to our LiveMass/YouTube operators.
Prayer list: Greta Doyle, Dorothea Wallace, Deryck Sankey, Michael Meadows, Jean Scott, M. Hawley, Theresa Reynard, Hilda Creagan.
Other Mass intentions are applied at Private
Masses. Kindly ask Fr Stewart for details.
Sun 24 | XXII Sunday after Pentecost Public recitation of the Prayer of the Confraternity of St. Peter (CSP) for priestly vocations and ministry. Right after the 9am, 11am and 6pm Holy Masses, CSP members recite kneeling at the Communion Rail; non members recite from their pews. 5pm Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament | II | 9:00am | Cummins family |
11:00am | All St. Mary’s Faithful | |||
6:00pm | Stan Jones | |||
Mon 25 | St John of Berverley, Bishop, Confessor | III | 12:10pm | Edwards Gibbons |
Tue 26 | Feria Votive Mass of the Holy Angels | IV | 12:10pm | Anthony Hall |
Wed 27 | Feria Votive Mass of Sts Peter and Paul | IV | 12:10pm | Jackie Walker All St. Mary’s Penitents |
Votive Mass of St Joseph | 7:00pm | |||
Thu 28 | Ss Simon and Jude, Apostles | II | 12:10pm | Pat Barry |
Fri 29 | Feria Votive Mass of the Holy Cross | IV | 12:10pm | Adrian & Lucy Porter |
Sat 30 | Saturday of Our Lady | IV | 12:10pm | Mhaol Mhuire Coughlan RIP |
Adoration & Confessions 10.00-12.00 | ||||
Sun 31 | (British Summer time ends) Our Lord Christ the King (XXIII Sunday after Pentecost) 5pm Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament | I | 9:00am 11:00am 7:00pm | Nicole Leatter RIP All St. Mary’s Faithful Maire Bernard Dean |
Mon 1 | Feast of All Saints | I | 7:00am 12:10pm 6:00pm | St Mary’s Clergy |
Tue 2 | All Souls (Baronius p. 1569) | I | 8:00am 8:25am 8:50am 10:00am 10:25am 12:10pm Solemn Requiem | Celebrant’s intention Celebrant’s intention Celebrant’s intention Celebrant’s intention Celebrant’s intention All St Mary’s departed souls |
Wed 3 | Feria Votive Mass of Holy Apostles | IV | 12:10pm | Canon Cristofoli |
Votive Mass for Forgiveness of Sins | 7:00pm | All St. Mary’s Penitents | ||
Thu 4 | St Charles Borromeo, Bishop Confessor | III | 12:10pm | Special intention |
Fri 5 | Feast of the Holy Relics (First Friday) | III | 12:10pm | Gregory Hall |
7:45pm First Friday Holy Hour | 7:00pm | Holden Family | ||
Sat 6 | Saturday of Our Lady, First Saturday | IV | 12:10pm | St Mary’s Pro Life Intentions |
Adoration & Confessions 10.00-12.00 | ||||
Sun 7 | XXIV Sunday after Pentecost 5pm Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament | II | 9:00am 11:00am 7:00pm | Dr Gordon Bryden All St. Mary’s Faithful Gerard O’Neill |
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